President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 85: Regret and last words happen at the same time

Yuxi pushed Zalei away, stepped forward again and slapped Anya who was retreating while covering her face
This slap was for myself, you made a daughter lose her father. Yuxi's voice was trembling, she gritted her teeth and continued: "The third slap, you deserve it. See clearly how dark your heart is?"remember!If you have such evil intentions in the future, don't do evil things!Walk! !You are not welcome here.Turning her around, Yuxi pushed her hard
Shu Ran came forward at a suitable interval and supported Yuxi. Many people surrounded the field. Yuxi glanced at his grandfather in the distance, bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and walked back to the mourning hall.Awen noticed Lei's hurt and complicated eyes when he was pushed away

Yueyue stepped forward and took Anya away from the meeting place. Awen walked to Lei's side and gave him some strength. Lei said to him in a low voice: "I just want to protect her."

I know.Arwen also expressed his understanding, watching him fall into self-blame

Everything you do now is too late, but you can at least do one thing, that is, don't bother them again.After Xi Yue said this indifferently, she left, leaving Anya who collapsed and fell to the ground, crying.Not only did she lose a lot this time, but she was also charged with a crime that might be with her for the rest of her life.

That day in the cemetery, Zelei stood beside Yuxi and sincerely bowed three times to Father Li, assuring him in his heart: I will treat Yuxi well in this life, and no matter what happens, I will be by her side!Father-in-law, although I have only had contact with you once, please feel free to leave Xiaoxi to me.Sorry to deceive you, but it is absolutely true that I love Xiaoxi!I'm also sorry, I couldn't wait for you to hand Xiaoxi into my hands, but I will definitely make her happy
Yuxi stood in front of her father's tombstone with her head down for a long time, but she was unwilling to leave.Later, it was Grandpa Han who gave her a helpless wink, and Shu Ran and Aunt Li went up and walked her back with her arms
Dad, do you know that you are too selfish?You never thought of going on with me, other hard work, at least there is still hope for me, and you took my hope away, it is you!In the dead of night, Yuxi took out the mobile phone left by his father, gently put on the earphones, sat on the carpet, leaning against the bed, looked at the dimly lit street lights outside, and pressed the play button, which he never dared to hear Recordings may also be called last words
Baby girl, the first sentence makes her nose sore

Do you remember the first time you called daddy, exactly when?daddy told you
The 1th day of 1 year and 6 month.Yuxi answered in a low voice, the voice was synchronized with the voice of Dad Li in the recording

When you were just born, your father was still a stranger to you, and he didn't understand what father's love is?Until watching you grow up from a little bit, this process is a very magical process, and the love for you in my heart is more and more full, and I will work hard to give you a better life. Of course, your mother Work harder than dad!It’s a big regret for me that I can’t balance career and companionship. Every time I come back, I not only find that you have grown up again, but also find that you are very strange to Dad and dare not approach him. Dad is very sad.The time in kindergarten was the liveliest and cutest, and I knew people. In junior high school and high school, Dad didn’t know how to communicate with you.It's dad's fault, dad still spends too little time with you!Now my daughter is a young adult, she knows how to take care of her father and thinks about her father, I am very pleased
But dad doesn't want to be your burden, let alone a hindrance to your happiness, this will be worse than killing your dad!Dad's voice started to cry

Dad's fault has nothing to do with you. Dad will bear all the consequences, so let it all end with dad.In the future, boldly work hard to do what you want to do, your happiness is the best reward for your father, you know? !Daughter, Dad loves you, Dad is sorry for you!If there is a next life, I must never meet my father again

Dad, do you love me more than I love you?Do you know how heart-piercing I am?
Yuxi held her head and pulled down the earphones. The feeling of tightness in her chest made her uncomfortable and irritable.

Li*, I hate you!Yuxi opened the window, roared loudly to the sky, then fell down on the ground and cried loudly
After Zelei heard the noise, he quickly ran into her room. It was pitch black with no lights on. Hearing the sound, Lei found her and gently held her in his arms.

What’s wrong with you?Where is it uncomfortable?

I feel so bad that I'm going to die!Yuxi curled up in his arms in pain, hoping to find some warmth and a sense of security

I won't die, I'm here, I'm here!Don't be afraid.Zareth hugged her tightly, and what she said made his heart ache, and a tear fell from his eye.Yuxi twitched in his arms, and it took a long time to calm down

It was bitterly windy outside, and Zareth closed the window and carried her back to bed.Yuxi looked at him pitifully with red eyes, he lay down next to her, hugged her tightly and comforted her, and Yuxi needed such a hug very much.Tired for so many days, Yuxi sniffled and fell asleep under Zereth's arms, and Zereth was still patting her until she breathed evenly.With the faint light, Zareth looked at her quietly for a while, then kissed her on the forehead, and said: "I love you" and fell asleep, he hadn't slept soundly for a long time

At around 9 o'clock in the morning, Aunt Li dragged Yuxi up to have breakfast, and asked her about her swollen eyes.
Do your eyes hurt?Before waiting for an answer, he ran downstairs and came up again, handed her a hot compress eye mask and ordered:

Lie down and apply for 20 minutes before coming down for breakfast!

good.Yuxi's cute answer
Aunt Li was still worried and helped her put it on herself, and watched her lie back on the bed before going downstairs
And what Yuxi was thinking in his head was that Grandpa Han had said to her earnestly that day, no matter what request he had, just come and raise it with him.
After breakfast that day, Yuxi didn't continue to sleep, but took the contract and went back to grandpa's house with Aunt Li.In the study room, grandpa crumpled the contract angrily, poked the floor with the wooden crutch vigorously and stood up angrily.

You are such a fool!goddamn

Yuxi got up from the chair, knelt down in front of grandpa without saying a word, bowed his head.Grandpa Han was angry and had to pay attention to Yuxi's emotions all the time

That bastard did all this?

No, not all of it was done by him, I am also a participant, please calm down grandpa!Yuxi is afraid, but she still needs to bring it up
There are others without you, right?So this matter has nothing to do with you. Grandpa also takes it lightly. After all, he has experienced a lot of things at his age. Besides, the child next to him has just experienced life and death.

I'm sorry, Grandpa Han!What you said, if you have any request, just mention it to you, does it still count?
Grandpa Han frowned, thinking that something was wrong, guessing half of what she was thinking
Tell me, what do you want to ask?
I want to leave city A

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