Dad Li arranged for a suite, and there were exactly three rooms in it. Zalei sent WeChat messages with Yuxi in his own room.
During dinner, your dad mentioned the topic of marriage, why did you frown?

Yuxi lay on the bed trying to think back.First, because of my dad, he mentioned marriage in less than three sentences, maybe he just wanted to know about the situation; second, it was your answer. If this is a normal relationship, shouldn’t the woman first hope that the man will come first? Are you proposing?What do you mean you can do it anytime?
So how should I answer?

  All the love you talked about is in vain.Yu Xi's blunt sentence, later felt inappropriate to withdraw, and reposted "This is something you should think about." He probably wouldn't have seen it in less than a minute.
Looking at the messages she sent and retracted, Zareth fell into deep thought. He and Anya had been arguing about the separation. She had never told him. What did she want him to do?He wouldn't even quarrel with him over trivial matters. He really didn't understand, and even began to doubt the relationship between him and Anya
Okay, go to bed early, are you tired today?
I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep, good night!Yuxi hoped he didn't see
good night.

The next day's itinerary was Xiongshan Mountain, a tourist attraction where Dad Li is located. It is indeed a beautiful place with high mountains and good air.A small town with distinctive features and attractive pottery handicrafts, but what Yuxi loves more is the suspension bridge. The sky is clear, the trees in the surrounding mountains are green, and the lake below is also green. You can still see the growth clearly. The grass under the lake, even the wind blowing is fresh!Yuxi felt that this place alone could keep her there for a long time, and she felt like she was stuck here and didn't want to leave.

How about it?Do you like it here?Zareth was sent away to buy water, leaving her and her father alone

like very much!Give her a sense of freedom and carefree
What about him?
Father Li indicated his direction, Yuxi looked at the back of him being summoned, and showed a sneer, but saw a sense of happiness

Are you saying I like it more here or him more?Yuxi intentionally teased Dad
I just focus on answers.Dad Li didn't expose it, but smiled and followed her words
That's certainly not as much as he likes me.After thinking about it for a while, Yuxi gave a very vague direction

Love is mutual, it is not easy to encounter good things for you, you have to know how to cherish
If you are a son-in-law, how much would you rate him?
70?From all aspects of his conditions, as well as his various actions towards you, they are all very good.But you are still young, you can fall in love lightly first, but don't think about getting married so early

Then you were talking about marriage yesterday.Yuxi looked at him with a smile
Didn't I want to test his thoughts? If I asked, I would regret it.Yuxi could tell that after two days of getting along, compared to just meeting yesterday, Dad was much more relaxed
How did you feel when you met your daughter's boyfriend for the first time?
grown up!I want to go back to when you were 2 or 3 years old. I found that the older you get, the more you want to go back to the past.

This is also a kind of growth, Dad, you are mature again
Hahahahaha.Dad Li was successfully amused by her
Yuxi stared at her father and smiled happily.When you quit the drug completely, I want to take you to a place where no one knows us, to really start again, I believe we can all do it!Yuxi said to him in his heart, then looked back at the lake surface

You see, the grass under the lake is also growing beautifully!Yuxi couldn't help sighing, its roots grew in the mud under the lake, but the vines climbed rocks along the water to the surface, and the leaves on the branches grew well

you like this place
I like it, I will come to this suspension bridge next time, and I still want to see it.Yuxi pointed to one of the plants under the lake

As long as you like, I will take you there as many times as you want!My daughter likes it, of course he is very happy
When parting, Yuxi kept telling his father to eat more, drink more water, and keep warm!Suddenly, I realized that they were the ones who told me before, and now it’s me who told them, and I suppressed the sadness that came up
We can't talk any more, Dad Li checked the time, and hurriedly urged the two of them: "Okay, okay, go, the time is almost up!"

OK, is your car here?Yuxi reconfirmed
on the way
Ok, then remember to send me a message when you come back!

OK, let's go.Xiaolei, Yuxi, please take care of me.Father Li turned to Lei, and liked him quite a bit.
Don't worry, I will

good!Nodding trustingly, Dad Li waved to them
The moment the high-speed train started, Yuxi silently looked out the window, slowly digesting the sadness welling up in her heart.The good thing is that there is someone by her side, which makes her less vulnerable!Thanks to him, she had her first trip with her father, although it was short and simple

Yuxi turned her head and glanced at him, only to realize that Lei Ye was looking at her suspiciously. Is her reluctance too obvious?Looking down?
Why haven't you been so spoiled with me?
behave in a spoiled manner?Am I acting like a baby?Yuxi was still in his own thoughts, baffled by his question, and it took him a while to react.Oh~ he is my dad!Can you accept me being coquettish like that?

Try it, act like a baby to me in the future
Really?Yuxi confirmed to him again



All right.Thinking that it would be useless to act like a baby with him, Yuxi agreed perfunctorily.
a few days later
Lei Lei, I want to eat ice cream.

No!Now that the weather is getting colder, what ice cream do you want to eat?
I want to eat spicy strips.Ice cream is no good, Yuxi changed his target again

Will not work!That's junk food, and you won't be allowed to eat it in the future.

When Yuxi came down from the upstairs, he arrogantly and coquettishly made requests to Lei, but Lei refused all of them.Yuxi rolled his eyes at him, and I knew it wasn't going to work, and it was really awkward to be coquettish with him. Besides, the name "Leilei" was so disgusting that he didn't respond at all.
Lei, who had been staring at the computer work, finally looked up at her, and then walked towards the kitchen.Yuxi sat on the sofa, turned on her TV, and watched
Drink this milk.Ray put the poured glass of milk in front of her
don't want to drink

How about some eggs?Ray brought another boiled egg

If I don't eat it, I'm going to throw up!Yuxi rolled her eyes and looked at him. She felt that her temper had grown after pregnancy, and he didn't show any dissatisfaction or impatience.
What about chicken soup?

Yuxi still shook her head, Lei didn't care about her, and she just watched TV quietly
I must drink the chicken soup later.Zerei sat down and raised his head again, commanding, not in a discussing tone, Yuxi turned his head and gave him a pitiful look, Zareth pretended not to see

Recently, messages came in frequently on his mobile phone, and he just glanced at them and ignored them.Yuxi was also very curious. That day, when he sneaked a long-distance glance, it showed Anya's name. Yuxi secretly scrutinized his expression, and stopped gossip and curiosity.

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