President, madam, she can't read it anymore

Chapter 145 Staged Double Reed

Seeing his exhausted look, Liu Wenwen next to him couldn't help reaching out to touch her forehead, but luckily she didn't have a fever.

Lin Nian touched her hand, opened his eyes and looked at her, smiling.

But Liu Wen was not at ease, and looked at her worriedly: "Niannian, why do I feel that you are so haggard recently, did you not have a good rest at night? Are you too tired?"

Really, Lin Nian has been feeling very tired recently.

Although I haven't done anything and everything is the same as before, recently I always feel weak all over the body and can't cheer up. It's the same when I eat, and I don't have much appetite for any food.

Lin Nian shook his head, smiled at her comfortingly and said, "It's probably because I've been too nervous recently, don't worry."

"Okay, class is about to start, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Liu Wen asked.

"Okay, let's go!"

Lin Nian stood up from his seat, took her hand and walked to the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them walked into the toilet door, Lin Nian smelled the special perfume on the toilet one day, and suddenly felt his stomach churning, followed by a sense of vomiting.

She hastily let go of Liu Wen's arm, rushed to the sink, then lay down on the sink, and spat hard.

Lin Nian's move scared Liu Wenwen, he looked at her worriedly, his eyes were red with anxiety.

"Lin Nian, what's wrong with you? Is there anything you can't eat? I will go to the infirmary with you."

Liu Wenwen reached out and patted her on the back.

"No, you don't have to worry about me. Maybe, I'm not used to it. There is fragrance in this toilet. I have been a little sensitive to this fragrance since I was a child."

Lin Nian waved at her to reassure her.

"Is it really okay?"

She was very worried.

"Really not." Lin Nian said with a smile.

In the end, she repeatedly said that she was fine, and Liu Wen calmed down.

It's just that she doesn't feel at ease.

Taking this opportunity, she took advantage of Liu Wenwen's time to go to the toilet, raised her head, and faced the mirror with a solemn face and pale lips.

She had a terrible feeling at the moment.

During the lunch break at noon, Lin Nian called Lu Feiyu: "I asked you to help me find a house last time, how is it?"

"I was going to tell you that I have seen two places, both of which are good, why don't I accompany you to have a look?" Lu Feiyu said with a smile.

"Okay, so, can you pick me up this afternoon?"

Lin Nian asked.

"So urgent?"

Lu Feiyu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"I... have been feeling panic lately, wondering if our school's vacation can be invited."

Lin Nian sighed.

"Don't worry, I will help you."

Lu Feiyu smiled and said, "I may not be free this afternoon, and I have to be busy with other things. How about tomorrow?"

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Lin Nian wanted to thank him again, but he stopped him: "You're welcome, I'm going to a meeting now, see you tomorrow?"

Is there a meeting, and you are coming soon? "

"Okay, see you tomorrow then."

Lin Nian hung up the phone, feeling a little calmer again.

Except for the recent cold war with Yan Tingchen, she has already started planning to leave him in her spare time.

She asked Lu Feiyu to find her a secluded house in the old city, and then she recently dropped out of school again.

She planned to ask for leave directly to go to the college entrance examination. During the period before the college entrance examination, she directly avoided Yan Tingchen, and then went abroad for the college entrance examination.

It's just that the relationship between the principal and Yan Tingchen is not good. If she asks for leave rashly now, without Yan Tingchen's certificate, it may be difficult to get this leave.

And even if she asked for leave, the principal would notify Yan Tingchen.

Therefore, she has been racking her brains on this matter recently.

Then, after she finished asking for leave, she asked him to terminate the contract, and lied to him first that she didn't want to be an anchor, so he shouldn't ask her for liquidated damages, right?When she terminated the contract, she directly left his villa and disappeared into his world.

With Lu Feiyu's help, at least he can't find her soon.

Although she also wanted to propose to break up with him, it was impossible.

Not only did he disagree, he would immediately tie her up at home so that she would never see the light of day again.

As hard as she did it, it was all she could do.

It's just that she is very flustered now. Although these things have been arranged, she just wants to hurry up, hurry up.

The results showed that Lin Nian's intuition was always quite accurate.

That afternoon, Lin Nian was still in class.

For some reason, Lin Zihan, who was far away overseas, drank a glass of red wine in the dead of night while leisurely sorting out an email, and then anonymously sent it to Yan Tingchen's computer.

Lin Zihan sat quietly in front of her computer, looking at the letter of success in the dark night, her bright red lips slowly outlined a bright outline, as dazzling as the stars in the sky.

Yan Tingchen has been busy with the work at hand and has no time to check his mailbox.

When he took a short rest and opened the mailbox to find the documents, it had been two hours since he received the letter.

It's almost time to get off work again.

Just like that, Yan Tingchen sat in his bright and bright office in the afterglow of the setting sun, and opened the anonymous letter.

The title of this letter is very concise: "Who is the real Lin Nian?" Seeing the title, Yan Tingchen frowned suddenly, feeling a bad feeling.

He quickly picked up the mouse and moved down, beginning to understand the details.

This letter tells a story that happened many years ago. Although it has been in disrepair for a long time, it is more like the truth that has finally surfaced.

A long time ago, it was not his own youngest daughter who lived in the orphanage of the Lin family, but the twin daughters of the Lin family who went missing at the same time and then moved into the orphanage again.

Younger sister Lin Zihan and younger sister Lin Jing'an depended on each other for life, but they were the weak and the strong in the orphanage. In order to protect the younger sister, the older sister had to dress up the younger sister as a little boy and renamed her Lin An.

Moreover, the younger sister has a strong personality and quickly adapted to the environment of the orphanage.

Later, her elder sister Lin Jingan was adopted because of her boyish status and her beautiful appearance.

Lin Zihan and her younger sister were the only ones in the orphanage.

Soon, sister Lin Zihan met a boy who was six years older than her in the orphanage. Although he was so many years older than her, he had a weak personality. When he first arrived in the orphanage, he was bullied all day long.

As the eldest sister, Lin Zihan suddenly thought of her younger sister, so she rushed forward to protect him, save him, and called him Xiaotuanzi.

The two of them had a great time in the orphanage.

Not long after, the little boy she dubbed "Little Tuanzi" was brought home by his family.

And since then has been silent, the two did not see each other.

Soon, her elder sister Lin Zihan was also discovered by her parents and brought home.

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