Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 302: I ran into something I shouldn't have seen



After hearing Song Kun leaving the villa in the family's car, Song Qingrou kept screaming as if she had lost control.

"Song Qingrou, what are you doing?!"

Watching helplessly, this daughter of mine seemed to be in a daze. She really didn't know what was going on with her, and now she couldn't help it with just such a little thing.

"Mom! Song Yanran, why should she!"

Holding a pillow in his hand, he kept clutching it, and stared at his mother.

"There are so many reasons why, Song Yanran herself is not a good thing, and it's not because of her biological mother."

When it comes to Song Yanran and her biological mother, she is not very good. If it weren't for the fact that Song Yanran's face was like that of her biological mother, Song Kun would not vent her anger on their mother and daughter now.

"Mom, Song Yanran is living so well now, and she wants to marry Second Young Master Su, but she actually asked me to divorce Chen Ming. If I don't make it easier for me, I won't make it easier for her either!"

The angry Song Qingrou's eyes were full of resentment. Although the Song family was not considered a small family in Beicheng, once they were put together with the five young and ten families in Beicheng, they didn't even count as farts.

"Qingrou, you can't be confused and do dangerous things by yourself."

Seeing her daughter like this, how could she, as a mother, not know what she was thinking now.

"Mom, do you even want to hinder me?"

Now that she has someone like this, how can she see that Song Yanran's life is better than her own.

"I'm not trying to hinder you, Qingrou, you have to know that if you cut the grass, you won't get rid of the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate."


Hearing this, Song Qingrou finally understood. The current Song Yanran hadn't dealt with it well before, that's why what happened to her now.

"So, let's forget about Song Yanran's affairs now."

Otherwise, according to Song Yanran's current situation, he doesn't know what will happen next.


Does she listen to what she is saying now?Just leave it like this, she doesn't want to make Song Yanran feel better just like this.

"Stop yelling, your mother is not deaf, Song Yanran really can't move now. Think about it, she still has Tang Yunxi as her best friend. We didn't know who she was before."

It's good to know now, but luckily they didn't do anything to Tang Yunxi at that time. The person she is marrying now is not an ordinary person.

"Mom, Tang Yunxi is not a leisurely person now, she is about to have a baby, how can she still have time to take care of that woman's affairs now?"

She has never seen that best friend in her life who can take care of Song Yanran all the time.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. And Second Young Master Su, don't forget that he is the Fourth Young Master of Beicheng. How could he let someone hurt her."

"Why is it impossible? Second Young Master Su is a person who walks among the flowers, how could he really stay for that woman."

Song Qingrou suddenly had a thought in her heart that looked good, she could approach Su Yan, if not, then invite someone to go.

"Good girl, don't think about those things. Su Yan is not as simple as we see. Which of the five young masters in Beicheng is a paper tiger?"

Even Second Young Master Su didn't know that he couldn't see these things clearly, but none of the brothers around him was easy to mess with.

"Increase other people's aura, destroy your own prestige. How can you say such sarcastic remarks, and I didn't say to do it myself."

"Remember not to put yourself in danger. Now that Song Yanran was finally forced out of the Song family, don't bring her back. This was clearly the purpose in the past, and now that you have achieved it, don't go wrong again."


Seeing her biological mother talking like this, Song Qingrou began to wonder if she was too easy to be satisfied. She taught herself all the things in the past.

Not intending to talk to the person in front of her, Song Qingrou put down her pillow and walked upstairs.

"Don't think too much."


Hearing the sound of Song Qingrou slamming the door, she probably guessed this too. It seems that this person really doesn't know how to retreat.


"Why are you still at the door?"

"I'm afraid you won't find me when you wake up."

Shen Xichen got up from the ground, and he didn't feel relieved until he saw that Xi Yunting was safe and sound.

Xi Yunting has been an artist since he signed with Hengrui, so it is difficult for him to live with his parents now.

Last night after Shen Xichen was busy with Shen Yanran's affairs, he came to the place where Xi Yunting was living now, but last night Xi Yunting did not open the door to Shen Xichen.

The reason is that Shen Xichen didn't tell himself after returning to China, but he was also in the middle of sister Qiu's current agent, who knew that a handsome man took Su Ershao's wife to the Tilai Hotel.

It was only with hindsight that he realized why sister Qiu would say this to him, but it turned out that the handsome man last night was the Shen Xichen in front of him.

In fact, Xi Yunting didn't know that sister Qiu told him this for ulterior motives, who made the relationship between the two of them so curious.

He actually put that photo on the bedside, and if he accidentally saw it, he would be sorry for knowing this secret if he didn't make fun of it.

"What do I want you to do, stop being narcissistic."

Xi Yunting is straightforward, but at the same time...



Shen Xichen suddenly felt a little pain in his feet, and the ankle seemed to be swollen.

"What's wrong with you! Let me see..."

Shen Xichen really wanted to laugh, seeing his unconcealable concern, all of this made sense.

"I don't care about you, it's are at my door now, if something happens, I will be in bad luck."

"The foot seems to be cramped, and it seems to be sprained."

Shen Xichen looked like he was very sad, which made Xi Yunting feel ashamed of him.

"Need to see a doctor?"

Xi Yunting, a person who doesn't know anything about illnesses, usually thinks of going to the doctor when encountering such a situation.

"You don't need to help me in, I'll come by myself later."

"Well, if you really can't do it, don't force yourself. Let's go to the hospital to see a doctor."

Seeing Shen Xichen rejecting what she said, Xi Yunting always felt that he seemed unreliable.

So Shen Xichen's "leg injury" trick successfully entered Xi Yunting's current house, and it seemed that there were some problems and it was not that difficult.

After entering inside, Xi Yunting helped Shen Xichen to the edge of the sofa, and then planned to get some Dida wine to wipe Shen Xichen.

But he never thought that an old fox like Shen Xichen would be doomed as long as he used those tricks against him.

"Shen Xichen, why are you doing that? Didn't you hurt your foot?"

Why is it still so noisy now, and even pressed himself against the edge of the sofa with a backhand.

"It's the foot that's hurt, not the hand."

Shen Xichen successfully found a reason for himself, for someone like Xi Yunting who can't turn his head around, now is the best time to make a move.


Staring at Shen Xichen, I thought something would happen, but now I realized that it was indeed similar to what I imagined, but the meaning was too different.

The numbness coming from the neck made Xi Yunting dare not move for a while, for fear that the gun would go off after a while.

"Shen~ Xichen..."

The person riding on him didn't even think about the fact that they forgot to close the door when they walked in just now.


"Get off me first."

Xi Yunting pushed the "Hello everyone" with his hands, but he still didn't move at all, as if he was stuck to his body.

"Your lips look delicious~"


Not much to say, Shen Xichen directly sealed this chattering little mouth with practical actions.

At this time, Xi Yunting was directly replaced by Shen Xichen, and his most sensitive place was now being grasped by Shen Xichen.

If time is allowed to stay at this moment, then someone will definitely break this routine.

"Yo~ sorry to bother you."

A long female voice suddenly entered the ears of the two who were making out at this time not far from the sofa.


Shen Xichen got up on Xi Yunting's body and glanced behind him, he wanted to see who actually came to disturb his good business.

"Miss Qiu..."

Xi Yunting had already seen Miss Qiu walking in before Shen Xichen, but she was only a few seconds behind Shen Xichen.

"Well, if necessary, I will stop your training arrangement today, what do you think?"

Sister Qiu didn't expect that when she was going to look for Xi Yunting, she found that the door was unlocked, so she knocked on the door twice, but no one answered her.

But who knew that the moment she walked in, she actually saw the scene in front of her, which was indeed a beautiful scene.


He felt uncomfortable with the name Miss Qiu gave to Shen Xichen.

"What's wrong? What's the problem? It's just a stage name an artist should have."

If she didn't guess wrong, the man in front of her right now was Shen Xichen, Xi Yunting's man, Shen Xichen, well, they were all men anyway.

"Sister Qiu, there is no problem. We will come today as arranged."

Behind Shen Xichen, Xi Yunting already felt that this guy seemed unhappy, but it was not just a stage name.

"I feel the need."

He worked so hard to get here, and let Xi Yunting go to train before he had a few minutes to spend alone with them?
Does this make sense?
"You are Xi Yunting's man, Shen Xichen, right, and you are also Xi Yunting's appointed assistant."

Sister Qiu's analysis is thorough, she just saw that Shen Xichen's concern for Xi Yunting is not as simple as she imagined.

"Brokers and assistants don't conflict."

Xi Yunting didn't know why he saw hostility in Shen Xichen's body, and what was it singing about?
"Of course, work and lovers can't conflict."

Sister Qiu raised her mouth and wanted to laugh unconsciously, but it seemed that Shen Xichen was more suitable for debut, but it was unlikely.

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