Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 32: Sharing the same bed

Xi Yunting, 27 years old, a member of the royal family of country C, the eldest son of Xi's second wife, the overseas executive president of Xi's consortium, and a doctorate graduate from the Royal Academy.

No love history, likes a girl from country Z, and is currently being pursued by a man named Shen Xichen...

Shen Xichen, 28 years old, mixed race, unemployed, often in the field, unknown identity?

These are the information that Li Jinyi asked Lu Zhinian to find, and that's all.

After reading it, he turned to Lu Zhinian who was standing in front of him respectfully, with a somewhat unpredictable look in his eyes.

"President, that's all that's left. The rest of the information has been protected."

He himself couldn't figure out why, the two men beside his wife.What the hell is it? Those personal information are actually protected, and he has not broken through the protection for a long time.

What is even more worrying is that his computer was hacked into a virus advertisement.

It's still playing there until now, even the computer can't be turned off, which makes him very helpless, anyway, he has been in this line of work.

There are mountains beyond mountains, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

"Well, you go down first, I will come by myself."

Now even he himself is interested, he really wants to know that there is such a capable person beside his wife.

It seems that the situation is not so bad now, Xi Yunting chased his wife to Beicheng, and there was Shen Xichen chasing behind him.

Xi Yunting, Shen Xichen?Then be a couple.

In the afternoon that followed, Li Jinyi spent half an hour trying to get information about Shen Xichen, and finally managed to untie the protective net of 110.

Shen Xichen, 28 years old, his father is unknown, and his mother is a rich lady from the northern city of country Z, Meng Zhiqi, the second lady of the Meng family, Ms. Meng.

One person took Shen Xichen in country C until he grew up and passed away two years ago.

Shen Xichen, the dungeon of country C, the leader of the black passage, plays black and black, no one has ever been able to beat him.

It's no wonder that he doesn't need to work for others, and he has endless money to spend.

A few years ago, she began to like Xi Yunting and protected him secretly, so that Xi Yunting could go to Beicheng to find his wife one day.

Although Xi Yunting appeared to be a member of the royal family and the eldest son of Xi's second wife, in fact he was not as handsome as he appeared on the surface.

Those uncles, aunts, and the two cousins ​​who were secretly held by the big house will never be absent from tampering, assassination, car accidents, drugging, hijacking, kidnapping, etc., and will never be absent.

If it weren't for Shen Xichen's secret protection, Xi Yunting might really have passed away long ago.

At night, Tang Yunxi received a call from Li Jinyi from Chuanjiang villa. Because he was always busy with work in country C, he bought this villa in country C a long time ago.

"Ma'am, are you asleep?"

There was a time difference between the two countries. It was already around 11:30 p.m. for Tang Yunxi in the northern city of country Z, while Li Jinyi in country C was still in the afternoon.

"I haven't slept yet."

"I haven't slept yet, what's the matter, madam misses me?"

These days, Li Jinyi has been keeping in touch with her by phone, either Tang Yunxi called before he was going to sleep, or he called her when she was going to sleep.

"Well, I miss you a little bit."

These days when he was on a business trip, she slept by herself.Sometimes he couldn't fall asleep at night, he knew that he was already used to the feeling of sleeping beside the bed with Li Jinyi.

"I miss you too, and I will be able to return to China to accompany you in a few days."

"Okay, your health is important. If there are special circumstances, you don't need to answer my phone. In addition, you have to put your work on hold. Special Assistant Lu told me, did you have a good lunch at noon today?"

"Okay, ma'am, next time I will eat on time."

Speaking of this afternoon, being busy with Shen Xichen's matter was indeed a waste of time for eating.

"Well, there can be next time, you know?"

"Understood, Madam is fine at home, and Uncle Li and Aunt Xue are still used to taking care of her?"

"Well, Uncle Li and Aunt Xue are very nice to me."

On the day when Li Jinyi was on a business trip, he asked the housekeeper and aunt X to come to Jiangjing Manor to take care of her. Li Nianci started filming a new movie these days, so he didn't have time to accompany her.

"That's good." He was also worried that she would not get used to Uncle Li and Aunt Li who came to the house suddenly.

"By the way, I have two friends of the opposite sex from country C, and they just came for a sudden visit and asked the two of them to live in a house in the university town."

"Well, I know, Xi Yunting and Shen Xichen are the two of them."

"How do you know?" Could it be that the bodyguard he arranged beside him told him?

"Because someone anonymously posted a photo of the two wives and the two leaving at the Tillay Hotel."

The photos taken at the Tile Hotel, suddenly think about it, and I seem to understand something.

"I see, it's Lin Huaxue. But how do you know, have you investigated the names of those two people?"

"Well, after investigation, it's not surprising that Xi Yunting came for you, and Shen Xichen followed Xi Yunting to Beicheng. Madam should also know the relationship between those two people."

"Yes, I know this, so I plan to let the two of them live together, I will not disturb them, let the two of them cultivate their relationship." From Shen Xichen's eyes, she had already seen that his love for Xi Yunting different.

"Well, if there is nothing else to say, Madam will go to bed first, good night."

"OK Bye Bye!"

In the university town, Xi Yunting and Shen Xichen were indeed cultivating feelings, whether they would fight or not.

Shen Xichen came to Xi Yunting's room, walked in, and came to his bedside.

"have you slept?"

Xi Yunting now knows what Shen Xichen means to him. In addition, he has already told him that he doesn't like men, and the person he likes is Tang Yunxi.

"Don't answer me, just pretend to sleep for me?"

Seeing his unsteady breathing, Shen Xichen knew that he was definitely not asleep. It was not easy to wake up a person who pretended to be asleep, but he knew he could.

He reached into Xi Yunting's quilt and fumbled around.

"Shen Xichen, are you sick or want to die!"

He has obviously told him that he doesn't like men, especially his cold dead face.

"I want to die, I miss you and I want to die."

Since Shen Xichen confessed his love to him last week, he has become what he is now.

Be frank, not beating around the bush, he knows what he wants in his heart.

"Shen Xichen! Do you know that you disgust me like this?"

"Is it disgusting? I don't think it's disgusting. Look at how nice I am to you. I even accompany you to Country Z to find Yunxi."

Although Yunxi is his rival in love, there is no pressure because he is already married.

"Don't tell me what you have, you go out, I want to sleep."

"That's a good relationship, let's sleep together."

The purpose of Shen Xichen coming to his room was to sleep with him.Before Xi Yunting could react, he had already laid down on the bed and covered himself with the quilt.

"Good night, Ting."

"Good night, good night, did I let you sleep here?" In Xi Yunting's view, Shen Xichen was simply unreasonable.

"Don't make trouble, go to sleep."


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