President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 127: The Reason of Anger

Amy, can you? Fiona asked pretending to be worried, but she actually expected her to refuse
Yuxi was only angry with Zelei, but kept smiling at Fiona.Okay, don't worry, I'll help you!

Zareth glared at her, she did it on purpose and said "you" emphatically!
In this way, Yuxi became the one who cooks, and Zelei was still fighting on the sidelines. Yuxi's attitude towards Zelei was extremely unfriendly. Fiona looked at the two people who cooperated tacitly, and Lei seemed to be in much better shape than before

This was completely different from what she had expected. Fiona stared at the two regretfully. She was envious of Ray's nervous expression and tiny actions.

It's been a long time since I watched her cook, and Zaleth also pays special attention to Yuxi while enjoying, lest she get burned!Part of the sleeves fell down, causing her some inconvenience, and she would observe carefully and roll them up for her. Apart from these small details, Yuxi is very casual and her movements are very familiar
Today's dishes include: exquisite steak, pasta, salad, borscht, red wine and Yuxi's extra laver rice, the advantage is that you can eat

Let's toast Amy and thank you for cooking us dinner. Fiona raises her glass to Yuxi and grabs the dominant word

The biggest credit is to you, I just finished it briefly, thank you for the dinner!Yuxi also raised his glass, and replied modestly, the last sentence was very intentional, and he was expressionless and indifferent.Zareth sighed silently in his heart.

I didn't expect you to cook, Amy, but what a surprise! Fiona said with a smirk
It's just a small hobby, but I have no choice but to be independent early, and I have to know everything.After Yuxi answered with an apologetic smile, he cut a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. In the next second, Zelei pulled her share over, and Yuxi looked at him suspiciously.Then he put his sliced ​​portion over
Fiona also saw it all, Yuxi glanced at her awkwardly, and pushed this to eat first

After speaking, he gave Zareth her share as well, and Zareth glanced at her, but said nothing.After cutting both, Zareth gave her Fiona's share, deliberately keeping her share for himself
During the meal, Fiona purposely shared a lot of her memories with Lei, and even dragged him to reminisce, while Yuxi was so bored that she wanted to end it early.
Finally got through to the end, the three of them went downstairs

Amy, where do you live?

It doesn't matter, I'll just take a taxi back by myself, let Boss Han take you back! Before Fiona could finish her sentence, Yuxi quickly interrupted, afraid that Zalei would speak first and say that she lived here, and smiled guiltyly.

get in the car.Zareth opened the car door for her.
She. Fiona is still confused, is he really going to send me off, leaving her alone?

She can.Zelei still said the same thing, Yuxi gave him an unhappy look

Then you pay attention to safety, I will go back first, see you tomorrow. Fiona closes the car door with a smug look on her face
see you tomorrow

After watching them leave, Yuxi turned back and closed the door with a tired expression on his face.

Zalei sent Fiona home as quickly as possible, and on the way back, he sent Yuxi an explanation of where she lived.Thank you for helping me. I originally made an appointment with Kevin and Fiona, but later I heard that Kevin was unable to come because of something.I can't push it away
On WeChat, the other party is still typing...

You're welcome.Yuxi replied directly, throwing the phone aside.thank you for helping me?You don't blame me for bothering you. I'm already grateful. What the hell are you grateful for?The more Yuxi thought about it, the angrier she became, staring at the phone, shouldn't you explain it to me?Yes you can!Now I will take my female colleagues home.Yuxi roared loudly
What?Aunt Zhang, who had just put Little Shell to sleep, came out and heard it, but she didn’t hear it right

It's nothing, Aunt Zhang, I'm going to take a shower first.Yuxi fled back to the room with a guilty smile, threw his phone on the bed angrily again, and went into the bathroom with his pajamas.As for Zareth, he didn't have too many explanations, and just sent a sentence, "You won't be angry, are you?" Yuxi ignored him.

In the early morning, Yuxi clearly saw Zelei, but pressed the close button vigorously, and Zelei was one step away!Yuxi patted his chest in false alarm, and heaved a sigh of relief. Was it too blatant for me to do this?

Zelei didn't care about her as much, dialed her number, Yuxi looked at the call and picked it up with a guilty conscience.

I send you
No, I've ordered the car!
You didn't get out of the elevator, how did you call the car?
Yuxi looked at the falling numbers in embarrassment.Called yesterday, I got out of the elevator!I just don't bother to talk to him, so you want to take care of him?
The elevator does stop at the 1st floor

Are you still angry?

angry?How dare I, I didn't expect you to be so young

Why do I sound so sour?Zareth let out a smug smile.

I'm in the car now, let's do this first.

After being hung up on the phone, Zareth was sure she was just angry, and I should be happy, but why can't I be happy?Zareth told Arvin about this problem
This problem is easy, that's because you still have to figure out how to deal with it.Arwen grasped the key to the problem at once, the title of exclusive emotional expert is not in vain

On the way back to the company, he has been thinking about this solution. How can he satisfy her?

In the morning, Zalei deliberately called Yuxi in, and Fiona was also on the sidelines, working with him
Mr. Han, what can you do for me?At work, Yuxi has always been quite friendly towards Zareth, only occasionally
Come on, this milk has just been soaked hot, take it to drink.In front of Fiona, Zareth said softly to her
Yuxi stared at him suspiciously, asking me to come in just to tell me to drink milk?My brain is flooded!Yuxi whispered softly
don't drink!I have nothing to do, so I went out first.Said Yuxi turned to leave, Zareh held her back, he did it on purpose for Fiona to see, Fiona stared at the two in a daze, wasn't the two very unfamiliar yesterday?
Here, take it.Zareth took the milk and stuffed it into her hand, and patted her head.good!

good?Early in the morning, Yuxi didn't know which show he was performing, did I stimulate him by what I said this morning?No!When she couldn't think of it, she didn't think about it, and walked out, Zareth had no intention of teasing her, but her expression was really funny, Zareth couldn't help laughing out loud
Fiona saw all this, and Amy returned to the office, staring at the milk on the table in a daze, he couldn't do it on purpose, right?childish!

On the other hand, Zelei discovered that although Yiheng was younger than him, he was exceptionally careful and cared for others. When Yuxi's hair was accidentally splashed with water while washing the vegetables, he also thoughtfully helped her wipe it off. The picture was always harmonious, and Zareth was always angry watching from the sidelines.

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