President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 168: Reluctance

One day, Zareth suddenly slammed Yuxibi on the wall

How about we have a nickname?
For, why?
we don't have a nickname yet

we don't need nicknames

I need to!I don't want to go back to the country alone, and call your name while video chatting with you. I also want to act like a baby. I want to call baby Zelei. pulled back
Honey?The second Yuxi resisted even more

Will not work?That Xixi?No, this is too intimidating.This time it was Zareth who shook his head in denial, bowed his head in deep thought

that wife?daughter in law?These two don't sound so resistant, isn't this a normal address?Yuxi thought, looked at him and nodded: OK, yes!

Then you call me.Yuxi thought he could leave like this, but didn't think about her business!Zelei kept the same posture, looking at her expectantly, Yuxi's eyes widened, and his heart skipped a beat, "Old, hubby?" He practiced it in his heart, and suddenly wanted to escape, but was held down by him firmly, The big head protects the forehead

It's over, and the psychological barrier has appeared again, what should I do?
Zareth let go of her, with a pitiful expression on his face: "Isn't everything all right?! Why is it here again?"

Maybe not completely?Yuxi felt guilty and wanted to run away, but he spoke again
So what if you want to act like a spoiled child to me?what will you call me
Yuxi tried hard to think for a while, pulled him closer, and pressed it to his ear, hesitatingly called out softly: Mr. Han~ Zelei felt his whole body go numb, he put his arms around her waist and stared at her , very satisfied with her address and her behavior, and also sticking to her ambiguously: Then I will call you, Amy, and slowly say the word "baby" at the end. Fortunately, the two of them are in the room, otherwise people will I'm so sorry to see

Don't want to play with him anymore, Amy wants to let go of him, but he locks her hand behind her back
Get angry and want to run?How can it be so easy!After speaking close to her, he kissed her domineeringly.

On the eve of preparing to return home, Yuxi and Xiao Beike helped pack the luggage together
Xiao Yulin, Dad will go back the day after tomorrow, will you miss Dad?Zareth asked while holding Little Beike's little hand, and Little Beike nodded seriously, as if he really understood.

Come and give dad a hug.Little Shell walked over and got into his arms.Then Zareth walked back and forth with her in his arms all the way, packing his luggage, taking things and so on.
Daughter-in-law, do you have anything else to say?Zareth asked her as he fetched his shoes

I only have one request for you, that is, be honest and don't get me into any debts!

Hmm~ how come?The whole world knows that I have a wife, and even Weibo certification shows that I am married!Zareth is not worried

So what if you are a married man, you are so attractive, you will always have admirers around you.Yuxi might be reluctant to help him put his clothes in the suitcase, but she seems to be more mature and stable, and she can bear it

Then I won't say a word to them, I won't look at them more than once, except for work and unintentional friends, I won't give any attention to other girls when they strike up a conversation.After work, I will have a voice call or video chat with you, so you can rest assured?Zareth is very serious
strike up a conversation?Now that you've gotten to the point where you've talked... have many girls flirted with you in the past two years?Yuxi suddenly looked at him seriously.

Yes, even though I have a dark face...

So how do you do it?Interrupt him and ask!

Just ignore it, but usually someone will help me block it
You mean Assistant Xu?Yuxi looked at him amusedly, and Zareth also smiled, and replied: Yes!Yuxi smiled amusedly.

It's really hard for Assistant Xu.I didn't expect me to be so attractive that you rejected so many beauties

Your charm didn't just make me turn down so many accosts, Zareth sat down beside her seriously.But have you ever been accosted yourself?
Do you want to know?Yuxi glanced at Zareth who of course wanted to know!I bought myself a ring and put it on my ring finger just to avoid this hassle
is that useful?
Of course it works!
Me too!In fact, she had already noticed that he was wearing the ring on his finger all the time, and Zareth kissed her on the cheek before walking away satisfied.

On the last day, the company arranged a farewell dinner for the group of them. After drinking until they were slightly drunk, they had no scruples about speaking, and said whatever came to mind.

Xiao Wei walked to Assistant Xu and sat down, and took a look at him. Assistant Xu was persuaded to drink a lot, and looked at her with a smile. There was reluctance in her eyes...

You are the first guests I received in my career, and you are also the first I met.I haven't greeted you well yet, nice to meet you!Xiao Wei stretched out his hand, just like when we met for the first time

Me too!Nice to meet you
You are mature in thinking and consider things from all angles. I have learned a lot from you!Not only that, you are different from Mr. Han, you seem to be a very easy to get along with.Xiao Wei giggled before continuing
Very comforting and encouraging, the feeling is: the people who are with you can learn a lot from you every day!Don't be humble, these are my words from the bottom of my heart. It may be difficult to hear them again after you go back, thank you!
I'm not used to you being so serious all of a sudden.Assistant Xu turned his lower body slightly, facing her even more, and shortened the distance between the two of them.
In fact, you are also a type I have never met before. You have a gossip soul, you are more daring, and you dare to say anything... Xiao Wei stared at him and frowned. Are you sure you are praising me?Don't want to go back and hurt me a wave!After it's over, the praise will return to the right track

Very honest, strong executive ability, very lively, very cheerful and very smart.I have also found the beauty of my youth in you. I am only five years older than you, but I am too precocious.

Assistant Xu paused, that is to say, it's over? !


So that means you like me too?Me, I don't mean that.Once again, the words were surprising, and Xiao Wei panicked himself.
Quirky.The two looked at each other and smiled, Assistant Xu picked up the cup and touched hers

keep in touch after going back
OK!Xiao Wei picked up the cup and took a sip
Send me more blessings during the festival, I will thank you and reply to you!Even if the parting atmosphere was concealed, it was still gloomy, and even Xiao Wei, who was usually too lively, lost his smile
Why do you all have serious expressions?A third person joins the chat between the two

Have it?You guys chat first, I'll go out for a while!Xiao Wei took the wine and walked out alone. She was still not used to this atmosphere, and she didn't like herself in this atmosphere, so she came out to take a breath and drank the glass of red wine in her hand.It's okay, it's not that I don't contact you anymore...

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