Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 268: "Crash"

Tang Yunxi treated Li Jinyi's wound carefully, and did not bandage him until the bleeding stopped.

Looking at the two blood-red wounds, Tang Yunxi felt distressed for him, but the days of swords and guns really didn't suit them.

"Next time, if you do such a dangerous thing again, you must protect yourself first."

Tang Yunxi, who was re-dressing Li Jinyi, did not forget to "educate" him.

"Well, there won't be a next time."

Originally, Li Jinyi thought that Tang Yunxi would never let him be exposed to such dangerous things again, but only now did he realize that she knew herself best.

"Do you think I'll believe you when you say that yourself?"

Tang Yunxi began to wonder if Li Jinyi was trying to fool himself again.

"If I encounter any dangerous things in the future, I will definitely think that my wife and children are waiting for me at home."

The broad palm caressed Tang Yunxi's cheek, and the distance between the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose could clearly hear the other person's breathing.

"it is good."

No matter what Jin Yi does, Tang Yunxi will never stand on the opposite side, because she believes that what Jin Yi does has his reasons and will never hurt herself.

In the blink of an eye, it was night, and not long after Li Jinyi came back from outside today, he met someone who came to send invitations.

It was written on the post that it was an auction, and it was held at one of the best auction venues in Beicheng.

After the two of them had dinner, they both began to get ready to change their clothes to attend tonight's auction. This was not for anything else, but because 90.00% of the final auction price of this auction will be used for charitable donations. .

The reason why [-]% of the funds are not used for donations is because the auction also needs to spend a lot of financial and material resources to raise the auction items needed today.

"Are you ready?"

After putting on his clothes, Li Jinyi turned around and asked Tang Yunxi. In fact, they don't need to go to the auction today, and they can also ask their subordinates to go to the auction in their name.

But Li Jinyi and Tang Yunxi both had their own thoughts in their hearts.


She thinks that every time she does public welfare or charity, she will take over it herself, so that public welfare and charity will be more meaningful.At the same time, it can also avoid such things as someone deliberately making false accounts. Although today's auction will not be held, she still wants to go there in person.

"Wear more than one."

Li Jinyi saw snow-white skin on Tang Yunxi's shoulders. Although he often saw it, he didn't want others to see it.

"Then should I hide you?"

Tang Yunxi was joking with Li Jinyi, it seemed that he was really caring, so he didn't even think about his monstrous face.

"If madam is willing, then why not."

It was originally a tiger in the mountains, but not in a pond.She wouldn't lock him up anyway.

Although the streets in the downtown area of ​​Beicheng are a bit chilly in the early spring nights, the bustling urban area does not feel the chill at all, and is full of bustle and bustle.

"I heard that tonight there is a unique Emily diamond ring handed down by the royal family of Birzolla and preserved to this day. I don't know who will get it tonight."

"Yeah, I've heard that too. If it weren't for the diamond ring that is full of epic love stories, there would be very few people coming to this auction."

"Yes! I don't know how many people will pick it up for this drill tonight, and how many people will come here for charity?"

There were quite a few people in front of the auction who had just arrived for the entire auction, and among these rich merchants, famous families, wealthy ladies, each of them came here with their own thoughts.


Two different cars drove out from the left and right directions. The scene can be said to be a coincidence, but it also caught the attention of everyone present.

"What are the origins of these two cars? This posture is rare."

"Yes, one is the new version of Maybach and the other is the upgraded limited edition of Maybach."

If they are not on the same road, is this a fight?Anyway, there are melons to be found anyway.

Today's car was chosen by Lu Zhinian. Li Jinyi had said before leaving that he would be the driver, but today's scene was too embarrassing.

"Boss?" Lu Zhinian looked at Li Jinyi in the back seat with a questioning tone.

"Ma'am, let's go."

In this world, Li Jinyi has never asked people to say this, and even if they drive the same car, but theirs is an upgraded limited edition Maybach, what's so embarrassing about it.

This is indeed true, no matter who the other party is, it is equivalent to bumping into the shirt while wearing clothes. Isn't it all about who is ugly and who is embarrassed?
Also, there are not many people in this northern city who drive a Maybach, and among these people, in terms of status and status, who can compare with Li Jinyi.

After Lu Zhinian understood what Li Jinyi meant, he also got out of the car and opened the door for Li Jinyi, and after Li Jinyi got out of the car, he also waited for Tang Yunxi to get out of the car.

But just as Tang Yunxi took the first step and walked out of the car door, the onlookers shouted.

"I heard that Lord Li was married before, but I hadn't had time to see what kind of woman she would be standing beside Lord Li."

"Do you think that the first time I saw her today, I thought she was a beautiful woman, but I just don't know who this Madam Li is from."

Indeed, the only information that many people can know about Tang Yunxi is Master Li's hidden wife and an internationally renowned fashion designer, but they don't know anything about her life experience, and they can't find out about her family background. arrive.

"Isn't the one over there the former Du Haoyu's fiancée Ye Jiaxin? Why is she out with the gambling king's son now?"

"That's right~ You don't know if you don't tell me, but I heard that Du Haoyu cheated on a girlfriend with the same name and surname as Mrs. Li, and then got engaged to Ye Jiaxin. I don't know if this is true."

Some people are naturally interested in gossip, especially things in this circle.

"Shh~ don't talk nonsense."

Master Li is here, and he is courageous enough to arrange other people's wives.

"No? Why can't you say that? What if he really is?"

"That's right. If I said it like this, then that arrogant woman Ye Jiaxin is the third party, and Du Haoyu was also implicated in the end."

It is said that two women play a drama and three women live in a street, isn't this true?
But if Tang Yunxi were you, if you didn't pay attention to what they said, you wouldn't notice that the car driving across the road just now was Ye Jiaxin.

But Tang Yunxi didn't expect Ye Jiaxin to have such ability, and he wanted to see her in the past.

But fortunately, if it wasn't for the showdown between Du Haoyu and Ye Jiaxin that day, there would not be today's me and Li Jinyi attending the auction together.

The strength around the waist suddenly increased, which brought Tang Yunxi back from the thoughts just now.

"Ma'am, watch your step."

"it is good."

I don't know if Li Jinyi guessed what she was thinking just now, but why is she dissatisfied with today's happiness?

Tang Yunxi looked at the steps he was about to climb up in front of him, and he stopped thinking about what the noble ladies and young ladies who were discussing in front of him said.

For the auction we are in today, there are two steps in front of it that day, and the first step is the sixth step. The middle part of the journey is the location of the red carpet.

At this time, under the protection of Li Jinyi, Tang Yunxi walked up to the front bodyguards.

"Master Li, Mrs. Li."

"Master Li, Mrs. Li."

When the four security guards and employees in front of the door saw Li Jinyi and the others approaching, they didn't need to check invitations like those people just now.

It's all about recognizing your face and entering the door. There is no one in the business circle in Beicheng who doesn't know Li Jinyi. If you don't know him, it means that you are not in the circle.

Li Jinyi didn't intend to take out the invitation, but Ye Jiaxin, who came up behind them, didn't think so.

Ye Jiaxin never thought that she would meet Tang Yunxi in a place like today, let alone that she is living a better life than herself now, this breath is really hard to swallow.

However, the son of the gambling king is also a self-aware person. As soon as the invitation card was shown, the two of them walked in.

"Why did Master Li's companion just go in without posting an invitation?"

Ye Jiaxin tugged on the arm of the gambling king's son, and in her eyes there was only an intuition telling herself why she, Tang Yunxi, could be superior to others.

"You also know that it is Master Li. Master Li has never brought a female companion to attend, but why would anyone stop him from bringing a female companion to attend today?"

"So it's like this~"

Ye Jiaxin pretended not to know, but she seemed innocent in her heart.

"How did Xinxin know Mrs. Li?"

From the moment the two of them walked out of the car door, he saw Ye Jiaxin staring at the people around Master Li, so he also asked one more question out of curiosity.


"I don't know how to know each other? It's just that I'm curious about what kind of woman is worthy of standing with Master Li."

Ye Jiaxin gritted her teeth, it would be nice if she could get this kind of treatment anytime, but she is not ignorant, she dare not think wrongly about Mr. Li.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, but it's better to meddle in Master Li's family affairs less and more."

That's not a person without eyesight, and there is something in the bottom of my heart who can't be provoked.

What's more, Mr. Li and Mr. Fu are people who even his father has to be courteous. Otherwise, there would be no market for their family in Beicheng.

Besides the God of Gamblers Fu Ye, the only person he fears seeing in the casino is Master Li.

"Oh well."

Ye Jiaxin, who looks well-behaved on the surface, looks okay, but in the heart of Ye Jiaxin, who is duplicity, she doesn't think so, but Tang Yunxi's life is better than herself for a long time.

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