Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 75: Who is she?



"Qingrou, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Ming, the scientific research department of the Chen family's Yueshuo Technology Company, is walking towards Song Qingrou.He was asking her as he walked, but he had already called her twice and didn't see her answering himself.

In the past, when he walked in without calling her, Song Qingrou would have raised her head to look at him.These are all common behaviors and habits, but today is different.

She has been staring at the computer screen, as if attracted by the content inside, without even blinking her eyes.

Chen Ming, who hadn't received an answer yet, walked up to Song Qingrou in two or three quick steps, and followed her to face the computer.

"Qingrou, since when did you start paying attention to entertainment news?" Didn't she always dislike those circles where good and evil people are mixed together?What happened to her today?
"Chen're here."

Song Qingrou was taken aback. She thought that someone was behind her, but she turned around and saw that this person was her husband.

She couldn't let Chen Ming find out that she was watching that person's news. When she was talking to Chen Ming, Song Qingrou secretly pressed the shortcut keys ALT and F4 to exit the current page with her left hand.


He came to pick her up from get off work to have dinner, and then to go home, and he had always come like this before.It's only because Song Qingrou said that he was like this when he met her before, and he would come to pick her up from get off work every day.

When Chen Ming heard Song Qingrou tell himself like that, he naturally wouldn't let her down.He didn't want to keep what he said before because he lost his memory.

"Qingrou, why did you jump out of the page? Why did that person feel so familiar just now, and why does she look so similar to you." The resemblance is as if carved out of a mold, I don't know I thought it was Song Qingrou's twin sister.

"Nothing, I'm just looking around."

Song Qingrou pinched the hem of her skirt, and answered Chen Ming's words nervously, for fear that he would find out that she was abnormal.

But just when she thought she was hiding it well, Chen Ming had already discovered her little tricks.

Song Qingrou would only make small movements like this when she was nervous or lying, either pinching the corners of the clothes or the hem of the skirt.

"Well, let's leave this alone. I've made a reservation at the Tile Hotel, where we're going to eat, and we'll go to another place after dinner."

"it is good."

Although I don't know what happened to Chen Ming today, I specially ordered dinner at the Tile Hotel.But as long as he doesn't ask the question just now, everything is easy to talk about.

Tile Hotel
When Chen Ming drove here with Song Qingrou, he got out of the car and walked into Tilai's gate holding hands.What they didn't expect was that they would be surrounded by reporters in a place like Tilay.

"Miss Song Yanran, you finally appeared. I haven't seen you recently, have you been with this man beside you all the time?"

A group of people swarmed up, all scrambling to get ahead.

"Miss Song Yanran, what is the relationship between this man and you? Do you want multiplayer sports?"

"Miss Song Yanran, are you planning to just let some rumors on the Internet spread like this? Please give us an answer."

Before this, it was not the first time that Song Yanran went in and out of the hotel with a strange man.A few days ago, I left Jiuzhou District by helicopter with another young man, and now there is another man.

"What are you just doing? Qingrou is not the Song Yanran you mentioned. I advise you to leave now, or don't blame me for being rude."

Chen Ming was very angry with their behavior, how could his wife Song Qingrou be who they said she was.


Such a word that Song Qingrou said strangely seems to be a good choice.Now that the page meeting is gone, there will be a second "page meeting". As long as Song Yanran's reputation can be ruined, there is no question of whether or not it will work.

After Chen Minghou's words, less than a minute later, the bodyguards from the Tile Hotel came here.

"Whoever gave you the guts to make trouble in Tile, get out of here right now."

The captain of the bodyguard team "invited out" those messy "customers" and those who sneaked into the Tilay Hotel a few days ago. It has not been a week yet, and some people dare to come to Tilay to do things.

"We finally found Song Yanran, it's impossible to let her go like this."

"That's right! We rely on this morsel to support our family. Now that we have the opportunity, we can't just leave empty-handed like this. How can this be plausible?"

"That's right, we haven't delivered the manuscript for several days. If we don't get Song Yanran's 'news' today, we can only wait to be fired."

Some people whose only thoughts are money, don't care what the Tillay Hotel is.

"Do it, get them all out of here." If they can't get news about Song Yanran, they will be fired by the company, and if they don't fulfill their responsibilities, they will also be fired by Tilai.

He has already promised in front of the boss that under his management in the future, Tilay will not have a situation like today again.

But the situation in front of him told him that it was like slapping him in the face, and the things that were guaranteed to come out were abruptly broken.Not to mention that the boss fired him, and I would never dare to work for Tilay in the future.

When the members of the bodyguard team heard the order, they all surrounded the reporters wearing "suits and leather shoes" and "luxury and rich" clothes, and surrounded them like fishing nets.

The reporter standing closest to Song Qingrou was young, vigorous and courageous.While no one was paying attention, he aimed at Song Qingrou's hand and grabbed it and pulled it out.

"let me go!"

Song Qingrou was holding her hand by that person, and felt that the bones in her hand were about to be crushed by him.

Hearing her voice, Chen Ming immediately rushed towards her, "Qingrou, hold my hand carefully."

Immediately afterwards, he began to yell at the man who was holding Song Qingrou's hand. "Quickly let go of Qingrou's hand, he is not the woman you are looking for."

"What is it? You came up to deceive me. She is obviously Song Yanran. How can there be two people who are exactly the same in the world, unless they are identical twin sisters."

But he knew that Song Yanran had no family, let alone sisters.

Song Qingrou glanced at the "eating guy", this... this... isn't she the one who invited someone to take pictures of Song Yanran?Why now...

"7276, 7276..."

Song Qingrou remembered the secret code for answering the phone that day, and the string of numbers hinted at it when she spoke.

"What 7276?"

When the man heard this series of numbers, he said it again and again in his own mouth.

"7276! Is that you?"

At this time, all the journalists who broke into the Tile Hotel were "invited" out by the team of bodyguards.

"Hey! Let me go! I have something to say to her."

The man tried to break away from the two bodyguards grabbing his shoulders, but no matter what, he failed.

Finally, after the bodyguards left, Tilay's hall fell silent.It's just that the guests standing here watching the play also started pointing at Song Qingrou.

"Isn't that person Song Yanran? Why do you still have the face to go to Tilai Hotel now? Is it because you want to hype it? I still don't think it's popular enough. Whether it's red or black, are you all enjoying it?"

The people standing next to him heard what he said, and echoed him, "You don't understand that, people sometimes can't think about it, and they have to add some material to her own life." feel happy."

The few people standing with them, recalling those videos on the Internet, also criticized that "Song Yanran".

"In this world, there are some people who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Even if they are the mistresses of others, they still feel powerless. A sparrow will always be a sparrow. Don't think that you are also a phoenix if you think you can walk with the phoenix. on."

Chen Ming couldn't figure out why those people were called Song Qingrou and Song Yanran, and why they all had the same surname.Could it be that Song Yanran is really the daughter of the Song family living abroad?
"Qingrou, does your Song family still have a daughter? Why does that woman named Song Yanran look so similar to you, and her surname is also Song."

"It's not suitable for us to talk about this matter now. Let our parents talk about it when we get back to my house."

Song Qingrou panicked when she heard him ask this question, but told her the truth, now is not the time to lie.

Stolen love must always be carefully maintained, for fear of losing him if one is not careful.


Chen Ming took Song Qingrou's hand, walked over to those who cursed at "her", and explained to them.

"This is my wife, Song Qingrou, the only daughter of the Song family, who is also the young lady of our minister's family. I hope you can see clearly first, and it's not too late to speak."

As the saying goes, it is better to offend a villain than to offend a gentleman. Chen Ming is not someone who has no brains. He knows that the only people who can stand upright and appear in Tile are people with more background than him, and no one will weaker than him.

"Really? It seems that there is such a family as the Song family, and I have heard of the Chen family as well. It is a company that I cooperate with my friend. By the way! It seems to be called Yue Yue or something? I forgot .”

One listened to him carefully, and then added, "The company of the minister's family is called Yueshuo Technology Group."

"That's right, let's not say anything more. I know that the Song family is called. Although the Song family is not very good, his wife's natal family is a master that cannot be messed with."

"Okay, okay, let's go, everyone."

"The excitement is over, let's go, let's go to eat."

After everyone in the hall left, Chen Ming and Song Qingrou also left here.

"Qingrou, you can't be angry because of what happened just now, you know?"


Of course she will not be angry, on the contrary she will feel happy.

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