Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 256: Syncope

"Lin Pujiang, let's see what you have done!" Lin Hui was doing nothing at home, thinking that he would be more peaceful after scolding Lin Huaxue recently, but who would have thought that what happened today would happen.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Pujiang, who had just brought Lin Huaxue back to the villa, went to the corridor outside after receiving the call and answered the ill-gotten call.

"You still have the nerve to ask me?!"

"All the things about Mei Se have been spread on the Internet, why are you still ashamed to ask me?! The wings are stiff, aren't they!"

Among the three children, Lin Hui thinks that Lin Pujiang is the most obedient and well-behaved, but who knows that the most docile rabbit is more ruthless than a tiger in a hurry.

"Xue'er is not wrong, and it's not her fault." Venting emotions is like being bored alone.

"It's not wrong? You don't even look at whose territory Mei Se belongs to, and you dare to make trouble there."

In Lin Hui's heart, Lin Huaxue is now an abandoned child, and whenever she dares to make a fuss, he will be upset.

"The troublemakers were the ones who came to touch Xue'er in the first place, otherwise I wouldn't have made a move."

From the moment Lin Pujiang heard that Lin Huaxue was being molested in Mei Se, he had a kind of irritableness that he had never had before. He dared not touch the person he liked, and others wanted to accuse her.

"What's the use of losing face for a man who will never be me!!!"

Yeah, disgraceful for a man who's never going to be him, and what about himself?Why not?
"You bring Huaxue back tonight, or the two of you will never come back!!"

When Lin Hui was angry, no one dared him, except Mr. Lin.

"If you don't, you won't return. This is exactly what I want."

"You are so mad at me!!"

Lin Hui had never seen Lin Pujiang like today, who dared to talk to himself in such a tone. He had never been so stubborn in the past. After all, it was because of Lin Huaxue.

This is not the first time that Lin Pujiang has confronted Lin Hui, so it is no wonder that Lin Hui is furious.But as long as Lin Huaxue is not allowed to return to the Lin family at this time, then it doesn't matter.

Lin Pujiang remembered where Lin Huaxue was still in the living room at this time, and was afraid that something would happen to her, then turned around and walked out the door, but who knew that Lin Huaxue was standing at the door.

"Xue'er, when did you stand here?"

"From the moment you answer the phone." In fact, Lin Huaxue didn't think about listening to Lin Pujiang's call at first, she would not do such eavesdropping.

But when she thought that her second brother would never avoid listening to her calls no matter what kind of calls, she felt that there was a problem, but she didn't expect it to be such a problem.

"Why do you let me go back?"

Lin Huaxue wanted to know what Lin Pujiang was thinking, maybe she was really blind before, but looking at Lin Pujiang's face, it seemed that he had already made his next move.

"If you don't reply, I won't let you suffer any more harm, even if it's verbal abuse."

"Second brother."

"what happened?"

Listening to Lin Huaxue's trembling voice, Lin Pujiang felt more and more that something was wrong.

"It was my fault in the past. I shouldn't have treated you that way." Lin Huaxue regretted "what I did" before, and almost couldn't hold back the tears.

"Silly girl, those things have passed, and you at that time didn't mean it."

Lin Pujiang naturally knew what Lin Huaxue was talking about, but he was still himself, no matter which personality it was, he was himself.Just not at different times.

"Xue'er, promise me one thing."

"Huh? What?"

Lin Huaxue looked up at Lin Pujiang, wondering what else Lin Pujiang would have planned at this time.

"No matter what happens in the future, don't let yourself get hurt. No matter who brought it to you, not even me, you know?"

"What? Second brother, I can understand the rest, but why are you so sure that you will bring me harm?"

"Ahem! It's nothing, it's just a feeling, Xue'er, do you know how to protect yourself?"


Lin Huaxue nodded her head hard. At this time, only her second brother cared about and accompanied her.


Lin Pujiang reached out and touched Lin Huaxue's head, the smooth hair was still the same as before.


The moment Lin Pujiang was not paying attention, Lin Pujiang fell directly in front of Lin Huaxue, and even Lin Huaxue didn't react.

"Second brother."

The housekeeper who heard the sound also came to Lin Pujiang and Lin Huaxue at this time. He knew what was going on with Lin Pujiang, but Lin Huaxue didn't.

"What's wrong? Second brother him."

Lin Huaxue looked at this young "housekeeper" and always felt that there was something hidden between them, and there must be times when the second brother would not let her know.

"The young master has been busy recently, so it may be because of overwork that he fainted. Miss, it's better not to disturb the young master."

As for Lin Pujiang's housekeeper, Lin Huaxue always felt that he was hostile towards her for unknown reasons, and she couldn't explain why.

"Okay, now take the second brother back to the room, I'll go first."

Lin Huaxue knew that everyone hated her, the only white moonlight, and so did Brother Yi.

"Miss, I think it's better for you to stay here now. It's a good thing if the young master can't find you after he wakes up."

In his eyes, Lin Huaxue was a trouble anyway. The young master was obviously fine when he was abroad, but everything changed when he returned to Beicheng.

"okay, I get it."

Lin Huaxue withdrew from here. At this time, she just needs to be obedient and not cause trouble.


Lin Pujiang subconsciously thought of Lin Huaxue, and now even when he fell down, he was thinking of Lin Huaxue, which was hopeless.

"Master, it's me, miss, she went down to rest."

"Well, help me up first, and then look at that thing later."

When Lin Pujiang thought of what he had been busy with for Lin Huaxue these days, he knew that he would be late now.

"Master, you can wait for the matter of the young lady. Your matter is still the most important thing."

"When did my affairs start to be your turn to decide for me." Lin Pujiang hated others hindering his affairs and making decisions, even his father.

"Master. I didn't mean that."

"Not the best." Not even that.

Lin Pujiang had already made an appointment with a doctor for Lin Huaxue from the beginning, and now as long as the medicine passes the trial, it can be used on Lin Huaxue's body, but now there is still a problem at home.


When Lin Huaxue was thinking of going to the kitchen to make food for Lin Pujiang, she saw an elderly aunt standing at the door of the kitchen and stopped her.

"whats the matter?"

Lin Huaxue looked up at that person and didn't know who that person was. She always felt that people would suddenly appear in the second brother's house from time to time, and it would be bad luck if she had a bad heart.

"Miss, come here."

The old aunt called Lin Huaxue, and there was nothing inconsistent between her words and deeds. Lin Huaxue didn't expect that she would make herself feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and she didn't know where it came from.

The moment Lin Huaxue walked into the kitchen, she realized what was so special about it. Afterwards, it didn't look like a kitchen, just like a laboratory.

"Here." Out of curiosity, Lin Huaxue really wanted to know how it came to this place, but it seemed that the old aunt didn't want to tell herself.

"Don't ask these questions that shouldn't be asked. I have more important things to tell Miss Lin Huaxue now."

Seemingly seeing the bitter side, Lin Huaxue saw her dislike, and she was like a villain who made mistakes.

"You say, I'm listening."

The old aunt saw that Lin Huaxue was indeed different from that time before, so she let go of her prejudice.

"Miss, the young master has been caring for you all this time. The young master fell to the ground just now because he went out to look for you before dinner tonight. Otherwise, he wouldn't have fainted."

"Sorry, I know I was wrong."

Lin Huaxue didn't know why her second brother was so kind to her, she felt like she didn't say anything, and only wrote that maybe it was because of something she did wrong.

"Miss, it's good that you know, it's not us servants who talk too much, but the young master's current state is really very bad."

The old aunt breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, she really considered the problem from Lin Pujiang's point of view, so at this time, it is best for her to let the young master do well, it's as simple as that.

"Master, I have watched him grow up since he was a child. Except for Fu Ruibai, I don't think anyone in the entire Lin family would consider what Master thinks."

The same is true for Lin Huaxue in front of Lan, and Mr. Lin only has Lin Huaxue in his eyes, and Mr. Lin only has work besides work.Fortunately, the young master has been a good boy in the eyes of others since he was a child, but this is also the young master's difficulty. For this reason, he thinks that he should be able to do it, and the young master does not like to ask others for help.

The old aunt told Lin Huaxue a lot about Lin Pujiang. Of course, she knew exactly what she thought about Lin Pujiang. The Lin Huaxue in front of her was not from the Lin family. Whether they could be together depends on theirs too.

Hearing what the old aunt said, Lin Huaxue felt mixed feelings in her heart. During such a sad time for the second brother, she kept making trouble for him. This is simply not something that one person can do.

After careful consideration, Lin Huaxue made a bold realization that Fangzheng herself was not from the Lin family, and there was still room for redemption.

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