President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 98: Hiding the Other Little Milk Dog

Don't tell him yet, I will tell myself!Shu Ran's guilty voice changed from loud to small

Okay, then you can say more good things about me in front of her
How dare you blackmail me?Shu Ran whispered softly
No, I'm asking you.Zareth's voice is much more polite

Can you please stop arguing!Take him if you like, and leave me alone!Yuxi yelled loudly, changed his posture, turned sideways, put his feet on the seat with his feet bent, and leaned his head to face Zareth
Zareth gave her a sad look, but he still fixed her head with concern, for fear that she would fall down with her head

She is drunk, and what she says is drunk, don't take it seriously.Shu Ran stretched out a hand to protect Yuxi from falling, and also to prevent Ze Lei from being distracted while driving, and said some comforting words by the way.And at this moment, she really wanted to beat up the woman in front of her. She obviously cared a lot, but she even pretended not to care when she was drunk!Are you tired?

When they got downstairs, Shu Ran rushed out to help Yuxi immediately, and she was indeed one step ahead of Zelei.Taking off the seat belt, Zareth had already walked in front of them, seeing Yuxi who was asleep, he didn't want her to wake her up, so he pulled her aside

Let me do it

Shu Ran really had no other choice, except that Lei could carry her up, and she couldn't even lift her up if she was so heavy!She can only pray now, Xiao Yiheng must not be at Yuxi's house, it is best to work overtime!Still working overtime!
Zelei gently picked up Yuxi, and Yuxi leaned on him comfortably, with his arms around his neck.Shu Ran walked in front of them and helped him press the elevator, Zelei hugged her quietly and coolly, when the elevator arrived, Shu Ran helped him press the 12th floor

The higher it goes up, the louder the voice of prayer in Shu Ran's heart!God, please help our family Yuxi!I beg you
With this prayerful heart in mind, Shu Ran knocked on the door of Yuxi's house, and Yi Heng, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, stood up.
The moment the door opened, both men looked at each other as if they were still!Shu Ran howled in her heart with a big head, thinking of a way
Why are you here?Where's Aunt Zhang?Shu Ran wanted to divert attention, and almost exposed the child

At a company dinner, Yuxi is drunk, let's put her down first.Fortunately, she reacted quickly, and continued to talk a series of words without waiting for his answer, thinking to fool both of them first.

How do you drink so much?Let me do it!Yiheng stepped forward embarrassedly and wanted to take Yuxi from Zelei's arms.
No!I will do it myself.Zelei coldly refused, Yiheng was taken aback for a moment, with such a bad temper, could it be Yuxi's suitor?But she looks pretty good. When did such a good person appear beside her?
Yes, it's very troublesome, let's put Yuxi down and come out right away!Shu Ran once again broke the deadlock and led Ze Lei in, Yi Heng followed closely behind, and Aunt Zhang who had put the child to sleep also ran out
What happened to Xiaoxi?
It's okay, Aunt Zhang, she just drank too much, just wake up.Shu Ran replied
oh ok
With several pairs of eyes staring at him, Zareth helped Yuxi cover the quilt.Shu Ran hurriedly pulled him out.
Aunt Zhang, if there is nothing else, we will leave first. You take care of her.

won't you goZelei didn't understand why Shu Ran was in such a hurry to pull him away, passing Yiheng, Zelei stopped and said to him
He will leave in a moment.After saying hello, Shu Ran pulled Zereh out regardless of their puzzled expressions, and she was relieved after getting on the elevator.
Who is he?
Yuxi's neighbor

Just neighbors?

still friends
only friends?

Then what do you think?Shu Ran looked at him impatiently, realizing that he was her boss and she still had something in his hands, she forced a smile.Zareth still thinks it's not that simple

Then why is he at Yuxi's house?Why do you say he will leave in a while?Zareth had an expression on his face that didn't allow her to pass by.

Came here to drop by, um~~
Does he have a good relationship with Yuxi?
The relationship is okay. Shu Ran was asked so much that she no longer knew how to answer his question
As soon as he returned to the hotel, Zalei sent a message to Awen

There are other men beside Yuxi!Although I don't know who he is?However, my intuition tells me to be more careful
Are you handsome?

Very handsome, white and tender.Zelei deliberately looked in the mirror, this face was not good enough for others to be white and tender, so he called Assistant Xu
Go buy me a box of facial masks, and other good skin care products, and buy me all the mess
Assistant Xu, who hadn't finished the dinner, was stunned when he heard the call. What does Mr. Han want skin care products for?gift?skin care products?
All right, Mr. Han.May I ask is it for men or women?


Assistant Xu was even more surprised after hearing this!Mr. Han suddenly cared about his image?

hurry up!Zareth urged
OK, now!After hanging up the phone, Assistant Xu stood up immediately.I have already bought the order, and the male colleagues remember to be responsible for delivering all the female colleagues home safely, understand?

After receiving the answer, Assistant Xu quickly ran out
You have a rival.Zhuowen reminded him again

Half an hour later, Assistant Xu appeared at the door of Zelei, took out the mask and skin care from the bag in his hand, and explained to him one by one
this is facial cleanser

I have, I know this.Zareth grabbed it

This is a hydrating mask. There are three layers inside. The transparent white layer in the middle is for the face. Don't use it wrong!Assistant Xu reminded carefully.After washing your face with facial cleanser, put it on for 20-30 minutes, then take it off, pat it for absorption, rinse it off with clean water, then apply skin care lotion and lotion, massage gently on the face to absorb, and finally apply some cream, that's it.Assistant Xu took these things and clumsily told Zareth what the clerk told him.

Okay, thank you for your hard work, go back and rest.

Wait a minute, do I look old?Zelei was about to close the door, but stopped again, and asked Assistant Xu seriously, but Assistant Xu was frowning and didn't know how to answer.

Do I look much older than Yuxi?Zareth asked again

Assistant Xu finally understood, oh my god!Boss Han, who has had countless encounters with him, can actually say the word "old". What kind of ecstasy soup did Sister Yuxi give him?grin.Mr. Han, don't make fun of me, how dare I call you old with such a handsome face?

Handsome?shameless question
handsome!Assistant Xu answered blankly
What about the colloquial language Xi?

More than enough
Um!Let's go back.After Zelei heard the answer he wanted to hear, he took something and secretly closed the door happily. Assistant Xu was relieved, and he really refreshed his impression of Mr. Han again!I went to the mirror again and took a look, that's right!I still don't know how to cherish such a pretty face, Li Yuxi, you fool, you dare to hide other little milk dogs, I'm so mad!

After muttering angrily, she started skin care.

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