What's the meaning?Yuxi was surprised, it was just a matter of indigestion, why would he ask this?Thinking about it again, she widened her eyes in surprise, and looked at the doctor with an impossible expression.No way?The medicine doctor stared at her and was still waiting for her answer before Yuxi said "no".She still had a negative expression, and when she was nervous, she felt stuffy and out of breath. After taking a deep breath, "No way? How is it possible!", the medicine doctor looked at her and shook his head helplessly. At such a young age, Xi probably regards her as an unmarried person who conceived before marriage
He took out the pregnancy test stick and put it in front of her and said: Hey, take it back and test it yourself according to the instructions, and then go to the hospital to confirm, no matter what, you have to convince your boyfriend to keep the baby, you know?In the end, he said something serious

I am married.Yuxi understood what he meant, and replied flatly.

Then you should be happy!Could it be that you don't want it?The doctor, who was happy and nervous, grabbed her across the table as she was about to leave, as if preparing to persuade her again
No, no, I'm just a little surprised, we want this child, we want it!
He let go of his hand in relief, showing a kind smile.That's good, that's good, congratulations

Thanks!Yuxi smiled at him awkwardly, then turned and left, the medicine doctor watched her leave with a kind smile, and it took him a while to recover
Miss, you haven't paid yet.He made the move to rush out and stopped again.Forget it, let's take it as a gift for you
Yuxi was holding the pregnancy test stick all the way, feeling nervous and apprehensive. When she returned to the company, she took the afternoon off and took a taxi to the hospital alone.Nervously doing various examinations, Yuxi miraculously touched her stomach when she got the pregnancy confirmation certificate.

Holding the piece of paper and walking on the road, Yuxi didn't know whether it was better to be sad or happy, but it seemed that she was much sadder, and she knelt down and cried helplessly as she walked.This move attracted the attention of many passers-by.
Baby, mom is sorry, mom is a jerk!asshole!Why should I make this choice?Yuxi buried her face between her knees and protected her stomach with one hand, and cried even harder after shouting.A kind person came up to ask, but Yuxi just shook his hand and said it was okay, then collected his thoughts, stood up and went home alone
In the evening, Yuxi cooked delicious food for Lei, and spent a long time in psychological counseling for herself.In front of her is a simple porridge, and she seems to have regained her happy mood

What's the meaning?Zareth looked at his meal and hers and asked suspiciously

The two faced each other, Yuxi took out a piece of paper from the chair next to him, opened it, laid it on the table, and slowly slid it over to him.

He covered the paper with his hand and pulled it over. When he saw the word "pregnancy", a faint expression flashed across his face, and he held up the paper in a daze: No... is this true?The content of the paper was facing her, and behind her was the monitor, and she suppressed Lei before he raised it high.

While pulling the paper back, he grabbed the mobile phone next to him, opened the photo, and handed it to him

This was taken by me, I threw the pregnancy test stick away, this piece of paper... Yuxi tore it up in front of him, and threw it into the trash can with a look on his face.
Yuxi looked at him with a smile, expecting him to give her, the expression she expected him to show; he stared at her, she looked happy, but his heart was complicated, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, Zareth said lightly: Congratulations

Yuxi froze for a moment, his smile faded, he accepted it readily, and replied with a forced smile: Congratulations to you too.Then silently bowed his head to drink her porridge, and his mood fell to the bottom
During the period, the two of them didn't speak any more, and Yuxi returned to her room after eating. All this was different from what she thought, and it was right!She began to feel tired, and a tear rolled down from the corner of her eye, but she didn't have the mood to cry anymore.Lei finished his meal alone with a complicated mood. After packing up all his things, he stood by the kitchen cabinet. He didn't know whether he was relaxing or thinking. He stood there for a long time.When he finally moved, it was already dark outside, and Zaleth took out several kinds of fruits from the refrigerator. Zaleth carefully peeled, cut into pieces, and arranged them on a plate. After finishing them, he finally showed a satisfied smile and went to Yuxi's room
After knocking on the door, he pushed it open and walked in. Yuxi was lying on the bed, playing with his mobile phone in every possible way, and turned to look at him.His expression was suddenly serious, he put down the fruit and walked towards her, Yuxi turned around and subconsciously stepped back

Get up for me, you still have my child in your belly, isn't it uncomfortable to lie on your stomach like this?You are not allowed to lie down like this in the future, do you hear me?
Yuxi couldn't react to his sudden change, and stared at him blankly for a while, until Zareth reached out to her and pulled her up

He hasn't formed yet... Yuxi silently defended himself
That's why you have to get rid of your bad habits

Yuxi stood up and pouted, and turned his eyes to the fruit platter he brought up with concern. Lei followed her gaze and said coldly: "You don't eat much for dinner, eat some later, don't be hungry up

Uncomfortable, he was about to leave, walked to the door and turned back.Also, remember to tell me what you want to eat.After one more exhortation and before leaving, Yuxi looked at his figure, so hypocritically moved that she wanted to cry, and her mood was never more complicated than before.When the child is born, he will treat him (her) well, right?Touch the stomach, comfort the little baby in the stomach

Video of Yuxi having a meeting with his father while eating fruit
dad.When Yuxi opened his mouth, he acted like a baby

What's the matter with you?Lin's father treats his daughter with a look of pampering
I miss you all of a sudden

Did something happen?Father Lin was a little worried about Yuxi's sudden hypocrisy
It's okay, can't I miss you if I'm okay?
really all right?

real!I swear
Put your hands down, you girl.Papa Lin over there made a gesture of patting her hand down, Yuxi looked at him with a warm heart and smirked, his eyes were reddish
You girl, you are so powerful now. This month, you have earned more than 4 yuan just for your achievements!I am going to buy some more things to send to you, food, drink, use, everything

Don't waste money on Dad anymore, save it for yourself, and you can use it later!
What are you talking about? Did you also feel that the money spent on me was a waste when you were young?Wrong, I was right when I was young, huh, huh.

what you kid said...

Isn't that right, I am the same to you!Yuxi looked at his father proudly, making his father laugh out loud

At night, before going to bed, Zalei opened Yuxi's room door, walked over hesitantly and kissed her on the forehead, and stared at her sleeping soundly for a while.Thinking in my heart, this kind of life is pretty good, isn't it? Staring at her, Zareth was a little moved, and for the first time had the idea of ​​wanting to live like this forever

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