The other party was the suspicious voice of a woman.

Bad cooking? !The materials show that the cooking she learned for Chen Changchun is all fake!Yan Tingchen was almost never nervous.

"At twelve o'clock, bring me your meal, or else, I'll eat you!"
After Yan Tingchen finished speaking, he hung up the phone, regardless of the other party's reply.

Not bad, because no matter what, he wouldn't let her say no.

Lin Nian stared dumbfounded at the phone call that was suddenly called and then hung up. "What's wrong!"

Not everyone enjoys her meals.

And ah!He let himself cook for him now? !

Since then, she has been cooking for herself, and no one will love her craft, but honestly, she is still very interested in cooking.

It's just that Yan Tingchen suddenly asked her to cook, he wasn't afraid... Forget it, for her safety, I still don't do it.

But... well... Then put a plate, it can be considered that she has cooked... maybe.

"Gu dong gu dong."

"Please come in."
Yan Chen didn't lift his head.

Lin Qingqing put the bento box in front of the sofa, and also took out sweet and sour pork ribs, braised prawns, vegetable salad, fruit salad, and sour plum soup.

After setting it up, she stepped aside and sat down.Take out a carrot and start chewing on it.

"Click! Click! Click..."
As everyone said, men who work hard are the most charming. Lin Nian does not deny it, but what does he have to do with himself?
Most people can only admire charming strangers, but if the man you like is charming no matter what he does, he is the only one who is irresistible.

But ever since she died on the operating table, there was nothing but hatred between him and her.

Yan Tingchen was about to go to work when he suddenly heard a crisp creaking sound. When was a rabbit intruded into his office, he looked up at the source of the sound. It wasn't a rabbit, but a rabbit that was cuter than a rabbit.

The girl who was biting happily, her cheeks moved slightly, her expression was cute, her eyes seemed to be covered with fog, and the corners of her mouth were pink and tender.

As long as she's not holding the carrot she hates the most.

I remembered my loved ones...

Looking back, Lin Nian saw her Yan Tingchen with very complicated eyes.

"Uh... eat..."
Lin Nian said like a dog leg.

"Cough, um."
Yan Tingchen rarely said a word, and went to wash his hands with a serious face.

Scaring Lin Nian, she thought she was going to be punished just now, but suddenly calmed down.

I don't understand, the paper clip of a man's heart!President Yan Da in the lobby was very disdainful of his gaffe, Lin Nian probably didn't see it.

However, it seemed a little...cute, she closed her eyes and smiled, then walked out with a serious face.

"you made it yourself?"
Yan Tingchen looked at a table of good-looking dishes, and asked indifferently about the familiar feeling in his heart.

"Well, I only finished part of it." Lin Nian said timidly.

Yan Tingchen was originally in a good mood, but suddenly lost three points, "Which one?"


"I ask which one do you do?"
Yan Tingchen said impatiently.

"Uh... the last one was made by me."
Lin Nian said cautiously, buttocks were still moving away from Yan Tingchen.

No wonder he was so familiar, it turned out that it was not Lin Nian, but the servant of that family!
Most afraid of sudden silence.

Yan Tingchen closed his lips tightly, his face gloomy.

Make a fist, let go and let go, let go and let go.

Looking at Lin Nian who was sitting beside him, his heart skipped a beat, fearing that it would fly towards him uncontrollably for a while.

Said that she was afraid of pain... If she knew that Yan Tingchen wanted to eat her cooking so much, she didn't even care whether Yan Tingchen would be taken to the hospital, so she cooked for herself.

But Yan Tingchen was thinking in his heart, "Babaer ran to cook for other men, and now he is here, so he doesn't like to do it! You are so kind, Lin Nian!"
Go out to eat!
If he stayed here any longer, Yan Tingchen was afraid that he would be angry.

"Then what about these dishes?" Lin Nian asked.

"Throw it away!"

"No, it's such a waste, then I'll go back and fix it for you at night?"
Lin Nian doesn't like to waste food, not to mention that it's a plate he put on painstakingly. He is disrespecting the fruits of her labor.

"Lin Nian, if I can't eat your cooking at night, I will eat you up!"

Yan Tingchen's tall figure covered the petite Lin Nian.

Lin Nian didn't understand why Yan Tingchen was so obsessed with eating the food he cooked?But she still had a flattering face and handed the chopsticks to Yan Tingchen.

Since Yan Tingchen said so, Lin Nian knew that Shunmao was about the same this time.

Peel the shrimp and pick the carrots from the green salad.

Yan Tingchen was displeased, so he ordered Lin Nian to do so.

After lunch, Yan Tingchen asked Lin Nian to clean up the table and take a lunch break in the lounge.

"Where do I sleep?"
There is only one bed in the living room, and Yan Tingchen is already lying on the bed.

"Come here."

Yan Tingchen half-closed his eyes and threw away the pillow in his hand.

Yan Tingchen, who had half-closed his eyes, had lost his usual indifference and domineering, and had become lazy. There was even a tinge of beauty in his originally vicious face.

Lin Nian secretly had black lines on his face, should he treat himself as a pillow?Although a bit reluctant, but still walked over step by step.

"Hurry up!"

It feels uncomfortable to hold yourself as a pillow in your arms.

Lin Nian moved a little, trying to find a more comfortable position.

"Don't mess around!" Yan Tingchen hummed to Lin Nian in a low voice.

Feeling Yan Tingchen's hardness, Lin Nian didn't dare to move anymore.

Adorable in my arms like a pillow.clam down.

As the president of this huge company, Yan Tingchen certainly has a lot of work to do.

Due to her troubles in the past few days, she was also used as a tool to deal with Lin Zihan.

A little fidgety all year round.

But... Things have come to this, isn't it all caused by Yan Tingchen and Lin Zihan?These evil fruits are planted by themselves, and they should be tasted by themselves.

Lin Nian's eyes were full of cruelty and evil.

Lin Nian, who was originally innocent and kind, has become what he is now. He was forced to grow up, forced to be cruel, and learned to be indifferent. It's really tiring...

Surrounded by male hormones, Lin Nian fell asleep little by little.

Yan Tingchen, who had his eyes closed tightly, opened them a little.

Look at how Lin Nian closed his eyes and fell asleep.His face was a little heavy.

Lin Nian himself couldn't even notice the recent changes.

But she has changed, and she has more feelings for him than before, so she condoned this change.

But it now appears that this is not the case.

This little woman turned out not to be a soft bun at the mercy of others, but a kitten with sharp claws.

Then let him look forward to how sharp the kitten's claws are, and it will grind the cat's claws to his taste.

Eyes closed during lunch break.

In the dark, being hugged and sleeping by the next couple, fate is entangled like this.

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