President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 6: Get the certificate, the fastest flash marriage

Lei looked at it carefully before putting it away, and continued to eat his steak, while Yuxi drank his drink quietly.The contract has come into effect, and I have been in a daze since I met him, and I am full of uncertainty about the rest of my life.Whether it is right or wrong to do so, she can't help but think too much, so be it
The two of them didn't communicate too much. After they were full, Lei called the waiter, and Yuxi silently took out his bank card from his bag.When Lei saw it, he smiled comfortably.

It's still a man to pay the bill, you don't think I'm here to eat the overlord's meal, do you?Zareth looked at her mockingly as he took out his card.

Hello sir!A total of 4128.

Of course not!Lei handed the card to the waiter, and Yuxi's smile at this time was a happy smile from the heart. 4128!Although I did have such an idea, I refused to admit it.

After the two walked out, the surroundings were very quiet. Lei turned around and said to Yuxi, "Since the contract has been signed, let's take the household registration book and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate tomorrow."

Yuxi first looked at him in shock, then nodded slowly, and sighed in his heart: Wow!What kind of people am I dealing with? !What kind of people will you get along with in the future?His pace is too fast for her to parry, have I really thought it through?Yuxi couldn't help but start to doubt himself, but the contract was signed...

Should the date continue?he looks like something else
If you have something to do, you can leave first.Now that the contract is signed, what is the difference between understanding now and understanding later?Besides, her head is dizzy now, and she will get the certificate in three days. This is the fastest flash marriage in history, right? !Yuxi sighed, saying that the flash marriage was just a contract
OK, then I'll go first.Zelei kissed Yuxi on the face, and Yuxi froze in place with disbelief and collapse

Zelei left, Yuxi sat on the steps of the beach, blowing the sea breeze, covering his kissed face to calm down
The next day, Yuxi asked for leave, took his household registration book and got into his car, feeling apprehensive.At the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Yuxi held Lei who was about to get off the car.
I have something to say!Although I am afraid, I still want to face him sincerely.

I hope 300 million can be paid in one go, I need money!If you want to know why, I can also tell you.Yuxi paused and looked at him. He didn't speak, but she knew he wanted to know, so she continued.
My dad took drugs for a year...

then you?

I don't!Yuxi quickly asked and answered him

I need money to send him to rehab, have you heard of the **rehab center?As long as you have money, you can definitely quit, and it won't be too painful!That's why I need 300 million.It turned out that it really took a lot of courage for her to tell her that she has a father who took drugs, and she would appear so humble!Yuxi lowered her head, her eyes were flushed, her hands were tightly gripping the body of the dress, feeling like she couldn't breathe

Yes, but you have to think carefully, registered, divorced, remarried is a second marriage, do you really want to exchange your happiness for the 300 million?
It may be that the first half of my life was too happy, and it doesn't matter whether I am happy or not in the future, I don't care.

Lei saw that her tears were about to overflow her eyes, but she was still holding back.A girl in her early 20s, a heavy sentence of indifference, is it only after experiencing many things and the phrase "it doesn't matter whether you are lucky or not"?This is completely different from the person who walked towards him confidently when he saw her for the first time. How deep does this have to be hidden so that no one can find it?

I'm done talking, don't worry, I can do what you said, I swear!Yuxi watched him solemnly promise, and even made a swearing gesture, the tears disappeared without a trace in her eyes

Come on, I don't have that much time.As Lei spoke, he clasped his fingers tightly and grabbed her hand that swore in mid-air, and pulled her out of the car door on his side. Yuxi had to get out of the car from the co-pilot to the driver, and it was intentional. right!Yuxi stared at him angrily.

I was kissed yesterday, and I held hands today, and the development is rapid.Sighing in his heart, Yuxi put his other hand on him, after all, it looks more affectionate, like someone who came to register for marriage, right?

The corners of Lei's mouth rose slightly in tacit understanding, this girl was as "smart" as he thought.

Fill in the information - take a picture - take the oath to receive the certificate

After coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, both of them had a prosperous notebook in their hands, and the photos on the notebook really looked good!It's just that Yuxi didn't feel happy, and never thought that she would receive this book in this way.
After you settle your father's affairs, I'll arrange someone to help you move. My company still has something to do, so I'll leave first

After Lei finished speaking, he drove away, leaving Yuxi alone, walking slowly on the road, staring at the book in his hand, feeling too unreal, a little depressed, wondering what will be waiting for me in the future?

Why!Putting down the notebook, Yuxi sighed loudly towards the main road, and let it go
Later, I will ask someone to bring you a document, which contains a card with the money you need.Received a text message from Lei on the phone, Yuxi read the word "thank you" and pressed the delete button
That day, Yuxi got the card, and then contacted the drug rehabilitation center.It's just a matter of convincing dad

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