Long before her request, Lu Feiyu had already arranged everything in the United States. Even if she flies now, she doesn't have to worry about having no place to live.

And because she is pregnant now, he didn't arrange other activities for her, just let her have a baby with peace of mind.

Actually, that's what she meant.

The nightmare of losing her child last time has always surrounded her, making her never dare to slack off in this life.

She had no other experience except to spare herself the slightest bit of risky activity.

The purpose of going to the United States this time is also to a large extent to give birth.

This time, she must let her child be born every year.

At the airport, Lu Feiyu didn't say much, and walked to the boarding gate with her luggage.

Lin Hou followed him and sighed: "Actually, you really don't need to accompany me, I can handle it myself.

Lu Feiyu had already abandoned the uneasiness he felt last night and accepted the fact that he was pregnant.

At this time, he regained his previous meekness, and smiled softly at her: "Send the Buddha to the west, I will help to the end."

Lin Nian knew that it would be useless to refuse, so he stopped talking and boarded the plane with him.

It wasn't until the two of them found their seats and sat down that Lin Nian completely let go of his worries.

No matter how capable Yan Tingchen is now, it's impossible for him to get on the plane to find her.

Finally she was able to leave this horrible place and people.

Until now, she finally seemed to see her own light.

Finally, I feel that my future is full of hope.

As soon as she relaxed, she began to feel tired. Since yesterday, she has been running around, almost exhausted physically and mentally.

Because Yan Tingchen called last night, she also didn't sleep well all night.

In his light sleep, he was always worried that he would suddenly run over and pull her back.

This night, she who was frightened naturally did not rest, and now she was finally relieved.

She asked the stewardess for a blanket, then said sorry to Lu Feiyu, lay down on the seat, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

Lu Feiyu sat beside her, quietly watching her peaceful sleeping face, with mixed feelings in his heart.

In fact, it should be said that regardless of whether the child in her womb is fake, when he learned that she was pregnant yesterday, his heart almost collapsed.

But now it's been a whole night, and when he thinks about it, he feels that it's nothing, as long as she is still her.

In fact, what he wanted in the end was just her.

If she could be with him, what did the rest matter?
Now that she is finally getting closer to him, he is still very happy in his heart.

Thinking of this, he smiled and tidied up the blanket on her body.

Then he reached out and stroked her soft long hair gently.

Almost everyone in the imperial city knew that Yan Tingchen was looking for someone everywhere, but he was only looking for the second lady of the Lin family, his fiancée Lin Nian.

For a while, almost everyone was discussing why the Second Miss Lin suddenly disappeared, making Yan Tingchen so hard to find her.

After Mother Lin found out about this, she came to the hospital and saw Yan Tingchen and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yan, I heard that you are looking for Niannian. What happened to Niannian? What's going on?"

After hearing their questions, Yan Tingchen's expression was not good.

"She took a chance to leave the villa yesterday, and now she doesn't know where she went."

he said coldly.

"Oh?" Lin Zihan opened her mouth in shock when she heard these words, "How is that possible? Why did you leave suddenly?"

Yan Tingchen didn't speak, and Lin's mother defended her little daughter: "There must be some misunderstanding? Year after year has always been a simple child, why did you leave?"

Yan Tingchen snorted coldly.

"If she leaves without saying a word like that, there will be any misunderstandings. Doesn't the whole world worry about her? She really likes to be so willful?"

Lin Zihan frowned, and sneered at Mother Lin.

"Stop it!" Mother Lin interrupted her angrily.

Today, she finds herself increasingly unable to understand her eldest daughter.

Lin Nian left suddenly without saying anything. Instead of worrying about her concubine's safety, she first thought about how to blame her.

But now Yan Tingchen is obviously angry, saying such things now is simply adding fuel to the fire.

Lin Zihan curled her lips and said, "What did I say wrong? She has been like this since she was a child, she never cared about other people's feelings. I thought that now that she is with Ting Chen, she can change her temper, but she is still so cold-blooded!"

"Quiet!" Father Lin couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted, "If you don't talk, no one will scold you!"


After seeing Yan Tingchen's expression, Lin Zihan seemed to want to continue talking, but she closed her mouth just enough.

In the final analysis, Yan Tingchen's attitude towards Lin Nian does not need her to add fuel to it. Even if Lin Nian comes back, he will not eat her good fruit again.

Now she only needs to pretend to be sick quietly, and wait for the time to come... Thinking of this, she silently did not say a word, and never said a word again.

But Lin's father had his youngest daughter, so he also sent people to start looking for his little daughter's whereabouts, but just like Yan Tingchen, they found nothing.

At that time, Yan Tingchen never thought that he couldn't find her after searching all over the world, not because she was no longer at home.

And he never thought that Lin Nian would leave so neatly in one day.

Perhaps from the beginning to the end, Yan Tingchen never knew Lin Nian.


13 hours later.

Lin Nian and Lu Feiyu dragged their big suitcases out of Los Angeles Airport, boarded the waiting car, and rushed to the residence that Lu Feiyu had already rented.

After flying for such a long time, Lin Nian was not used to it, so he curled up tiredly on the seat and closed his eyes.

Lu Feiyu knew that she was easily exhausted due to pregnancy, and there was no sound to disturb her, so let her rest there.

In any case, there will be a long time to come, and the relationship between the two of them is not a short-term rush.

From then on, Lin Nian really lived a relaxed life of raising children.

Before coming back, Lu Feiyu stayed with her all the time, and he didn't come back until she got familiar with the surrounding environment. At the same time, he also arranged a nanny for her to take care of her tirelessly.

She has nothing to worry about.

She eats and sleeps every day, and when she is really bored, the nanny will accompany her out for a walk to see the local customs.

In fact, she is also alone, after all, she doesn't know anyone.

But now this kind of life, she is very satisfied.

Sometimes when her hands are itchy, she can't help but take out the computer, and playing a few games is very enjoyable.

It's just the "wind" account that eats chicken, she never logged in again.

Lest Yan Tingchen find a clue.

Although Lu Feiyu said he was at home, whenever he was free, he would call her and chat with her about his recent living conditions, including the situation at home.

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