Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 34: Dual Personality

Lin Huaxue looked at the situation in front of her. None of this was what she wanted. Why did everyone stand by her side?
She had a headache all over her body, and for some reason she fell directly on the corridor.

Outside the entrance of Wanzhi Hotel, Shen Xichen was waiting for Xi Yunting here, and he didn't need to think about what would happen tonight.

"How about it, have you given up?"

"Let's go..."

Xi Yunting's expression of broken love and soul made him not say anything more.

When he agreed to Lin Huaxue's "cooperation" at the beginning, he knew that there would be the result like today. He thought he had prepared himself psychologically, but he didn't expect that when it really happened, everything would happen so that Not even a chance to take a breath.

It turns out that the feeling of not being able to love is so heart-wrenching and painful, and unrequited love is really not suitable for him.

Sitting in the car, he casually said something to Shen Xichen who was driving.

"You like me, but I don't like you. I have a deep understanding of this feeling. Sorry, I can't give you the answer you want."

"No, I have the answer in my heart." Xi Yunting, you will be mine one day after all.

"Whatever you think." Now he was no longer in the mood to joke with him.

Riverview Manor
"Why didn't you speak on the way back from the car just now?" Tang Yunxi asked him at the risk of returning to the door of the house.

"I'm thinking about how to punish you."

She clearly told her before that she should stay away from that woman, but she still didn't take it to heart.If something bad or bad happens, he will be the one to be terrified.

"Punish me for what?"

"Punish you for being disobedient, what if you hurt yourself again, huh?"

Li Jinyi pushed her against the wall and leaned against her.

Tang Yunxi didn't push him away, because she realized that Li Jinyi had already fallen asleep in seconds.

She always felt that she had escaped another catastrophe today, but looking at the man in front of her, she felt an unspeakable sadness.Said good to pay attention to the body, now back home, fell asleep in this situation.

Waking up the next morning, Tang Yunxi went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

Before she was ready, Li Jinyi appeared behind her and hugged her.

"Why didn't you sleep with me for a while." When he got up in the morning and found that there was no one around him, he got up and took a shower, and then went downstairs.

"I'm afraid you'll wake up hungry."

When he came back last night, it was after nine o'clock in the evening, and it was very likely that he didn't even have time to eat dinner.When he got home he fell asleep again, guessing he would wake up hungry.

She was stirring the millet porridge that was cooking in the pot, and it looked like it was almost done.

"You go out and wait a while before you can have breakfast."

He is holding her like this, it will inevitably be a little in the way, and it is difficult to move around.

"It's the same if I wait here." He just wanted to hug her like this, and he fell asleep before he settled the account of what happened last night.

The breakfast I made this morning has become the most difficult one Tang Yunxi has made so far.

Beicheng Central Hospital

In the VIP special ward, Lin Pujiang was communicating with the doctor about something.

"If Miss Lin hasn't woken up today, then I have to use the second method to wake her up."

Similar to this case, the hospital master has received several patients like this.

"Wake up today, at the latest before a lot of time."

"Six pm."

"Okay, if you really don't wake up, then use the second treatment method."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, let's make preparations first."


The doctor left the ward, leaving only Lin Pujiang here alone.

He looked at Lin Huaxue on the bed, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.Unexpectedly, he was actually guessed right.

Lin Huaxue now has two different personalities living in her body. Whenever she encounters something about Li Jinyi, she will be in a bad mood. That latecomer has occupied her body.

That is, last night, he knew everything that happened to them at Wanzhi Hotel.

Lin Huaxue couldn't bear such sudden anger, her brain seemed to lose control all of a sudden, and she went straight to the corridor.

Time passed by, Lin Pujiang has been staying here, waiting for her to wake up, but the person on the hospital bed has no sign of wanting to wake up.

When the whole Lin family received Lin Pujiang's call, they were all here waiting for her to wake up. Even Lin Ye, who didn't like her sister very much, also came here.

"Six o'clock is almost past..." A helpless voice came out of Lin Pujiang's mouth.

"Get ready, surgery." At this time, if she still wakes up, the only option is to force her to wake up.

"Honey, don't we usually care too little about Xue'er, otherwise things like today wouldn't have happened."

He Jiayin leaned limply on Lin Hui's body, he could no longer express his current mood in words.

"No, children have their own choices, we don't interfere too much, the reason why Xue'er's roommate chose this path."

Lin Hui couldn't say anything more, and now he suddenly didn't like controlling Lin Huaxue very much.

Maybe it's because I think Lin Huaxue is so cute when I was a child, and I even talk back to him sometimes.Also, she was not a child of the Lin family in the first place, so if she wanted to take care of it or not, let her do whatever she wanted.

Today, after this operation, a brand new Lin Huaxue will appear, perhaps so new that she will not even realize who she is.

These days, there are newcomers in the entertainment industry in Beicheng.

A face somewhat similar to Li Nianci's, with plastic surgery done all over his body.

On the headlines of the entertainment industry, from a newcomer report to the current Xiaohuadan, she is very popular.

But that person will always be angry, how can she make up the appearance of their little Niannian, not only that, even the name has the same pronunciation, what is the name Shi Yi, why is it not called Amnesia!

[I said, if someone becomes popular, someone will have plastic surgery according to her appearance. It's really strange. Now these people don't want to become popular based on their strength, but they only want to become popular based on their appearance. 】

[I said that if you have the ability, you can act like Lin Yinghou. I heard that she hasn't appeared in the public eye for a long time. Did you get caught by that or something? 】

【Which one is that?If you are in doubt, you may not say it. 】

【Fengsha! 】

【…】Isn't fengsha just banning, what dare not say.

The woman with facial features very similar to Li Nianci's face was looking at those comments with her mobile phone in her hand, thinking it was irrelevant.

She is no longer the Emily she was two months ago.From now on, her name will be Shi Yi, and she will take the place of poetry!

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