Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 90: Pregnant?

"Mom, I have recovered my memory now. This woman lied to me and you guys before. He is not the one I want to marry, Song Yanran is."

Chen Ming didn't save any face for Song Qingrou, and told the story in front of his mother.


The memory has been restored, when did it be restored?Why doesn't she know?
"Mom, our whole family was deceived by him. Song Qingrou is not a woman who knows how to settle down."

"Chen Ming..."

Song Qingrou was supported by the minister's mother, and she felt an unspeakable grievance in her heart. She was afraid of being rejected by his mother.

"Qingrou, why don't you feel restless when you're a good person! Chen Ming, if you don't tell me clearly, you won't go to the company today."

The minister's mother had never seen his own son wronging her daughter-in-law for no reason.

"Mom, this woman Song Qingrou put something in my medicine, that's why I haven't been able to recover my memory."

He also started to shirk with reasons in the past two days, and didn't take the medicine, only to find that his memory had recovered a lot, but it would only be intermittent.

It was the injection last night, after he had a good night's sleep, his memory was successfully restored.

"So I want to divorce this woman right now."

"Vag... vomit..."


Song Qingrou's body felt uncomfortable for some reason, because she felt nauseous and retched, and she was a little out of breath.

"Qingrou, what's wrong with you, tell mom if you feel uncomfortable."

Chen's mother carefully discovered the state of her body, and it seemed that something was's like...

"Qingrou, you shouldn't be pregnant, right? Why didn't you tell mom about such a big thing. "

Chen's mother told herself based on his experience that her daughter-in-law probably had a child.

She helped Song Qingrou onto the bed and sat down, "How do you feel now? Let's go to the hospital for an examination today, shall we?"

Seeing his mother caring about Song Qingrou like this, Chen Ming felt that his heart was very disturbed.

"Mom, don't trust her, Song Qingrou is probably pretending again."

"Okay, Chen Ming, don't talk any more. How can you not see that Mom is someone who has been here. How can Qing Rou be faking it."

Chen's mother didn't know why she was so disappointed with her first son today.

"Also, since you are the one who married Qingrou, you have to be responsible to the end, and don't just bring up things like divorce when you have nothing to do."

Chen Ming just couldn't figure out why his mother had been protecting Song Qingrou, who was her real child?

"Mom, are you sure you want to be under the same roof as a liar? She is a vicious woman who took drugs to make me lose my previous memory."

Chen Ming felt that it was not worth it for himself. What he was most unwilling to do was to be fooled around by this woman.

"Chen Ming, let me tell you, your mother, you should be content now. Is there any woman in the world who would do this to you for no reason, after all, there is nothing wrong with you now."

The minister's mother knew about Song Qingrou's affairs, but he couldn't say anything about it.She had seen the previous Song Yanran, who was completely different from Song Qingrou, and always felt that she was not good enough for her son.

Whether it was out of consideration for her son or to help the company, she felt that there was nothing wrong with Song Qingrou doing this.Moreover, Song Qingrou was the only daughter of the Song family. It would be completely different to marry Song Qingrou and Song Yanran.

"Mom, what do you mean?"

She didn't think it was a big deal for Song Qingrou to do that kind of thing. Is this still his previous mother?

"I knew about you and that one named Song Yanran before, but now you don't want to think about it."

Song Qingrou is the only daughter-in-law of the Song family, now and in the future.

"I can't control you so much, I'm divorced from this marriage!"

Chen Ming was very angry. What he didn't expect was that even his mother came to cheat him.Before the two of them could react, Chen Ming had already slammed the door out, without any intention of staying here.

"Mom, there should be no problem with Chen Ming..."

Song Qingrou didn't have the confidence to speak now, and Chen Ming was already complete, losing her control.It was unexpected but unexpected, so she had to panic.

"Qingrou, you don't have to worry about him now. Mom asks you, how long has it been since you had your period. "

Chen's mother felt that as long as Song Qingrou was really pregnant this time, the divorce would not be his decision.

"This...hasn't come for more than half a month."

So according to what Mom means, she is really very likely to be pregnant now, right?

"This is good news! Qingrou, how do you feel now, do you want to go to the hospital for an examination, or ask the family doctor to come over?"

The minister's mother followed Song Qingrou's back and got pregnant very well, so that their minister's family would have a descendant.

Chen's mother had completely forgotten the purpose of her visit to the villa here today, and he had completely forgotten about the fact that her husband asked him to come to find his son to go to the company for a meeting.


There is a country one ocean away from here, country C.

In one of the country's dungeons, men sit in the highest positions.Below are two rows of bodyguards in all black clothes. To be precise, they are just "bodyguards" on the surface.

"How are things going over there?"

The man's thick voice was transmitted to another place through a voice changer, only to hear a mechanical voice coming from the other side.

"Returning to the young master, the affairs here have been arranged properly, and we can collect the net just waiting for your order."

"Really? You performed well. It seems that you have to give you a holiday after this incident."

The man knocked on the table next to him with his hand, and there were crisp knocking sounds coming out one after another.

Listening to this sound in this room, no one's body is not tense.Because they know that now there is another task, and it may not be small.

After all, after each group can rest, there will be new team members to join the task, no matter how big or small, it must be completed anyway, only success is allowed, and failure is not allowed.

"How is the situation over there?"

"Everything is fine with Miss, but Miss seems to have offended Wan Sheng's master."


How could Yanran provoke Wansheng?
"Because the lady went to Jiangjing Manor two days ago, and she also slept in the bed of the wife of the president of Wansheng Group, so it may be for this reason that the master over there was offended."

"Huh, is it?"

The one over Wansheng is really not easy to mess with, no matter how you say it, Yan Ran can be regarded as Yun Xi's best friend and college classmate for many years.

In the past, they shared the same bed so many times, and those were nothing, but now that they are married to Wansheng, things seem to be much more interesting.


"Well, let's do this first, hang up, and contact me in time for the next thing."

Shen Xichen felt that now that he was not by Song Yanran's side, he would not be able to fulfill his responsibilities as an elder brother properly.

However, the matter over there is almost resolved now.The injection of medicine that Song Qingrou gave Chen Ming really came in time.

Originally, he was thinking of finding an opportunity to have someone give Chen Ming a shot on the way.She didn't expect that she would become anxious now, but now that things are developing, that's really the same thing.

Yueshuo Technology Group did not wait for Chenming, but it has already waited for a major shareholder.

"Why has it been half an hour now, why hasn't the president of the company arrived yet?"

A man who is not much different from Chen Ming's age is sitting next to the chairman.

He looked at the watch in his hand, and found it strange and funny. He really didn't know what the guy asked him to come to this company for?
There are not enough people to attend a meeting, and it doesn't look like a listed company at all.

"Mr. Gu, don't be impatient in peace, don't be impatient in peace. People will be here soon."

Chen Ming's father's assistant, while anxiously waiting for Chen Ming's arrival, followed the wishes of the directors in the conference room.

There is no way for the chairman to get out of the board room and run outside to get some air.

In fact, he himself wanted to do it this way. The atmosphere in the conference room was really suffocating.

The few remaining shareholders are almost losing their temper. If the president has not come, the company may really disappear because of him.

The convening of the board of directors originally requires that all directors be present, unless there is a reason why they cannot come.But as the president, as the second largest shareholder of the company, it is impossible for him to be present at such an important meeting.

"It's impossible to change the meeting to be held later without him, so what can we do now?"

That man felt uncomfortable. He was the president of an imposing consortium. It was a waste of money and life to come to this kind of place to have a meeting with this kind of person.

"This...isn't that good."

"It's not good, you see what everyone thinks."

The man turned around to face the shareholders in the conference room, seeing which one of them was not in a hurry.And now he is also the second largest shareholder, Chen Ming's share was still the second largest shareholder before he came.

Now that he is here, he is the second largest shareholder, so why does he have no rights.Chen Ming's small shareholding is not worth it to him.

If it weren't for the group of old guys sitting in this meeting room who insisted on taking a share with Yue Shuo, I would have already bought all the shares they held at a price, and there was no need to come to this meeting today.

"That's right! We've all been waiting there for more than half an hour. If Chen Ming doesn't come, this meeting will have to be held sooner or later."

"That's right, that's exactly what it means. If all of us suffer losses because of waiting for him to come to A, who will bear the burden? In the end, it won't be us."

All the shareholders in the conference room nodded. They also wanted to say this, but they didn't say it out of face.


The secretary of the board is completely messed up now, the chairman is not here, and the president is not here, how should the meeting be held?
It was at this last moment that someone knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Sorry everyone, I'm late."

"Is it useful to be sorry? If it is useful, then I will be late next time."

Waiting always consumes people's patience, and it is still at such an important time.


Everyone present felt embarrassed for him, so just think about it in your heart and don't say it.

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