He was very nice to me at the beginning, cared about me, and said a lot of sweet words. Later, the enthusiasm disappeared, and I could feel that the number of chats was decreasing. He stopped calling me baby, and he didn’t even bother to say that he missed me and loved me. Let alone do something that surprises me, he can't even do what I think, so what else can I expect?Sitting on the sofa at Yuxi's house, Shu Ran spoke very easily

Of course it's divided!The long-distance relationship ended in a few months, not the end of the long-distance relationship, but us.Shu Ran looked at her and said with a smile
That you.
Being friends again, I don't know if he regretted it, anyway, I didn't.It's not that he did something wrong, as he said, maybe this is a long-distance relationship, right?But long-distance love is not what he talks about.Shu Ran gave her a firm look.

I don't have much relationship with him, so it's not difficult for us to be friends again, he probably thinks the same as me

So you have no regrets?Yuxi caught a trace of regret in her
This is the only fate we have.Shu Ran smiled helplessly, she didn't know the details, it was all in the past anyway

Are you sad about breaking up?

There is, it just depends on the degree of sadness and less emotion does not mean there is no
Yuxi took her hand.How long ago was that?

Did you listen carefully to what I just said?a year ago
why i don't know !Yuxi stared at her and shook off her hand

Few people really know about this paragraph, because it ended too quickly!And our relationship is not stable, I have days of low mood, you just don't notice it.Shu Ran proudly turned her face away, I am right and it is your fault expression
Yuxi also compromised.I really envy you, I'm the type who has absolutely no intention of falling in love

You have no intention of falling in love, but love will take the initiative to find you, I envy you!Isn't fate amazing?

yes!Yuxi couldn't agree more and nodded

How is Han Zelei treating you recently?
I don't know if it is my illusion?Better than ever and I'm pregnant with his baby

Nothing to do with the baby.Shu Ran yelled, she was lying on the sofa with her back to Yuxi, of course she couldn't see the disappointment flashing in Yuxi's eyes

Go and cook for me, the baby is hungry!Yuxi rubbed his belly and pouted, ordering Shu Ran
OK, let's go now!Without a moment's delay, Shu Ran sat up immediately, and Yu Xi looked at her with a smile on her face

let me help you

No, just sit and watch TV obediently, I'll call you when it's done!obedient.Shu Ran confidently stepped into the kitchen, which was the time for the two of them to be alone.

After a few days, without any hope, Anya dialed the number again, but the difference was that it got through this time!

Hello, is this Yuxi's father?nervous voice

Yes, what are you?
Hello!I'm Xiaoxi's friend, my name is Xiaoya

Hello.Dad Li's tone is very kind, maybe that's why she calls herself Yuxi's friend, and Dad Li rarely knows about her daughter's life, let alone her friends, and wonders why Yuxi's friends contact him. What's wrong?

Are you in city B?

是 的
I just happen to go there to lie down these few days, do you have time to have a meal together?Anya lied, she wasn't going there at all
Xiaoya, I'm really sorry, I really can't get away during this time.

That's it, I just wanted to talk to you about Yuxi. I can talk on the phone. Do you have time now?
Of course, what happened to Xiaoxi?
That's right, I also feel, I probably shouldn't tell you, but I don't want to see her getting deeper and deeper.Anya spoke very seriously, and her expression was a little disturbed. I don't know if it was fear or hesitation.

It's okay, you say.Father Lin's expression also became serious.

Anya lowered her head and played with the goblet, silent for a while.

Uncle, Yuxi married a rich man for you, do you know?


Yes, it seems that you don’t know it yet. In fact, she also wants to let you enter this drug rehabilitation center. The environment there is the best, and the facilities and drugs are complete, but its various expenses are very high, as high as one million. You Haven't checked it online?
Father Li's heart skipped a beat, and his mood fell to the bottom.You mean, she has no relationship with that person?

Yes, no, if it wasn't for the 300 million reward, why would she choose to marry so early when she is still so young.The condition of the contract is to give birth to a child, and after the child is born, an agreement will be reached, and then the divorce will be handled!Yuxi is only in her 20s, she is still very young, she shouldn't have to bear this. Anya's tone seemed very sad
Is the person you mentioned named Han Zelei?Father Lin was so shocked that he couldn't speak, and he squeezed the bed sheet tightly.

Anya also paused in surprise.Uncle, do you know him? !
It really was him!Father Li smiled wryly, sighed heavily, and looked around the magnificent surroundings. I was obviously skeptical, why didn't I think about the hospitalization expenses once?Find out where her money comes from?This is obviously my fault, why should my daughter bear it?The hands pinching the sheets are getting tighter
Li Yuxi, why are you lying to me!Why? !Uh, Dad Lin was so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe, put his head in his hands, and made some self-harm behaviors, and the nurse also ran in immediately
uncle!No one answered over there, only Papa Lin's yelling and a lot of messy voices were heard. Anya didn't know what happened there, but just hearing the voice made her feel scared, and she still had a lot to say.She didn't say anything about her comforting words and the measures she had already thought up for him!She hung up nervously and called back again, but no one answered.
Uncle, answer the phone quickly, I can help you solve all these things, I have a solution, answer the phone quickly!But the mobile phone over there was turned off again, and Anya also began to feel inexplicably uneasy

The detoxification center was in chaos. Several people pressed the suddenly crazy father Li together, and the nurse gave him a tranquilizer.After the medical staff brought the patient under control, they immediately called Yuxi

Hello, Miss Li.Your father has an abnormality today, and his mood is very unstable. It may be related to the phone call he just made. The number is 131********. Do you know him there?We sedated him temporarily, but something could happen when he wakes up.Please come here as soon as possible, no matter what the problem is, you must first stabilize your father's mood!Remember, don't irritate him anymore, do you understand what I said?The doctor's tone is very serious
OK, what's the number you just said?Yuxi was also nervous when he received a phone call suddenly.

It was repeated over there again, Yuxi entered it from the dial, and Anya's name appeared
I'll find a way to come right away!

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