Yuxi watched him leave, and when he came back, he was wearing an apron and a soup he personally brought up!

What are you doing?Yuxi glanced at him with a smile, Zaleth pretended to be mysterious, and put the soup in front of her.taste it

Yuxi took a sip, it was a familiar taste, and looked at him suspiciously: "Did you do it?"

It tastes more like Aunt Li's, but not as fragrant as Aunt Li's.Yuxi replied honestly

Then, wait for me a little longer.Zelei walked in again after speaking, and then the waiter served the seafood platter, including her favorite oysters, shrimp, sashimi and prepared crab meat, and Zelei followed behind

I heard that you like the braised pork cooked by Aunt Li the most?After Zelei finished speaking mysteriously, he put down the braised pork
Yuxi smiled, took a piece and tasted it.This is what Aunt Li did!Can't tell Yuxi looked back, won't tell me to invite my aunt!
The crayfish brought up by the waiter at the back made Yuxi scream even more excitedly.Wow!crayfish!I haven't eaten for a long time! !Yuxi suppressed his voice excitedly, it's really not good to speak loudly in public

Can I eat now?What else do you not finish?enough.Yuxi looked up at him, hoping he would sit down and eat together
one more, wait for me

Picked one up and ate it, Yuxi nodded repeatedly because it was delicious, that's what it tastes like

too delicious!Judging from the expression on her face, she really likes it, and Zareth is relieved.

The last one is simple green vegetables
Zareth sat down.Guess who did it?
If it's not Auntie, who else is it? It can't be you, right?Yuxi looked at him questioningly, thinking that it was impossible at all, how could he know that he was watching her and nodding confidently?
impossible!you can't cook

I wouldn't do it at first, but after you left, I learned it little by little, because only in the kitchen can I find a little bit of your shadow.

Yuxi was suddenly moved again and wanted to cry!Why do you remember your wedding anniversary?I didn't even look at the marriage certificate carefully, because I knew it was fake, so I didn't even look at it
It turns out that you have been so ruthless from the very beginning, I opened it and read it that day, and I was quite satisfied.Zareth couldn't help laughing, and took out the bottom photo from his pocket.look!

Yuxi held back her tears and took the photo and looked at it seriously

I was pretty childish back then, right?

So, you gave me the best youth?
I'm just in my youth right now, okay?

Zareth smiled and said nothing, leaning closer.

I took a good picture of you.Yuxi looked at him with a face full of reason

Am I not handsome?Zareth looks innocent

handsome!Yuxi herself smiled embarrassedly, and Zareth looked at her obsessively.
But why do you even keep the negatives?
It was given to me that day, and it was left in the car until I remembered it. Fortunately, I didn’t lose it.I clearly remember the day when I received the certificate, maybe God wants me to remember it

Maybe it has something to do with your memory.Yu Xi foolishly analyzed

Can't you say it's about you?Zareth looked at her sadly, more and more willing to show his loss
Why do you have to say it's about me?
Because it is destined!Zelei looked at her affectionately, Yuxi was successfully amused by him, his smile was full of sweetness
I think so anyway!Zareth nodded and looked at her.

Then can I have another bowl of soup?Yuxi smiled and stretched out the bowl, she had already finished the bowl of soup
oh!By the way, the soup hasn't been served yet, I'll go get it

Yuxi looked at him with a smile, his face full of happiness.
This is the best meal I have had since coming to Dublin!After Zelei brought the soup and sat down, Yuxi looked at him with a positive and happy expression.Zaleth smiled with satisfaction, served her soup, and helped her peel the crayfish all the time
Enough is enough, you don't peel anymore!You peel that one, Yuxi pointed to the shrimp on the platter.But crayfish can't, crayfish have to be peeled and eaten to have a soul!
How do you eat a crayfish and still get some experience?

Just a hobby.Yuxi grinned happily at him.Did you cook the crayfish too?

Look at this color, this taste!Is it the style here?
Maybe there are Chinese chefs? !
No, I do!

After that, if I want to eat, will you cook it for me as long as I tell you?
It depends on the quality of the crayfish

quality? !What is the quality of crayfish?
I think you want to eat more healthy and nutritious food, just eat crayfish once in a while

Yuxi ate an oyster.These oysters are only delicious when they are grilled, and you made them too?
The whole table is made by me, and the plate is also arranged by myself!
Yuxi glanced at him secretly

How about it?Is this sauce good for dipping?
You try it!Yuxi held an oyster dipped in sauce and put it to his mouth, Zelei glanced at her flattered, opened his mouth, Yuxi also looked at him expectantly

Zareth nodded in satisfaction.
Is it too imprudent for you chef to entertain guests without tasting the dishes?

I tasted the sauce, but I didn't dare to touch it when the dishes were set up
Yuxi feels happy every day

After returning, the two held hands and went for a walk outside together.
Are you satisfied with this third anniversary?

I feel a little bit emotional, why is it only the third anniversary?How long have you been preparing that meal?

I spent the whole afternoon there, and I brushed the crayfish for more than an hour.

Yuxi laughed amusedly, Zelei laughed when he saw her smiling, and hugged her tightly

Aunt Li personally made a video and sent it to me. According to her video, how many grams of each ingredient is needed, all of which have been accurately measured!There is also an alarm clock set for how long to cook and how long to simmer, and it was finally done.

so good?Thank you!Yuxi looked at him seriously, Zareth sighed secretly, what he wanted was not verbal thanks
I still have presents for you.Zalei stopped, turned Yuxi to face him, suddenly felt that he gave too much, and she didn't prepare anything.He took out a rose ring from his pocket and suddenly knelt down on one knee
I prepared this ring for you 2 years ago, but I didn't have a chance to give it to you.Today, after more than two years, would you still marry me?Zareth knelt down on one knee, with a serious expression and tears in his eyes
Yuxi took the ring from his hand.This is not the one I took off and returned to you.

I put the ones in the storage cabinet. Although it is for picking at random, there are still memories of us being together.This is what I really chose for you, with full expectations and hopes
Tell me, when did you choose it?

It was before you left, when I made up my mind to treat you well for the rest of my life, I specially picked out the ring.

Yuxi's eyes were reddish, he did so much during the time I pushed away!Why bother?Return the ring to him, and hand him a distressed hand: I am willing

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