During the break at noon, Yuxi picked up the phone, and accidentally searched for the name "An Ya" on the web.

Looking at the photos, she is a girl with a sweet appearance and a very personal aura. She can really be described as Bai Fumei. She is 173cm tall!I can't find much information about her on the Internet, and a series of photos can make Yuxi stare at her for a long time, because in her aesthetics, it is the kind of beauty that people can't take their eyes off.

What are you looking at?Shu Ran suddenly appeared, Yuxi quickly took back the phone
didn't see anything

What are you nervous about?Is there something you are hiding from me?Shu Ran stared at her

Don't Have

Okay, how was the party yesterday?Shu Ran trusts her for the time being, what she cares about now is how the party will go

It went smoothly, and the advantage of having a large number of people is that it is impossible for everyone's attention to fall on only one person!So it's very relaxed, so easy that I don't have to be very rigid, as you said, he can still take care of me
Well, congratulations on unlocking a new skill!
Thank you for your good counseling.soulless professional bragging
Looking back at the photos, I still think it's beautiful...

Yue, I'm going back to China, but can you keep a secret for me first, I think I still have a chance, right?I have been away for so long, he should be angry, I can understand!Don't tell him I'm back yet, I want to surprise him.Anya sent a message to Xi Yue
Why don't you understand... Xi Yue typed out a line and deleted it word by word, and finally just sent the three words "Got it".She doesn't want to have a conflict with her and doesn't know how to persuade her
Mr. Han, Chairman Han ordered that we have an appointment with Dr. Li at 9:00 tomorrow morning for a prenatal checkup, so please don't be late!After the assistant reported the itinerary, his eyes were full of irrepressible curiosity

Got it, it's my cousin, she's a bit older, and the elders in the family are more worried.Lei replied lightly, which quenched his curiosity by the way

Good to understand!If I have nothing else to do, I'll go out first.

it is good.

The night before the obstetric examination, Yuxi played chess with him calmly

I'm going to have a check-up tomorrow, so let's go to bed early tonight.Zareth didn't even look at her, and ordered
What time is it?Yuxi looked up from the chessboard and glanced at him. What time did she mean to go to bed?
10 o'clock.
It's only 10 minutes.Yuxi looked at the time, with regret in his tone

Well, let's not play anymore, I'll warm you a cup of milk, drink it and go to sleep.Zareth stood up briskly
I don't care. Can you fall asleep?Yuxi's eyes still haven't left the chessboard, he is still studying, how can he win?Because she has never won chess with him, which makes her a little angry and helpless

sleep hard.The corners of Yuxi's mouth raised slightly at Zalei's two simple words.

The next day, Yuxi shuttled around the hospital, coordinating with various examinations.What made her most anticipated and nervous was the ultrasound examination. She was able to see the baby for the first time and even heard the baby's healthy heartbeat.She held Zareth's hand, her eyes were slightly red, and her face was filled with emotion from the depths of her heart

It was the first time she felt this kind of feeling. Her body was no longer her own. There was a little life in her stomach, which was slowly taking shape in the anticipation of everyone!And she will also receive a lot of love, she wants to share it with her father, but...
In the early stage, the basal body temperature of the mother-to-be will be higher than usual. It is normal to fluctuate between 37.0-37.5 degrees, so there is no need to worry about it.During pregnancy, you should not take medicine indiscriminately. It is recommended that you eat a reasonable diet and do some appropriate exercise to help improve your resistance. If you have any questions, you can call me or come to the hospital to see me.

ok doctor

Um!Now I can properly supplement calcium, drink more milk, and eat more high-calcium foods every day; I can do outdoor activities appropriately, and get more exposure to sunlight... After all the inspections, Dr. Li took the inspection results and gave them one by one in a pleasant voice. Now, both of them are listening very carefully.
I want to ask, can she stand for a long time in this state?I also asked this question when I was sure I was pregnant, and I understand that I am responsible for her body

She is in good physical condition, so as long as there is no discomfort, it is fine. What do you do for work?The doctor couldn't help asking

I am a salesperson, a doctor, and I have to stand for about 7 hours a day!Yuxi confessed honestly, he was much more obedient than in front of Zareth

Are you wearing high heels or flats?

It has been replaced with a less high heel.Yuxi replied with a guilty conscience

What about the lunch break?
1 and a half hours
It's not a big problem, but you still have to pay attention to rest, and you should not be too tired.Seek medical attention immediately if you feel a little unwell, understand?

Ok, I see!doctor

There are no other problems, you can go home now, you got up pretty early today, right?

I don't think it's very early, it's about the same time as I usually go to work
You still look excited.The doctor smiled happily

I was a little nervous when I came in the morning, but now I am relaxed.Yuxi replied with a smile

Still quite lively.Zareth laughed too.

ok thank you doctor
You're welcome!After talking about the details, they chatted casually, and the two left with peace of mind.
After tossing and tossing all morning, after returning home and eating the nutritious meal made by Aunt Li, Yuxi fell asleep until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.After waking up, seeing the sunshine outside the balcony, Yuxi listened to the doctor's words and stood outside to bask in the sun. Now her favorite thing to do is to touch her belly from time to time.And Zareth, after eating, went back to the company
Hearing what he said, I sent him a message as soon as I got up, and I came back after standing on the balcony, and I received a reply

I asked my aunt to prepare some fruit, and I went down to eat some.

good.Yuxi didn't bother him too much.
When he came back in the evening and had dinner, the two of them went for a walk together. He was very careful with her and often asked to hold him by the arm, otherwise he had to be held by her.In the eyes of the neighbors, the two are very affectionate, but Yuxi is very vigilant, worried that she will fall into his tenderness if she is not careful.

When I come back, I play chess, military chess, backgammon, flying chess and other intellectual games. Yuxi also likes to play, and the more boring thing is reading.Anyway, Yuxi can play mobile phones, watch TV for no more than 3 hours a night, and sleep no more than 11 o'clock!This is the rule given by my grandfather.Even so, the two still had a good time, cheering and laughing at each other when they won
The two are also living more and more like a husband and wife. They wake up in his arms every day, brush their teeth together, and eat breakfast together. Except for working hours, they are almost together, and they have long been used to each other.

He even rejected many activities, even Zhuo Wen's family, which has never happened before
No, you can bring her along, we welcome it!The invitation was rejected, and Ah Wen couldn't understand it on the phone. Is the tutoring of the siblings too strict? !
Xiao Xi is pregnant

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