Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 97: The truth of the matter

"Tick-tack ~ tick-tack ~"

At Qin Shanshan's "critical moment", a phone call came, and what's more, the source of the voice of the phone call came from Qin Shanshan.

She flipped through the satchel in her hand, and took out her mobile phone from it. The caller ID on the screen was... CNo.20.

At this time, Tan Shanshan only thought it was an opportunity to take her away from this place, but it was not suitable to accept it now.

But he hesitated for a while and still connected the phone, "Hello, what can I do?"


The other end of the phone was completely unaware of the situation here, and suddenly heard such a sentence from Qin Shanshan, and confused himself.

"Sister Shanshan, I've already got what you asked me to get, and now I'm waiting for you at the old place."

Qin Shanshan didn't expect that person to be so stupid, and didn't understand such obvious hints.She pressed the speaker hard with her right hand, but she was nervous for a while, but she didn't really cover the speaker that could produce sound.

Li Nianci's ears are extremely sensitive, she heard the voice on the other end of the phone... I have already got what I want, see you at the old place?

It's like when I used to play assault games when I was young, and after I found the key clues, I would connect with my teammates.But Qin Shanshan's behavior today would not be a good thing, maybe it has something to do with the incident just now.

On the contrary, Qin Shanshan could only pretend that nothing had happened, and was about to leave the dressing room.

When she raised her head to look at the road, Tan Shanshan looked at those people in the dressing room, with those eyes, as if they wanted to swallow her up.

She also had no choice but to turn around and hurriedly walked towards the door. She didn't know who stretched out a foot to trip Qin Shanshan, and a staggered one almost tripped her. .

" careful when you walk!"

"It deserves it! Who told her to say those words."


After Qin Shanshan left here, everyone dispersed.Someone walked up to Li Nianci, caring and talking to her.

"Poetry, you don't have to take what Qin Shanshan said to heart, that kind of person just has a twitch."

"Of course not."

She didn't have the leisure time to remember those irrelevant words, but now...

"She's right, Xiao Niannian doesn't need to listen to that person's angry words, she just said that because she was jealous of you."

Qiu He naturally knew Qin Shanshan's temperament, and she was full of bad taste.

"That's right, Qin Shanshan's ethnicity, maybe she doesn't take me seriously at all."

"Tan Shanshan doesn't know where she got the courage to speak like this."

"Qi Bai Zhi gave it."

Talking about Tan Shanshan's voice was provoked here in the dressing room, and there was a kind of contempt that didn't take people seriously.

"Xiao Niannian, what about this?"

Qiu He hugged the cosmetic box in his arms, this thing is real, it's impossible to leave it like this.

Li Nianci heard Qiu He asking herself like this, and she thought of a way.

She leaned her head over and whispered in Qiu He's ear: "Wait a minute, I'll follow. Then..."

After hearing this method, Qiu He nodded frequently. "All right."

After everything was discussed, Li Nianci also went out in the same direction that Qin Shanshan had just walked out, while Qiu He returned to the nanny's car with the jewelry box.

A few minutes have passed since sitting in the nanny car, Qiu He looked at his watch, it should be almost the same time.

With the status of Li Nianci on the phone, Qiu He got out of the nanny's car.Pretending not to know where Li Nian resigned, she waited for a long time without seeing her.

"Hi, did you see Xiao Niannian just now?"

From the nanny's car to the direction of the crew, I saw someone here, so I grabbed someone and asked a question.

"No, Miss Ci, hasn't he already returned to the nanny's car?"

The staff didn't see Li Nianci returning to the nanny's car and turning back to the dressing room just now, thinking she was already in the car.

"No, we went back to the dressing room just now, and I didn't see her after I came out. It's best not to have anything happen."

Qiu He looked at a loss, which made the staff believe her words [-]%.

"Lao Meng, did you see Miss Ci just now?"

The man shouted to another person not far away, "Didn't Miss Ci get into the nanny's car just now? Why hasn't she gone back now, and she disappeared?"

When Lao Meng was asked such a question, he was also puzzled. "Why don't we all look for it together?"

"Okay." It's not a trivial matter that people disappear, and if something really happens, it's hard to say.

"Okay, then I'll thank you both here."

"It's okay, you're welcome. The most important thing now is to find the person, otherwise it will be dark."

Qiu He thought about the direction he had positioned just now, "I remember... Xiao Niannian left from this direction, and now I don't know if it is over there."

"Then let's go find it."

"Everyone together?"

Lao Meng looked in that direction, and it seemed that there was also a place where sundries were piled up.

"Okay, let's go together, more people are more powerful."

The plan was as it was in reality, Li Nianci followed Qin Shanshan to the small hut here.

This is the room used when filming, that is, the woodshed in the backyard.

"Bring me something."

Qin Shanshan's voice came from inside the room, not too loud, just enough to be heard by Li Nianci.

"No, here you are, Sister Shanshan."

The woman took out a small package from the pocket of her clothes, which was wrapped in a handkerchief.

Qin Shanshan checked it, and besides the three replaced red gemstones, there was also a pair of gold earrings.

"Well, good job this time."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shanshan took out a bank card from her bag and gave it to the woman who met her.

"There are [-] in this card, you can keep it no more and no less, but this matter must be kept secret, otherwise I will not be able to protect you if something goes wrong."

Qin Shanshan looked like she was giving alms, and she looked really in need of a beating, which was really likely because she was not used to beating much.

"Okay, thank you Sister Shanshan, I will definitely keep the recent matter a secret and rot it in my stomach."

"Well, it's good to be a sensible one."

Qin Shanshan didn't have anything to say, so she took the thing and looked at the surrounding environment again, then turned around and prepared to leave here.

"Sister Shanshan, wait a minute, I have a question for you."

The woman is very curious why Ci Shiyi is also very good, why Sister Shanshan and the others deliberately target Ci Shiyi.


"Why are you targeting Ci Shiyi? Isn't she a nice person?"

This made her very puzzled. It seemed that Ci Shiyi had been getting along very well with everyone during the time she was filming.

"Also, why did you change the ruby ​​in that jewelry? Isn't the whole set of jewelry a replica?" And she was asked to pick out something that seemed to have been taken away and was not obvious.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and be careful with your mouth."

Qin Shanshan suddenly seemed to be provoked, she felt that the person in front of her made her very uncomfortable.

"I don't know if it's a fake or not." At first she thought it was real,
Unexpectedly, it seems that it is really a high imitation now.That meant that he was busy in vain.

"If it's not a high imitation, do you think you made money? Qin Shanshan!!"

Li Nianci heard this, walked in towards the door, and asked Qin Shanshan such a sentence.

"of course."

Qin Shanshan didn't think too much, she just took such a sentence.

But when she realized it, she realized that something was wrong with the voice?I didn't expect that when I turned around, I saw the person coming...

"Ci Shiyi! Why are you here?"

"What do you think, why am I here?"

She had thought that Qin Shanshan did that thing, but she never thought that her accomplice turned out to be the Xiao Luo that everyone had been waiting for when the commemorative photo was taken today.

"You follow me!"

From the moment she walked over to now, did she find that someone was following him?And the poetry of words appeared here without anyone noticing.

"If you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door."

Li Nianci walked in front of her slowly, and saw that Qin Shanshan still put those things wrapped in a handkerchief in Qin Shanshan's hands.

"Give me back my things."

Qin Shanshan took a look at her own hands, and quickly put the things in her hands behind her back.


He pretended that nothing happened, he thought that Li Nianci didn't know what happened just now, and you just heard that sentence in it.

Just in case, Qin Shanshan asked such a sentence.

"What do you say?"

Li Nianci thought it was funny, did this person go out without a brain?Can you still ask such words, do you think he is blind or deaf?

"'s nothing, I'll go first."

Xiao Luo, who was standing behind Tan Shanshan, saw Li Nianci's appearance, and felt that something was going to go wrong.He only thought that he could get out of here as soon as possible, he didn't want to completely offend Li Nianci because of this incident.

"Xiao Luo, why are you running?"

Seeing that the woman was about to leave, Qin Shanshan stretched out her left hand and directly grabbed the shoulder of the man named Xiao Luo.

"Sister Shanshan...I...I still have things to do."

I just feel that if I am caught here, I will become a victim, maybe I will be given by Qin Shanshan in the next second...

"Hold your things by yourself, I won't help you. Also, this has nothing to do with me, don't forget."

Qin Shanshan stuffed the things wrapped in a handkerchief that she had just hidden behind her back into Xiao Luo's hands.

"Sister Shanshan...this..."

This thing is not hers either, she just wanted to make a little money, but she didn't expect to get into such trouble today.

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