President Han's sweet pet moment


I did something wrong!I was too impulsive that night, I shouldn't have called Ray, why should I call him!Xi Yue lay restlessly on the desk, Zhuo Wen had predicted that she would regret what happened that night, but she didn't expect it to come so soon
Now that it happened, face it with optimism.

Here, someone called it for you.As soon as Yuxi got into the car, Feiyu handed her the dessert he had just bought

Yuxi took it without saying a word of thanks, and silently opened the package, inside were 6 beautifully decorated small cakes, took out one of them, Yuxi took two sips quietly, and asked, "Can I roll the car window?" come down?"

Of course, you can do whatever you want, don't worry about me.Feiyu's tone was the same as his usual, very light and comfortable
How do you know I like this?Shu Ran told you?Yuxi is still depressed, but it is much better than before
Yes, she said you have to eat this every time you're unhappy
Who told her to tell others about my unhappiness.Yuxi pursed his mouth

Your unhappiness is written all over your face, are you still afraid of others saying it?Feiyu complained mercilessly

Yuxi glared at him back, but it is always a happy thing to have someone who knows him so well, Yuxi finally smiled and continued to eat.

Do you know what she likes to eat when she is unhappy?Yuxi deliberately asked Feiyu back, in fact, he wanted to tell him
Sweet too, right?Feiyu guessed

You know, she is drinking milk tea.Thinking of every time she was unhappy, drinking milk tea with anger, every time she complained, it would make her laugh, and this time was no exception.Feiyu glanced at her from the rearview mirror, and also smiled, but was very puzzled.
why are you laughing
It's so cute, you must see it once if you get the chance.Looking out the window, Yuxi's mood brightened
You say that, I really want to see you once.

That depends on whether you have this luck.Careful people will see that she is still a little absent-minded
Almost home, Yuxi asked before getting out of the car, "Are you eating at home?"

certainly!It just so happened that there was nothing to do today. Aunt Li told me privately that she made a lot of delicious food.Feiyu stopped the car, unbuckled his seat belt, and gave Yuxi a smug smile, showing off Aunt Li's love for him
Then I'll put this in the refrigerator first, remember to remind me after eating, and bring it to Shu Ran for me.Just say that I am in a good mood, this is what I specially left for her.Also, thank you for your hard work!Yuxi finished all he wanted to say in one breath, got out of the car with a small cake, Feiyu followed, smiled slightly, and said nothing.Yuxi knew it was the right thing to do.

Xiaoxi's mood is much better, thanks to your cake.Feiyu sent a message to Shuran
No, it will be fine so soon?

All right
Shu Ran frowned as she read the message, the Yuxi she knew was not a person with a quick temper!Little did they know that she would become so hypocritical only in front of her.

How about it?is the job strenuous?At the dinner table, Grandpa Han asked Yuxi with concern
Fortunately, not very hard.

If you don't want to work, come back, grandpa can afford it.

Yuxi's eyes were red again.Of course I know grandpa can afford it...

It doesn't matter, just follow your wishes, the most important thing is that you are happy.Of course, Grandpa Han knew about Zalei's situation these days, and felt guilty towards her in his heart. Grandpa's words made Yuxi feel the grievances of today again. He lowered his head and held back his tears, feeling very irritable

Come on, pregnant women should eat more!Feiyu found out that something was wrong with Yuxi, so he put vegetables in her bowl, Yuxi smiled at him, and Feiyu returned the same smile
Got it, grandpa.Yuxi cheered up and answered Grandpa, then turned around and thanked Feiyu
After dinner, Yuxi gave the cake to Feiyu, then went back to the room in a low mood
You brat, when are you going to come and pick your wife up?
Let me tell you, Yuxi has not been in a good mood these past few days, so be more sensible about what to do!Also, remember that you are a married man, if you dare to provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked again, I will break your legs!Do you understand?
Tell me, when will you pick up your daughter-in-law?
Grandpa Han sent several WeChat messages in a series, except for the first text message, the others switched back to voice.Zelei smiled and sent the message to Yuxi

what happened to you?
What's wrong?Yuxi quickly finished typing and sent it back. Of course, she didn't want him to know that she was unhappy, and even if she was unhappy, she didn't need him to comfort her.Pretending to be okay, he threw the phone aside, presumably he got the information from his grandpa
I'll pick you up when I'm done.
It's okay, you can do your work.Yuxi picked it up again irritatedly, edited the message and thought about it, deleted it and reposted the three words "it doesn't matter", but he was always angry with him
Mr. Han, according to your instructions, most of Miss Li Yuxi's information has been protected.As you said, Miss Anya is indeed investigating, and this afternoon she went to the place where Miss Yilie Yuxi worked.Assistant Xu knocked on the door and came in, reporting to Mr. Han in detail on the work assigned to him

did something happen?

Miss Anya publicly denied Miss Yuxi's matching ability, which should be a big blow to Miss Yuxi.

Okay, I know.Everything I ask you to handle is confidential!Zalei finally understood why Yuxi was angry

You go to get off work first, you have worked hard.After Lei finished understanding, he continued with the work at hand.

After Assistant Xu went out, Lei stopped writing, picked up his phone and edited a message to send to her
Have you drank milk?
drank.It took more than half an hour for Yuxi to reply, because she went to take a shower and threw her phone aside after replying.

How much fruit do you eat?

did not eat
Zareth tilted his head angrily, typing.Didn't I tell you?How much fruit should I eat every day... Before I sent it later, Yuxi replied

Do you have to do as you told me?Can't I have my own will, my own emotions?Yuxi sent it angrily, but she thought in her heart, Zalei, it's good for us to maintain this way, and when the child is born, we will leave as a matter of course.I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore and started crying

I asked Aunt Li to cut some fruit and bring it in for you. You eat before going to bed.Zereth ordered
I will not eat!I'm going to take a shower.Yuxi doesn't want to talk to him
Can you be nice?
Ah!good?I love you big-headed ghost!Yuxi didn't even dare to cry, because she was afraid that Aunt Li would bring in some fruit, so she didn't reply anymore, she turned her phone aside and lay down on the bed, burying her face in the pillow.After a while, Aunt Li really came in with fruit, and Yuxi took it with embarrassment.
I know, don't be embarrassed about Auntie, treat me as an outsider?


It’s fine if you don’t have one, these are all your favorites!I see that you are depressed today, and you haven't eaten much. I'm afraid you will be hungry.There is still soup outside, let me warm you up and drink it before going to sleep?Aunt Li looked at her expectantly, the love of elders is usually silent

good!Not wanting her expectations to be in vain, Yuxi agreed decisively.Aunt Li really laughed happily, Yuxi also laughed

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