Along the way, the words that were said in the underground parking lot just now appeared in Lin Zihan's mind, and all kinds of words echoed in her mind.

Thinking of what Lin Zihan said, Xiao Zhang felt very uncomfortable.

I really didn't expect that in the 21st century, there would be such a vicious woman.

It would be fine if her goal today is someone else, but her goal is her own sister, not to mention her own sister, who still has a baby who is a few months old in her belly.

How did she bear it, how did she do it.

She couldn't believe what she heard in the underground car park, and now her hands were shaking as she drove.

When driving to Lu Feiyu's residence, she hurried up the stairs and rang his doorbell.

In fact, Lu Feiyu had just returned home, and when he was about to go to the kitchen to make something for himself, he heard the doorbell ring.

When I opened the door, Xiao Zhang was standing outside, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you here? Didn't you also see Lin Zihan when you were in the hospital?"

Xiao Zhang raised his head and didn't speak.

Lu Feiyu frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "This is temporary, but something big will happen soon."

Lu Feiyu frowned and said, "You come in first."

Xiao Zhang turned sideways to let him in, and then he closed the door and went in.

Xiao Zhang was still uneasy, and forgot to change his shoes after entering the apartment, so he went straight to the sofa and sat down.

Seeing her like this, Lu Feiyu didn't say much, turned around, poured her a cup of hot water, put it in front of her and said, "Drink some water first."

Xiao Zhang stretched out his hand to hold the cup of hot water, trying to calm down his emotions.

Taking the cup in her hand, she took a big gulp of hot water, and her face was not as ugly as when she first came.

Seeing that his emotions had calmed down, Lu Feiyu asked, "Tell me, what happened?"

"When I was on duty in the nursing station just now, I suddenly heard Lin Zihan and Lin Zhiguo arguing in the ward. I was about to listen carefully to the content of their quarrel, but I saw Lin Zihan running out of the ward, and then Mrs. Lin chased him out. , I went to ask Mrs. Lin what happened, found an excuse, and told her to go back to the ward to wait, and I followed Lin Zihan to the underground parking lot."

Lu Feiyu nodded and said, "You did a good job!"

"At this moment, I heard Lin Zihan hiding in a corner calling Qian Wu."

As he said that, Xiao Zhang took out his mobile phone from his pocket, unlocked it, and found the recording just now, "I recorded the recording, you can listen to it yourself."

Lu Feiyu reached out to pick up her cell phone, and then played the recording again.

Because there were very few people in the underground garage, this recording was recorded clearly. Although it was only Lin Zihan's voice, their intentions could still be heard.

He listened to the recording twice before he believed his ears.

I knew that Lin Zihan would not end well, but I never thought that she would do things so well that she wanted Lin Nian's life, let alone she is still pregnant with a child.

Lu Feiyu always had a gentle face, but now he was rarely filled with resentment, and the temperature around him was also very low.

"So I don't dare to neglect for a moment, come to you quickly, then what shall we do?"

Xiao Zhang asked.

Lu Feiyu stood up from the sofa and said, "We must find a place to live quickly, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Zhang nodded in agreement. In fact, she thought so too. Now that Lin Zihan had thought of killing and wanted to force Lin Nian to go to the hospital, they could only make her unable to find Lin Nian.

If Lin Zihan couldn't find Lin Nian, then her plan would never come true.

Be sure to protect Lin Nian.

"I have to call Lin Nian immediately, no, I have to drive to the hotel to find her now.

She must never be left here alone, it's too dangerous. "

The more Lu Feiyu thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he hurried to find his cell phone and car keys.

Seeing that he was in a hurry and disorderly, Xiao Zhang couldn't help stretching out his hand to pull him and said, "Mr. Lu, you should call Miss Lin first! First of all, you should tell her not to open the door to others casually. Don't meet anyone casually."


Lu Feiyu nodded in agreement, calmed himself down slowly, and then picked up his mobile phone to call Lin Nian.

Lin Nian took it quickly. Hearing Lin Nian's voice, Lu Feiyu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the panic accumulated in my heart dissipated a little, but when I heard the noisy background sound from his side, I felt something was wrong again, and frowned and asked, "Lin Nian, where are you?"


Lin Nian smiled and said, "I'm shopping at the night market."

"Go back to the hotel quickly."

Lu Feiyu said in surprise and fear: "Hurry up!"

Lin Nian found a relatively quiet place. Hearing his anxious voice on the other end of the phone, he couldn't help asking a little strangely: "What's wrong with you? Go to the night market for a stroll, what's the problem?"

"No! Lin Nian, you must not be outside alone now, follow my advice and go back to the hotel as soon as possible."

Lu Feiyu frowned, and said again: "Otherwise, I will drive to pick you up now."

Lin Nian has already sensed that there is a problem. He is usually very cautious no matter what he does or speaks, and he will never be so flustered, speaking and doing things rashly. What made him become like this is definitely because of something, not a trivial matter.

"Do you believe me?"

then he asked.

"Of course, if I don't believe you, who else can I trust?"

"Then you listen to me, go back to the hotel, I will come to the hotel to find you now."

Lu Fei said.

Lin Nian was helpless, knowing that he couldn't speak clearly on the phone now, and he must have to go to the hotel to talk about it.

She had no choice but to agree, anyway, the night market was almost finished, so she came out of the night market, hailed a taxi by the side of the road, and rushed to the hotel.

When Lin Nian returned to the hotel, he found that Lu Feiyu was already standing in front of the room waiting for her.

She was a little surprised that Lu Feiyu's apartment was no closer to the hotel than the night market, but looking at him like this, it seemed that he had been waiting here for her for a while.

Lin Nian walked over and smiled, and said, "Why are you so fast?"

When Lu Feiyu looked up and saw Lin Nian not far away, he felt relieved.

The big rock that had been pressing down on his heart just now was finally gone, which made him feel a little relieved.

"Don't run around anymore."

He was a little nervous.

"I was locked up for such a long time that I almost suffocated my illness."

With that said, Lin Nian took out his room card to open the door, "You still won't let me out?"

"I fear for your safety."

She came in, and he walked to the door, "You don't know that you are pregnant now."

"It is precisely because I am pregnant that I have to walk more, and I can't just stay here because I am bored."

Lin Nian interrupted him, put down his bag, and went to the living room to turn on the light.

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