President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 1: Her life situation

The girl in front of me, dressed in ordinary clothes and commuting by bus every day, is named Yuxi. She is naturally beautiful and generous!Compared with the people around in the car, her appearance and temperament are much more outstanding, it seems that she does not belong here (on the bus)
And she is indeed a salesman of an ordinary brand in a certain shopping mall. She simply eats a takeaway at night, then rushes to another place to deliver leaflets, and does not return home exhausted until 11 o'clock in the evening. This is her daily life. almost repetitive life
The simple two-bedroom, one-living room is not big, but it is very homely.Poured a glass of water and sat down, looked up at the wall clock on the wall, it was almost 12 o'clock, drank more than half of the glass of water quickly, got up and went back to the room, took a change of clothes into the bathroom, and went back to the room directly after washing rest

At night, Yuxi only felt that he had just slept for a while, when he was woken up by the continuous ringing and vibration, and picked up the phone in a daze.

Miss Li, your father escaped from the drug rehabilitation center!
How could he run away!Does he have a mobile phone?The voice from inside made Yuxi fully awake and sat up all of a sudden, with an anxious tone
No.The other side replied again with a guilty conscience, and Yuxi's temper suddenly came up.

You can be regarded as a formal drug rehabilitation center, why can't you even look down on individuals!If something happens to him, can you take responsibility? !
If the patient is trying to escape, we will...

Before the other side could finish speaking, Yuxi hung up the call angrily. She knew what she wanted to say, but she was just shirking responsibility.Changed clothes casually, took the bag Yuxi and hurried out

At 03:51 in the morning, the road was quiet and there were not many people. Yuxi stopped a taxi and got in. The first thing he did was to take a photo of the license plate number and the driver's information and send it to a colleague with a good relationship. .At the same time, she tightly held the one-button alarm and pepper water in her bag at all times, because she often came home very late, just in case the weapons she had on her body, even the emergency calls on her mobile phone 110
For her now, she is an extremely insecure person.Once, she also had a beautiful family, lived an enviable life like a princess, had parents who doted on her, and was a "rich second generation" in others' mouths. She never thought that life could really be so hard. ! !Until her father became addicted to drugs for some reason. He said that he was framed and kept it from them for more than a year. She watched the police take him away with her own eyes.Dad's reputation was gone, the power of the company fell into the hands of others, and the family was in ruins, so the family moved out of there.But my father still couldn't get rid of his drug addiction and often disappeared. My mother died in a car accident on the way to find him.
After his mother passed away, he suffered for a long time, and with the addition of drugs, he aged a lot.He sent himself to the drug rehabilitation center again and again, each time he escaped because he couldn't bear the pain, Yuxi blamed him for hating him, but he still loved him more in his heart
Yuxi thought about where he might go, and searched over and over again while being afraid, praying that at a certain place, he would appear in front of her eyes.But it didn't, the sky slowly dawned, Yuxi sat on the lounge chair exhausted, looked around the streets of Nuoda several times, and then got up and returned in complete disappointment

Taking out the ingredients in the refrigerator, she got busy again, thinking about her missing father.How many times do you want us to find you aimlessly like this?No, without us, only me!A tear dripped from her eyes before she came back to her senses, wiped it off with the back of her hand, and continued to do what she was supposed to do.Prepare the lunch box at noon, wash up briefly, then change into business attire and go to work
As soon as she arrived at the store, Shu Ran nervously stepped forward and asked
Are you okay last night?Why did you send me a message so late?

It's okay, I just went out to lie down too late, and I was afraid to send you the master's information
won't you call meWhat if something happened and I didn't see it? !

It doesn't matter, even if something happened, I sent you the information, so you can know who killed me!
What nonsense are you talking about!Hearing her say these words so easily, Shu Ran shouted incomprehensibly
Just kidding!Yuxi hurriedly comforted her, forcing a smile on her face
It's not funny at all, is it?
OK, got it!
A day's work has begun, but today's Yuxi is not paying attention at all, Shu Ran keeps an eye on her worriedly, but fortunately there is no major mistake.Until lunch time, Shu Ran sat next to her
Yuxi, can I ask you something?My house is being renovated recently, can I borrow a few days at your house?Shu Ran coquettishly said to her, looking at her expectantly, Yuxi couldn't refuse and nodded.good!

Then I'll pack my luggage at night, and I'll go find you at your part-time job, and then we'll go home together!May I?Shu Ran is an extremely careful person with a kind heart. Yuxi is the best friend she has met since she came out to work.In fact, there is no decoration, but she found an excuse to accompany her for a few days because of Yuxi's preoccupied appearance.
Yuxi is so nice!

Yuxi, the fruit has been cut, come and eat it!

Yuxi, I forgot to take the towel!hold it for me

Yuxi, let's watch a movie together, what do you want to see?
Yuxi, let's paint your nails together? !Shu Ran took out a bunch of nail polish, sat on the sofa, and asked Yuxi to choose a few colors

Have you forgotten the shop rules?No painted nails!Yuxi refused indifferently from the side, looking at the TV
Let's paint the head office!
My toenails are ugly, I don’t want to paint them
Then don't paint it, how about some barbecue?
OK.Yuxi's expression brightened, she didn't look at her but was spotted by Shu Ran, her tone was very calm

When the barbecue arrived, the two sat on the blanket, leaning against the sofa, eating the barbecue while chasing the show.Shu Ran always has many ways to distract her. Thanks to Shu Ran, the past two days have been quite peaceful. Apart from thinking about him from time to time, she is also trying to comfort herself. He will still be missing for a few days as usual. will come back by itself.It's just that she hates such a father in her heart, and feels that he no longer has the appearance of a father.
After spending a few days with her like this, after confirming that she was not in such a low mood, Shu Ran moved back

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