President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 54: The result of thinking too much

As soon as the two entered, Feiyu stood in the hall and waved to her enthusiastically.

Are you two having a good time today?

Yuxi glared at him, walked around him

Doesn't look too pleasant?Feiyu asked Zalei who came in behind
What's up with her?
He still had a smiling face, as if he had taken advantage of it, and then changed to an angry face.Changing face so fast, Feiyu really can't understand

How did you get here?

I'll change cars with you, just come and have a meal!Feiyu smiled and looked at him

You are very diligent in changing.Zelei bypassed him, caught up with Yuxi and took her hand, Feiyu turned around and looked at the two with a funny face
Yuxi tried to shake it off, but it was useless, and he gave him an angry stare and an annoying threatening expression!let him lead

Grandpa, I'm back!Zelei was very cheerful when he saw his grandfather, and even saw that there was a little bit of flattery. Yuxi wondered if he was wrong?
Who brought you back?Grandpa kept watching TV and didn't want to talk to him, but he still saw him holding Yuxi's hand from the corner of the eye, and smiled with satisfaction

Of course I came back for dinner. How dare I break the rules you set?Zelei took Yuxi and carefully sat next to his grandfather, and continued to fawn on his grandfather's hair, which was mercilessly patted off by his grandfather.
I didn't prepare your meal today, and I will have to think about whether to prepare your meal in the future
When this incident happened, Grandpa didn't ask him for questioning, and even brought Yuxi back that day, so he guessed that he must have lost his temper.What exactly did Yuxi say to Grandpa that Grandpa settled down and didn't bother him?He's not used to it
Grandpa, you can't just love Yuxi and not me!Is she your granddaughter or am I your grandson?When the words came out, it seemed that something was wrong, but it was quite right.

You bastard, Xiaoxi is much more sensible than you!
Grandpa, you just...

time to eat.Zelei wanted to continue to refute, but was interrupted by Aunt Li's calling, Grandpa ignored him and walked to the restaurant

Zelei looked at Yuxi, and Yuxi looked at him, are you asking me?It took a long time for Yuxi to realize that he shrank his shoulders, made a helpless expression at him, and got up after him, but his hand was still held by him, so he had to wait for him.

aunt!Zelei walked into the restaurant and greeted Aunt Li obediently
Hey, back!Aunt Li happily agreed, only Aunt Li in this room is still very warm to him, he smiled like a child

Sitting down next to each other, Zareth let her go.
Xiaoxi, you and Feiyu are already familiar, right?Grandpa looked at Yuxi and Feiyu and asked with a smile on his face.
Well, quite familiar!Although Yuxi had doubts in his heart, he still nodded happily. Lei gave her a vigilant look. Seeing his expression, she couldn't figure him out even more, so she left him alone.

He is the grandson of your Grandpa Du. He studied in the UK before and is now the project manager of the company.This kid has a high IQ and is very considerate to his grandfather. I always envy him!

Yuxi secretly laughed, these words have been said a long time ago, and I said it again in front of him, didn't I say it to him on purpose, right?

No no, I envy you all, having such delicious meals every day.Feiyu knew it long ago, and praised back in cooperation
If you like to eat, come here often, just right, you can chat with us Xiaoxi, play chess...

Do you often come to eat recently?Lei interrupted the conversation between the two, Grandpa Han was not angry, and listened leisurely while eating
I don't come often, this is the third time
Come three times a week, isn't that often?Zelei stared at him, Feiyu shrank his shoulders like Yuxi, and Yuxi also stared at him in surprise, thinking he did it on purpose!Sure enough, Zaleth turned his head and glanced at her. She promised to do this move for the first time today, but he learned it, and she couldn't explain it!Yuxi eats quietly

Have you ever played chess together?Zareth turned and glared at her again.

I played chess once, and I really didn't expect that she could play chess, and it was pretty good!Feiyu boasted blindly

Did you lose?
Feiyu was stunned for a moment, not understanding the reason for asking, so he replied in a daze: I lost
Aren't you dumber than her?Zareth spoke earnestly, the person involved gritted his teeth, and others couldn't help laughing out loud.Feiyu was dissatisfied and stopped eating, and adjusted his mood
Fortunately, there is a companion, both of them are stupid!Feiyu's answer of giving up struggling was also intentional. Yuxi, who should have been angry, looked at him and laughed out loud. Both of them were happy. Offended two people

On the surface, after eating happily, the elders sat next to each other, watching TV, drinking tea and chatting; the three young people gathered around the chessboard, ready to compete again.Although Yuxi was sitting next to Lei, Fei Yu was always helping her, and she wished she could sit opposite him!The two of them took every step carefully, feeling like they were vowing to get rid of the word "stupid", or help him paste it!
After narrowly winning at the last step, the two jumped up excitedly, and Yuxi shouted exaggeratedly. After accidentally seeing the frightened expressions of the grandpas, he covered his mouth.Feiyu collected it relatively quickly, and gave Lei a proud look after being excited
After the grandpas were shocked, they laughed and Yuxi relaxed.
Lei looked very generous, and there was no displeasure on his face, but a smile.Standing up, he looked at the time and said to Feiyu: It's getting late, you should go back, right?
Yeah?Feiyu raised his eyebrows and looked at the watch on his hand.It's getting late, it's time to go.

Before leaving, Yuxi and Feiyu looked at each other and smiled tacitly. Just as they were about to high-five, they were pulled back by Lei.Lei grabbed Yuxi's hand that was about to be raised, and put it on her shoulder: "Let's go and see it off."

Yuxi turned to look at him, holding his hand like a young lover, with a smug smile on his face

Aren't you going back together?

go back?This is my home, you sleep in my room, stay overnight.Lei whispered in her ear so softly that Feiyu felt that he had eaten enough dog food.
On the contrary, Yuxi frowned after hearing that, Lei Ke didn't care about her expression, he hugged her and walked to the garage, and put her hands on his waist, Yuxi didn't hug him, but put her down.The wind at night made people very cold, but being hugged by him was very warm, Yuxi glanced at him absent-mindedly

After seeing off Feiyu, the two returned to the room, Yuxi still didn't understand.He stayed overnight, is it for grandpa to see?

This room is the room I have lived in since I was a child, and every decoration left here has my unique memories... Zareth held the old objects in his hand, but his enthusiastic words were interrupted

You don't have to worry about Grandpa, I will cover it up for you.She looked at him swearingly and said
You really did better than me, don't you feel it at all?Zareth pulled her closer to face him, his eyes were urgent and sincere, Yuxi was still retreating
What does it feel like?
Zareth gave her a disappointed look.Forget it, I'd better go back!turn around and go out

I will send you.Yuxi was a little flustered, followed him, Zareh stared at her, she also looked at him, no one said anything in the end

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