Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 260: Plan

Riverview Manor

"It has been found out that the person who did it was Ye Di, but the motive for doing it has not been found out yet."

The voice on the other end of the phone was Lu Zhinian. When Li Jinyi went to rescue Tang Yunxi, he had already started to investigate this matter, but he still hadn't found out what was going on.

"Ye Di?"

Li Jinyi read the name in his mouth, Ye Di did not compete with Wansheng in the business field, which was quite surprising.

Ye Di left the Ye family in his early twenties. The specific reason was that Ye Di's gender orientation was male, but he was male and female, and this matter was only revealed after being discovered on the spot.

Coincidentally, it was the man's relatives who told the Ye family that they found out, and Ye Di was also expelled from the Ye family tree, but why his surname is still Ye is unknown.

It was also later that Ye Di knew that he was deliberately designed to drag him into the water, and he no longer had any trust in people, so he wondered what caused Ye Di to take action against Tang Yunxi.

"I will continue to investigate and must tell the boss the result before tonight."

"Wait a minute, Ye Di eats both men and women, you can check this aspect, as well as Xi Yunting and Shen Xichen." Li Jinyi's tone revealed suspicion and concern.

Lu Zhinian didn't know about Ye Di, and no one knew about Ye Di back then, except for those under the elders of the Ye family.

And this kind of "family ugliness should not be publicized", how could the people of the Ye family let outsiders know.

Li Jinyi only found out about such a thing by accident, but fortunately, he knows now.


Lu Zhinian answered very frankly. Although he didn't dislike homosexuality, because he was already used to it, but Ye Di, who likes both men and women, is unavoidable.
Are you not afraid of getting sick?

"Drip drop~"

Li Jinyi got a phone call, but he didn't know who it was.

"There is a call coming in, hang up first."

When he was transferred to another number, before Li Jinyi could say anything, a familiar voice came from the other side, which was a voice that he had only heard at noon today.

"Didn't bother you?"

"No, what's the matter?"

Li Jinyi can understand Shen Xichen's subtext, but this guy has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, and the two have never lost in momentum.

"Looking for your cooperation."


Before Li Jinyi could figure out why he made the call, Shen Xichen told Li Jinyi the truth.

"You should know who did what happened to Yunxi today, right?"


Li Jinyi stated that he already knew about this matter, but what kind of medicine Shen Xichen sold in his gourd was still unknown.

"Ye Di is not as simple as you make it out to be, otherwise he wouldn't have moved on your territory."

Shen Xichen yelled one after another, and he didn't call Tang Yunxi Li Jinyi's person because she married Li Jinyi, but Li Jinyi didn't think that Tang Yunxi would marry him. He is known to others by his surname.

"A specific plan."

As soon as Shen Xichen heard about it, he knew that Li Jinyi had agreed to his "cooperation", but it was not surprising. I heard that as long as it was related to the name Tang Yunxi, Li Jinyi had no choice. up.

"Yedi's latest new love is Lin Ye, I'm sure Li Ye is no stranger to him."

Li Jinyi frowned when he heard this name, how could Lin Ye be possible, and when did they get married.

"It's strange to talk about it now, but now Lin Ye is Ye Di's favorite, otherwise today's incident would not have happened."

"So, you mean that Lin Ye asked Ye Di to move his hand?"

This incident made Li Jinyi very upset. He had never seen Lin Ye have such courage before, and Ye Di was not a good person either.

He moved his own pet, so what the heck!
"It's a surprise. I was also surprised when I heard the news. Ye Di, a man who can take both men and women in black and white, would actually offend you for a 'new love'. Do you think there is something shameful about it? secret."

Li Jinyi didn't care what secrets they had, "What should I do?"

"This Lin Ye is an exception to that old guy Ye Di, so we're going to attack Lin Ye."

He also heard today that Lin Ye went to that old bastard Ye Di after he knew he hadn't caught Tang Yunxi.And also went to the dungeon, that kind of place Ye Di never let outsiders in, and Lin Nightclub was an exception.

However, Shen Xichen did not tell Li Jinyi about these things. It seems that these things have nothing to do with him, and he and Ye Di also have their own matters to be resolved. This is another reason for him to return to Beicheng. Purpose.

"When will you do it?"

Now Li Jinyi is also slowly discovering that the Lin family seems to have become stronger in an instant, compared to before when the Lin family had not sold the shares in their hands.

"You first find an opportunity to let Lin Ye take the order alone, and I will do it with Ye Di."

A few minutes later, Shen Xichen told Li Jinyi all his plans. All of this was passive in the beginning, so they couldn't wait like this now.

The moment Tang Yunxi hung up the phone, he appeared behind Lin Jinyi. Even Li Jinyi didn't know when Tang Yunxi had been standing here.

"When did the lady come?"

"I was standing here when you guys started talking about the plan."

But Tang Yunxi didn't expect that the person who shot him was Ye Jiaxin's second uncle. Although Ye Di had been kicked out of the Lin family at that time, he didn't do anything to the Lin family. This matter is a mystery.

Li Jinyi walked up to Tang Yunxi in two steps and hugged her into his arms. "Don't worry, I won't let this happen again in the future."

If Shen Xichen and Xi Yunting hadn't arrived, he might not be able to see the person in front of him now, all of this is because he didn't think carefully.

"Okay, okay, from then on, every time I go out, I will let the bodyguards follow me, how about the one that never leaves?"

Seeing the bloodshot eyes in Li Jinyi's eyes, Tang Yunxi began to blame himself, and within a few days Li Jinyi started worrying about his own affairs again. This is really a bad omen.

"No, only K can stay close."


"If you want to go to the bathroom, will you stay close?" Li Jinyi stated his position. Among these bodyguards, only K is a woman, and the rest are men.

"Well, then I will try to go out as little as possible in the future."

Ever since the outsiders knew that she was Li Jinyi's wife, there had been some troubles from time to time. Maybe it was a wise move for them not to announce their hidden marriage before.

And now what else can I do besides causing trouble to Li Jinyi, a person's weakness starts from the people and things he cares about.

He was the only one living here in Shen Xichen's villa. To be honest, at the beginning, he wanted to bring Xi Yunting and his parents here, but Xi Yunting didn't even give him the chance to say it.

At this time, an outsider walked in outside the gate of the villa, but it was not the person Shen Xichen imagined to see.

"Yo~ What's wrong with our Yan Luo? Why did he become a 'Watching husband stone'? Oh, what a pity~ It's not me."

In this cool night, a man in black with a fan leaned towards Shen Xichen's body in a serious manner.

"Why is Ms. Liao so busy?"

Shen Xichen knew that that person hated people calling him Ms. Liao the most, but this was also his own contradiction. He was a good man but liked women's clothing. The strange thing was that he didn't have an Adam's apple, and his appearance was no less than that of Tang Yunxi. .


The "Mr. Liao" who came down from Shen Xichen's body looked directly at him, but it's not entirely the fault of others.

"Ouch! Wait a minute."

"Mr. Liao" saw Xi Yunting's car parked outside the door of the villa on the second floor. Looking down from this angle, it is also a unique landscape.

"Oh, I really ran away out of anger."

"tsk tsk"

Liao, the culprit, was gloating, but he did it on purpose.

"Is it fun?"

Shen Xichen put his hand on that person's shoulder, not to mention that he really wanted to beat him up this time.

"Don't, I'm doing this for your own good."

Liao saw the murderous intent in Shen Xichen's eyes, and if he refused to accept his softness, this meeting would be cold.

"For my good?"

The strength in Shen Xichen's hands is getting stronger and stronger, the more this guy doesn't educate him, the more he will work harder.

"Yes! Yes yes yes!!!"

That's right?
Shen Xichen looked at this man suspiciously, no matter where he looked at it, he looked like a ghost.

"Oh, you don't know, the young people nowadays just like the kind of feeling that they can't love, the more they send it to their door or the kind that they don't even look at at ordinary times."


"What kind of nonsense are you talking about!"

Shen Xichen gave someone Liao a chestnut and hit him directly on the forehead. The guy who has never even been in a relationship is still teaching others here.

"I didn't say anything stupid, just wait and see, your Xi Yunting and Xiao Tingting must have run away because they were jealous."

"and then?"

"Then wait and see, it's the same for men and women."

Liao was talking nonsense in a serious manner, and the two of them dared to speak and the other dared to listen, and they didn't know if they hadn't seen it before.

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