She has no shortage of clothes!Yuxi spoke every word very clearly, took the bag into the room, and drank half a glass of water!

When he came out again, Little Shell was dragging shopping bags, and Zalei persuaded him, "Enough is enough, five sets, mom said no more!" Yuxi gave him a blank look and walked into the kitchen.How could such a small shell pick clothes?Her mood was inexplicably depressed because she didn't buy it for her.

Did Yi Heng talk about coming back for dinner?Yuxi's voice returned to gentleness, and he asked Aunt Zhang while clapping his hands. Zelei stared at her with concern.

He said back.

It's almost time for dinner, why haven't you come back yet?Yuxi glanced out the door

almost.Aunt Zhang replied gently with a smile

Yuxi glanced at the hall again, the two were having fun, they pursed their lips and concentrated on washing the vegetables

After a while, Yiheng walked in, glanced at Zalei who was playing with shells in the hall, and skipped over.Going directly to Yuxi, he asked in a low voice, "Why is he here?"

He moved to 603 to live.

Isn't 603 a couple?

yes!The two discussed in low voices, and glanced at Zareth, who happened to be looking this way too, and the two retracted their gaze tacitly.Yiheng was standing next to Yuxi, helping her wash the vegetables and tidy up together, much more caring than him, but he seemed like an outsider, he didn't seem to care, but his eyes always looked that way

Seeing Yuxi's sullen look, Yiheng looked at her and threw the water on her face mischievously. Yuxi looked at him in surprise and began to fight back. This was not the first time the two of them had such childish behavior Done.She smiled brightly as she flung the water into his face too

You two children!Aunt Zhang standing aside helplessly blamed
Seeing that, Zelei stood up and walked towards her coldly. Yuxi saw it and thought to himself, "No!" Subconsciously standing obediently, he looked really angry!Pulling her away, Yiheng grabbed her at the same time, and the two confronted each other through Yuxi!Yuxi looked at the two, trying to pull back his hand, but neither of them wanted to let go, Aunt Zhang and Xiao Beike also looked over

Can you let me go first?
I have something to talk to you about.Zelei answered first, Yuxi paused, and looked at Yiheng
What about you?

There is something to say here.Yiheng is of course aimed at Zareth
It's not convenient, I want to talk to her alone!Zelei spoke firmly, and took a step forward to block Yuxi from behind, Yiheng let go of his hand for fear of hurting her.Yuxi was in the posture of being hugged by him, and he grabbed both hands domineeringly. When he was not paying attention, Yuxi pulled back his hands, and Yuxi stepped back a little.
These actions were seen by both of them.
We're going to eat soon, and we'll be back soon after we finish talking.Did you hear that?Seeing that Yuxi didn't respond, Heng reminded loudly on purpose

knew.As soon as Yuxi finished answering, she was pulled out by Zere
Heng walked towards the little shell, and he still looked around at the door. He glanced outside, but there was no one in sight.
In the right-hand passage of the elevator, Zelei Bi thumped Yuxi with a jealous and angry look on his face.Yuxi evaded a little, looked away nervously, thinking of countermeasures, but these actions successfully angered Zareth, turned her face around, held her face in both hands and kissed her on the lips, Let her go before she resists

You are not allowed to flirt with other men in the future.Zareth looked at her domineeringly, and ordered

me, you!Who is flirting? !Yuxi raised his head and stared at him angrily.

It's not okay to laugh and play!Zareth looked down at her

I don't care about you!After finishing speaking, Yuxi was about to leave, but was pulled back by Zelei, this time it was replaced with a more domineering kiss, Yuxi struggled for a while, and bit him hard.Zareth let out a painful "ah", let go of her, and covered his mouth

Kiss me casually in the future, that's the end, you know?Yuxi looked at him and warned
It just so happens that my mouth is swollen anyway, and they know what's going on when they see it.After speaking, Zareth was about to go back
Yuxi tugged at his clothes, pulled him back, and reached for his hand covering his mouth: "Let me see!"

Don't show it!Zelei raised his neck and kept his mouth shut, Yuxi pulled even harder and shouted: "Let me see!" Cursing in his heart, scheming man!

Zareth fought her and enjoyed her slapstick with him.Yuxi couldn't pull it off, so he gave up and pulled him

come over!

Zelei was dragged by her for unknown reasons, Yuxi stopped at his door, and ordered: "Open the door!"

what?Zareth took out the key and looked at her warily.

of course i'm going in
What?Zareth looked at her in surprise, she waited with a straight face without any expression
After the door opened, Zaleh blocked her against the wall dangerously, Yuxi's head was spinning rapidly
Lend me your charger.Yuxi spoke calmly

don't you?Zareth leaned close on purpose, he thought she was compromising and seducing himself, and smiled
mine is broken
Zalei let go of her and was about to go to the room when Yuxi grabbed him and reached out to ask him for the key.He didn't ask anything, and handed it to her. Yuxi looked at his back and showed a shy smile. First, he quietly opened the door, inserted the key outside, and then quickly backed out and locked the door behind him!With a series of tense and excited movements, Yuxi celebrated with a lot of fun

When he came out again, Zareth stood there dumbfounded, listening to the sound of the door being locked.Li Yuxi!

You stay in it well!Yuxi ignored him, and jumped back in a good mood

Zareth was so angry that he wanted to drop what he was holding, but held back.Although she bit hard on the corner of his mouth, it wasn't swollen, it just hurt a bit. It seems that she still loves me.
Yuxi suppressed his expression before entering the door.Yi Heng looked behind her

What about others?
He said he had something to do and left first

Had he planned to stay here for dinner, too?
Probably, just leave some food for him, let's eat first

Is it back to the company?Yi Heng sipped his soup and sat down to continue asking
Hmm.. Is the soup good?

It's so delicious!Yuxi successfully diverted attention
Drink more, Aunt Zhang, you eat first, I look at the little shells.Yuxi sat back on the sofa, looking carefully at the clothes he bought for his daughter, and didn't want to admit it, but her jealousy was a bit too obvious

Okay, then I'll save the food for Xiaohan first
ok, thank you auntie zhang

You're welcome.Aunt Zhang stared at her reproachfully, Yuxi smiled at her cutely
Then don't I have to see him often in the future?Yiheng asked if he minded while eating

Hmm~ Maybe?maybe.This is what Yuxi should worry about

An intern came to the hospital, a girl and a Chinese student.Yiheng said it very clearly, he wanted to see how she would react

Hmm~ yeah!How long have you known each other?Why didn't I hear you say it?
It's only a month, nothing to say
If there is nothing to say, why don't you say that people are beautiful?Yuxi smiled at him meaningfully, and became interested!
Okay.Yiheng lost interest in chatting

Okay, so when will you invite me to your house for a meal?Yuxi looked at him suggestively, Yiheng's expression paused, and he lowered his head to eat

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