Obviously, this is a sense of guilt.

"Okay, hurry up and go."

Aunt Zhou said, "I just hope...you can take care of this little belly.

"Don't worry, Aunt Zhou, when he grows up, I will definitely bring him to see you and let him call you grandma."

Lin Nian raised his hand and wiped away his tears: "Aunt Zhou, there is one more thing, can you...don't tell him I'm pregnant?"

"...Okay." Aunt Zhou didn't ask her why, she also guessed the general idea, but urged her with a sigh, "Go quickly."

Lin Nian nodded, remembering that he hadn't seen it, and said loudly, "Aunt Zhou, goodbye!"

Aunt Zhou didn't speak, Lin Nian took a deep breath, turned and left.

For this plan, she has already prepared, and she can't suffer because of such a little thing.

All the pain is because she didn't strengthen herself.

What she can do now, what she has to do, is to leave here, and then become strong, strong enough to protect herself and the child in her belly, and then come back.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and trotted towards the west gate of the hospital.

Passing by a trash can on the way, without thinking about it, she took out the cell phone Yan Tingchen gave her from her bag, and threw it in dryly.

When she arrived at the west gate of the hospital, she saw the black Porsche that Lu Feiyu had mentioned waiting for her.

Without hesitation, she opened the car door and sat in.

Seeing her get into the car, the driver started the engine without saying a word, and drove out of the hospital quickly.

Along the way, Lin Nian's heart was almost in his throat, and he kept looking back to see if anyone or a car was following.

Fortunately, the plan went surprisingly smoothly this time, it may also be because Yan Tingchen was busy with his own affairs and didn't have time to talk to her.

What's more, he never expected such an accident. Aunt Zhou asked Aunt Zhou to take her out of the villa, and Aunt Zhou asked all the bodyguards not to report to him.

Generally speaking, this time I really thank Aunt Zhou.

After driving a Porsche for a while, Lin Nian was not yet familiar with the road conditions, but he also found that the Porsche was turning.

Lin Nian pinched his bag anxiously: "Master, where are we going?"

Although the driver does not know exactly where he picked up the car, it is not easy to know the reason for picking up the car.

Since Boss Lu told him not to say a word or to ask too many questions, he stopped at the entrance of the hospital, waited, did not turn off the engine, and drove away immediately after a woman got in the car.

He was even given a sum of money at the place where parking was not allowed at the entrance of the hospital, and asked him to use the money to manage.

Very thoughtful.

Even the question asked by the woman he picked up.

So he replied: "Mr. Lu said, let me go around a few more times, just in case."

Only then did Lin Nian feel relieved, and turned his head to look at the car again, confirming that no one was following him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

But as long as she hasn't reached her destination for a moment, she dare not relax for a moment.

"Where are we going?" Lin Nian asked.

"You'll find out later." The driver seemed to hate chatting.

Lin Nian didn't want to talk to him either, his heart was pounding.

The car stopped for a while, and came to a small hidden parking lot.

Lin Nian looked around, but there was no residence or any other buildings. While he was wondering, the driver turned his head and handed over a bag on the passenger seat.

It was a coat and hat.

After she got dressed, she went to the next car.

That driver is going to take you to see Mr. Lu.

Lin Nian turned his head and looked at the car next to him. It was a very ordinary white car, and it even looked old.

He opened the bag and found that there was indeed a thin trench coat and a hat with a large brim inside.

Lin Nian lamented that Lu Feiyu was thoughtful, and quickly changed into his clothes and hat.

Then he thanked him, opened the door, and got into another white car.

The white car also started immediately, and kicked the accelerator to drive out.

Lin Nian was taken aback. He raised his head to look at the driver after he sat firmly.

Lin Nian froze for a moment, then stammered and asked, "You two...what's the matter with you?"

Lu Feiyu looked at her from the rearview mirror with a smile in his eyes: "I don't have the confidence to pick you up in person.

But the driver just said..."

"I understand. I wanted to call someone to pick you up, but I'm still not at ease."

When the turn light came on, he said, "Sit tight, I can go faster this time."

Lin Nian nodded in bewilderment. He smiled, shifted the gear, and stepped on the gas pedal hard.

Finally, the car stopped in front of the house that Lin Nian and Lu Feiyu had seen together.

Lin Nian was in a daze as soon as he got out of the car. He went all the way to the house and sat down. He still couldn't believe that he really escaped.

From now on, she really got rid of Yan Tingchen's control and regained her freedom.

Things were going so well that it made her feel unreal.

Lu Feiyu poured her a glass of water and said with a smile, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's a little unbelievable."

Lin Nian also smiled shyly.

"May I pinch you?"

He's not kidding.

Lin Nian really waved his arm and said, "Chilai."

Lu Feiyu was helpless: "Don't worry, of course it's true."

Lin Nian sat there for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

It always feels like your head is full of thoughts, and once again you feel that everything will pass.

When she turned around, she had been sitting there for an hour, and Lu Feiyu was still sitting there watching her, neither speaking nor disturbing her.

Lin Nian was embarrassed, and said: "Recently, if I don't pay attention, I will be in a daze and grow long."


Lu Feiyu shook his head, "I understand."

"Okay, I have something to talk to you about."

Lin Nian lowered his head, took out a piece of paper from his bag, opened it, and handed it to Lu Feiyu.

Lu Feiyu frowned, then stopped his movements again, and didn't recover until a while.

"What's the meaning?"

Due to the low voice, it was a little unclear.

"The doctor said, very healthy."

Lin Nian sighed, took back the paper, and looked down at it himself.

Check out this little black-and-white photo of a hand outstretched, a gentle tender touch, a smile and saying, "This is my first photo of my baby."

Lu Feiyu clenched his fingers tightly.

"I didn't expect him to come so soon...but," her brows and eyes softened with unusual calm, "I'm very happy, I'm very happy that he can come, I'm so happy."

She said, almost crying again.

She has been thrilled since the doctor told her today that she is pregnant.

Once again, in a tense mood, I don't have time to experience my own happiness.

Only then did she calm down, looking at the paper, the corners of her mouth curled up, the joy almost killed her.

For the lost child, she had been troubled day and night, and sometimes she couldn't sleep all night.

Even when I sleep, I dream that the poor child is covered in blood, crying so desperately, so far away.

For a while, she felt that she could no longer have children.

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