President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 47: Living in Han's House

Are you also a fashion major?Feiyu spoke again


So how do you think I'm dressed today?Feiyu suddenly opened his hands and turned around so that she could look more carefully

She guessed why many people she met liked to ask this topic. It was just a question about her profession, but Shu Ran was not so nervous. She looked carefully at it.
White shirt, black suit and leather shoes, what kind of opinion do you want me to give?Isn't this the most common business attire?Delicate face, thick eyebrows, small eyes with single eyelids, slightly straight nose, light pink lips, this lip color is too pretty!Thinking of this, Shu Ran's smile unconsciously revealed, and the lips she was staring at were raised after she smiled, Shu Ran came back to her senses, looked at Fei Yu who smiled unconsciously, she stared at his mouth The look on his face is so funny, he has never seen such a girl

Um!not bad.Shu Ran put away her embarrassment calmly, and replied lightly
real.Shu Ran turned around slightly, the smile on her face could hardly be concealed again

Thank you
You're welcome

The two were immersed in their own thoughts and were quiet for a while.
By the way, are you familiar with her boyfriend?Thinking of the business, Shu Ran looked at him expectantly

It's fairly familiar.Feiyu wants to see what she will ask

Can you tell me about him then?

He... Feiyu thought hard for a while, he could say something harsh if he complained, but suddenly he wanted to talk about his strengths, he seemed to need some time to think.

He is very handsome... Feiyu paid attention to her expression, she nodded understandingly, she didn't seem to have much interest in this information
He is a mature, steady, conscientious person, and he takes his feelings very seriously.

How many times has he talked?Before Feiyu finished speaking, Shu Ran asked

I know only one, talked about for years

We've been talking for years, and it's still our first love...

Any questions?

No, what is his personality like?What about the disadvantages?After listening to all of this, it is not good for Yuxi's current situation.

A little stubborn and a little arrogant, not easy to get along with, a very boring person in life.Changing the angle, Feiyu thought that maybe she wanted to hear this more, finally she was able to complain, he seemed to be talking too much?Shu Ran's eyebrows frowned in dissatisfaction.

What about your temper?Pause for a while, she really needs some time to go through the information, and continue to ask

It's not that bad temper, at worst it's just a cold face

So is he a person who can be treated coldly?
Sorry, I don't know this level yet
Oh, sorry!I seem to ask too much, huh, huh.Shu Ran touched the back of her head in embarrassment, and looked away

Won't.Feiyu kept a gentleman's smile, and Shu Ran looked back at him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. The communication between the two was quite pleasant, and it didn't make people feel unfamiliar, but they didn't ask him what his name was?
The two stayed quietly for a while, the warm street lamps, the gently blowing wind, and the faint fragrance of his body.When he first learned that Zareth was married, he was a little stunned!The two people who grew up together are indeed a little tired of each other, and they rarely communicate with each other, but he doesn't know about such a big thing, this is too much!
On the way back, Yuxi sat in the co-pilot, and he still didn't speak too much along the way.At the door of the house, Yuxi turned to look at him
Could you lend me your cell phone and call me, my cell phone is out of battery.Yuxi pitifully raised his phone
Sure, here you go.

Thanks.After taking the phone, Yuxi lowered his head and pressed a series of familiar numbers. After it rang for a while, he picked it up, and Shu Ran's pleasant voice came


Hello, I'm Yuxi, I'm here!
arrive?After muttering for a while, Shu Ran, who finally came to her senses, looked at the number again.Why didn't you tell me on WeChat?this number is again
The phone is out of battery. I borrowed someone else's. Have you gone up?Yuxi used an active voice, but Shu Ran couldn't tell that it was abnormal

Of course, what you are asking is not nonsense, otherwise I will blow the cold wind down there?are you stupid

OK, I'll talk to you later.Yuxi gritted his teeth and hung up the phone
Feiyu seemed to be inadvertent, but in fact, he had been eavesdropping on the side seriously
OK, thank you.Yuxi handed the phone back to him
Just put it in the car, I'll help you with your luggage.He didn't understand why he was panicking

Bring Yuxi in front of Grandpa, and he will complete the task and leave.Sitting back in the car, Feiyu picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside, looked at the number, copied the number, opened WeChat search, and when the profile picture appeared was her, he showed a happy smile.Put your phone back and drive away
Although it is not the first time to enter Han's house, Yuxi seems more reserved this time, after all, he has to stay!

You can stay here with peace of mind, Aunt Li and Lao She are here, so it is convenient to take care of you.

ok i see grandpa
Xiao Xi, let me take you back to your room to put your luggage away.Aunt Li took Yuxi's suitcase thoughtfully
Auntie, I can do it myself
Let her get it for you.Yuxi was about to take it in embarrassment, but was interrupted by Grandpa Han, so he didn't dare to act rashly
What happened to grandpa?After walking a little further, Yuxi dared to ask
Wasn't it because of Xiao Lei's incident that he started to get angry early in the morning, and his anger has not subsided yet!
Yuxi lowered her head thoughtfully, and Aunt Li hurriedly comforted her when she saw it.Don't worry, the master is concerned about you.This was originally the young master's room. The master asked someone to clean it up early this morning. It was specially arranged for you. Take a look, do you like it?
decorate the room?My parents have done this for me since I was a child, how can I repay it?Hearing these words made me feel even more guilty, my heart was full of guilt
As long as you like it, you can pack your luggage slowly and come out, the master probably still has something to say to you, otherwise he would have already rested at this point as usual.

ok, thanks Aunt Li

Well, you're welcome.Aunt Li treats her like her own daughter, and all this may be due to her status as Han Zelei's daughter-in-law
After tidying up briefly, Yuxi walked to the hall, where grandpa sat on the wooden sofa with a serious expression.Seeing her coming out, Lao She walked up to her side softly and explained in a low voice

Please persuade him to take this medicine. He has been so angry for a day, but he refuses to take the medicine despite enduring the pain.

OKYuxi looked at his grandfather, his eyes were red with distress, took the water and medicine, and walked to his grandfather

Grandpa Han

Xiaoxi, have you been wronged?The grandfather with a cane on his head raised his head and looked at Yuxi in a daze.

The first sentence he said was this sentence, Yuxi was a little surprised and a little sad, and he didn't know why in his heart, he felt wronged.Yuxi put it down to the fact that the baby is sad, so she feels sad, and quickly adjusted her mood
What are you talking about, grandpa, how can I be wronged
What did he do to make you want to move out of your house? !
Grandpa, I didn't move out of the house in anger, I just wanted to give him some time to deal with his and Anya's affairs.

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