Zhuo Wen was worried about him, and when it came to this, he wondered if he could still bear it?

Sure enough, the indifference on Zalei's face became softer, and he put the tissue next to her, Zhuowen looked at it and sighed inwardly.After a long time, it turned out that Zareth sent her back again. Anya stood there frowning, her eyes still full of tears.

It's been a tiring day today, let's go to bed early
Zelei stopped the car, and Zhuowen was about to open the door to go in. Zelei stopped and stared at him, and said indifferently: "It's not on the way."His hand was put down awkwardly

After Zelei left, Yueyue stood there and looked at Anya worriedly for a while, Anya showed a comforting smile: It's okay, you guys go back too

Are you all right?

Um.Anya nodded weakly, stopped a taxi for them, opened the door, and after they went back, Anya stood quietly outside for a long time before going upstairs.

Yuxi waited quietly for him to come back, thinking of several possibilities in his mind, staring blankly at the computer

The door opened, Zalei walked in, Yuxi turned to look at him
It's almost 11 o'clock, why don't you go to sleep?

His voice was very low, and he didn't look at himself, Yuxi realized that he didn't intend to say anything.

I heard the name Anya, is your ex-girlfriend back?She didn't mean to question, but asked out of the idea of ​​discussing

You can rest assured that you can raise your baby, and you don't have to worry about anything else.Zareth went up with his hands in his pockets.

Feeling wronged, Yuxi sighed and turned around.That night, the two were in their respective rooms, Yuxi thought for a long time before falling asleep in a daze.And Zareth went back to work until the wee hours of the morning.
Yuxi made breakfast for him as usual and sent him out
Are you off work today?

I asked for leave and took a rest.

Um.Zelei went to work without any doubts. Today, Zelei has lost the vitality he used to have, and has no concern for her. Yuxi doesn't need to think about it, but he also knows that it is because of his ex-girlfriend who came back.took a deep breath
After tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Yuxi returned to the sofa, sat for a while, lay down for a while, picked up the phone and looked at it for a few minutes before putting it down, as if thinking deeply.Standing up again, it seemed that something had been decided, so he went upstairs sullenly.
While packing her luggage, she called Shu Ran. "Can I ask for leave this afternoon and come pick me up? I'll send you the address, and I may have to stay at your place for a while." Yuxi said to Shu Ran, and Shu Ran quickly went to the manager's office to ask for leave after she hung up the phone. The voice is relatively low, she can hear it immediately, and can feel her unhappiness

After taking away her things and restoring the house to the way it was before she lived in it, Yuxi went to the kitchen to take a sip of water, looked at the house with many memories, and concealed his reluctance.She didn't have many things, and she figured it out after she packed it up. It was originally a temporary stay.I kept all the ones I bought later, and put them away thoughtfully.

I made a soup at noon and ate some

Until the doorbell rang, Yuxi opened the door for Shu Ran, Yuxi looked at the luggage on the stairs, and fawned on Shu Ran
Help me with my luggage?Please, you are strong!Shu Ran noticed her expression for the first time, but she was very calm
When did you become so hypocritical?Although Shu Ran said so disgustingly, she had already walked upstairs

How about we go together?Yuxi is still a little bit sorry, after all, they are all girls

No, you just stand there and don't move!Shu Ran pointed at where she was standing, refused domineeringly, lifted the luggage up by herself, and then slowly moved it down, not forgetting to complain
Are you filled with rocks? !
I was wrong!Be careful.Yuxi looked at her worriedly

It's okay, it's just a few steps, just stand still!Wait, I'll get you down right away!Shu Ran was howling and exerting all her strength, while worrying about her, moving suddenly, it seems that it is not a good thing, how could she be fine, the superficial calm is just pretending, right?

In fact, Shu Ran regards Yuxi as her younger sister, and as an only child, she also wants to enjoy the feeling of taking care of others!Still the selfless kind, Shu Ran also told Yu Xi these words, Yu Xi just smiled like a fool!It was originally a joke, but after meeting Yuxi she became serious

Are you sure you want to leave?
very sure

After closing the door, Yuxi carefully looked at the house for a while

Did you quarrel with him?Shu Ran helped her pull the box and handed it to the driver

Don't Have
If he bullies you, just tell me, I said I will deal with him!Where is he now?Shu Ran looked as if she didn't intend to leave, but wanted to explain now, the expression on her face was really angry!
Really not, it's just that he has some things to deal with, and I don't want to disturb him. You said so much, you don't mean to dislike me, do you?Yuxi diverted her attention, but found it was useless
It's really good if you don't have one, if you dare to lie to me, you're dead, okay!Shu Ran rolled her eyes at her, got in the car, Yuxi laughed helplessly

I moved here to live with you, are you happy?After packing his luggage, Yuxi warmed up a glass of milk, sat down and drank it, and asked with a smile

As long as there is no quarrel and moving here, I am still very happy.Shu Ran proudly shook her head in front of her
You look so stupid!Yuxi was amused and laughed, Shu Ran fell beside her, suddenly looking sad
You know that I actually don't like being alone. I used to go to live with you when you lived by yourself, but now I can't!
Then you should hurry up and find a boyfriend

Looking for a boyfriend... how can you find it if you want to?Let it be, I don't need anything, and I'm quite free by myself.It doesn't really matter if you're a boy or not, right?
Yuxi smiled, the time they had together was still very good!If she leaves, the only thing she can't let go of now is her, Zare, she will gradually forget, but it seems that she will lose a very good friend because of this

Have you ever thought about living in another city?
Why change?Shu Ran looked at her seriously
Because of a person, or want to change a way of life?
That's normal, some people get tired of staying in one city, and they will change to another city.Maybe there will be such a day, I might be able to be so free and easy with just an idea?
Yuxi smiled in agreement
And you?Shu Ran asked back
I've always been so chic

pull you down

you do not believe me?
Sometimes it's one thing to think about it, and another to do it.Don't forget, you just gave up such a good opportunity for your boyfriend, and lied to me that you are used to life here

Yuxi sat up in surprise, looking at her a little guilty.So you know?

It's not difficult to think clearly, are you really fighting?Are you noisy?Shu Ran looked at her seriously, but Yu Xi chose to avoid her sight and lay down again

It's not noisy, it's his ex-girlfriend who came back.Yuxi looked at the ceiling, her voice was very soft

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