Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 222: Zhang Niang's Family

It's finally the time of the first day of the Lunar New Year. Everyone in the Li family's old house is so sleepy today...

The servants at home didn't dare to wake everyone up. They were all looking at each other. This was the rarest way of celebrating the Spring Festival they had seen.

There was no way that everyone was afraid to wake them up, so everyone spent the day lying in bed on the first day of the new year like this.

And the few servants left in the family also returned to their homes for the Spring Festival, and the shifts that started have become the current rest.

Except for the time of eating, there is no time to see anyone wandering around the house.

This situation did not start to recover until the next day.

"Get up, little lazy cat."

Li Jinyi leaned himself against Tang Yunxi's body, and gently planted a kiss on her face.

"Well, wait a minute."

Tang Yunxi now only feels that the bed is the place she most wants to stay, and other things seem to have nothing to do with her.

"Are you really sorry?"

Li Jinyi tried to ask Tang Yunxi if she couldn't bear it, then she might not have time to go back to Tang's house today.

"Well, I'm going to sleep for a while." It's not that he doesn't know that he is very sleepy recently, and pregnant women are like this.

"09:30 in the morning passed."

She had said before that she would get up before nine o'clock in the morning, and now he gave him more than half an hour.


Tang Yunxi jumped up when he heard the time Li Jinyi told him.

"How did time pass so fast?"

Tang Yunxi, who couldn't believe this fact at all, just got dressed with Li Jinyi's "help" and then went to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After a while, Tang Yunxi and Li Jinyi, who were all ready to go, boarded the car on the way back to Tang's house.

At the gate of the Tang family, there are fiery red everywhere, red lanterns and red couplets, everywhere is fiery red, and Beicheng has been adhering to the awareness of environmental protection all these years, no matter what time it is, no one will burn firecrackers in Beicheng .

"Miss and uncle are back."

Tang Yunxi heard a voice before they returned to the door of the house.


Tang Qingyi and Tang Qingjin also ran out after hearing someone yelling. They had been in a state of excitement ever since they knew that their aunt was pregnant with a child.

"Be careful, the two little ancestors."

The housekeeper looked at the two taller Li Qingyi and Li Qingjin, as if they had grown up a lot without knowing it, at least that's how it looked to Tang Yunxi.

"Okay, okay, we know, Grandpa the housekeeper."

Tang Qingyi jumped in front of Li Jinyi's car, not forgetting to ask Qing Jin to hold her chubby little hand.

"Brother, wait for the shoes."

While running, one of Tang Qingyi's shoes was thrown out, because the little feet were too slippery, which caused the shoe to hang directly on the small sapling in the flower garden.

"Not enough, what should I do?"

Tang Qingyi, who was kicking her feet, tried to reach for her shoes. Tang Qingjin also wanted to give them to her sister, but his and Tang Qingyi's hands were the same length.


Just when the two wanted to ask the person next to them for help, a big hand came up and grabbed Tang Qingyi's little red shoes.


It was rare for Tang Qingyi to see Li Jinyi's face so clearly for the first time under such a situation.

"Well, come over to Uncle."

Li Jinyi squatted down and wanted to put on Tang Qingyi's little shoes. It was the first time he had seen such small shoes, and there were some cute ones.

"Thank you uncle."

Tang Qingyi, who was sitting sideways on Li Jinyi's lap, was a little happy and excited. Before that, the two of them felt that uncle was a difficult person to get along with, because he was a busy person just like his father.

I usually don't have time to play with them so that it seems difficult to get along with them.

"Qingyi, Qingjin."

Tang Yunxi, who came up behind Li Jinyi, called out to the two of them, and suddenly found that these two children were indeed growing up very fast now.


As soon as she saw Tang Yunxi appearing beside her, Tang Qingyi rushed towards her with a single brain.

"Well, that's not right."

Just when Tang Qing was still about to hug Tang Yunxi, she stopped the movements of her hands and feet, for fear of knocking down the baby in her stomach.

"what happened?"

"No, I'm just afraid of touching the little baby in my aunt's belly."

Tang Qingyi thought that there was already a formed baby in Tang Yunxi's stomach, but for some reason, she couldn't see the appearance of a baby now.

"No, the little Baby hasn't shown up yet."


Tang Qingyi showed a rare smile, she almost forgot the things she used to play with her aunt.

A warm embrace directly resisted Tang Yunxi's stomach, and Tang Qingyi's little paws were so cute.

"I still think little girls are better."

Li Jinyi watched Tang Yunxi's interaction with his little niece, and his desire for girls became stronger.


At first thought, Tang Yunxi understood what Li Jinyi was talking about.

"What's up with the boys?"

Tang Qingjin heard the conversation between the two adults, and felt a little unwilling to admit defeat in her heart. That girl can act like a baby, but what would happen if a boy acted like a baby?

"Hee hee~ Brother is jealous."

Tang Qingyi let go of Tang Yunxi's embrace, walked back in front of her brother, and patted his head jokingly, even though she was standing on tiptoe, she looked a little cute.

"Qing Jin, don't think like this, aunt still likes you very much."

"Oh, that's just still."

It was rare for Tang Qingjin to have a little trouble, and everyone started joking with him.

"Well, I'm not a child anymore."

Tang Qingjin, who raised her little head, looked very cute. He is only a five or six-year-old child now, why isn't he a child?

Under the guidance of these two cuties, Li Jinyi and Tang Yunxi walked back to the gate of the Tang family. After entering, they found that the house is still as warm as before.

And there was one more person in the house as usual, Tang Yunxi would never have thought that he would be in his house.

"Yunxi girl is back!"

Mr. Tang was extremely happy. Ever since he knew that he had a great-great-grandson, he had always wanted to go to Jiangjing Manor to see that girl, but everyone in the family told him to wait for a while.Let Tang Yunxi slow down on his own, but in the end, he waited and waited until now.

"Grandpa, Mom and Dad."

This time Tang Yunxi returned home as a mother, and her feeling at home changed a bit.

While calling for someone, Tang Yunxi also saw Tang Zixiu and Leng Yan who were standing aside. They didn't know when they started to become like this.

Li Jinyi also brought the New Year's gift he had prepared from home to Tang's house, and after he put the gift down, everyone began to talk about it.

I don't know when, Tang Yunxi and Tang Zixiu chatted, and talked about some questions that even he himself didn't know how to answer.

"Why is Leng Yan at home?"

Did something start between them? How does he see these things.


This question is a good question, but he always feels that there seems to be something that can't be said.

"That guy said he had no relatives in Beicheng, so grandpa left him behind."

"What about you, what do you think?"

It seems that Leng Yan is deeply loved by grandpa, otherwise she would not agree to him living at home, but she doesn't know what her younger brother thinks, and her parents would also agree to him celebrating the New Year at home .

"Me? What else can I think? After a few days of cold extension, he will leave the house."

"Sister, what about you? Are you planning to be a full-time wife at home?"

Since Tang Yunxi went abroad for her honeymoon and came back, she has been staying at home. This is also because she is pregnant with a baby in her belly. Later, she did not participate in any activities that she said in the company that she could play freely.

But fortunately, not many people know about their relationship with Tang Yunxi, otherwise, if you don't see one, just ask.

"No, I can't stay at home anymore recently."

Except for lying at home, the rest is some daily eating and drinking, and there is nothing serious about it, except that sometimes I can draw sketches and the like.

"How about sister, let's change it? How about I rest at home and you go to work in the company?"

"Just think about it."

Having said that, his request is impossible to realize, not to mention that he is now the president of Yunshang, and there is another point that her elder brother and younger brother know more than herself in terms of managing the company.

"What's the point of thinking about it? No matter how you say it, you have to practice it yourself. Otherwise, how can you be worthy of your own idea?"

Managing a company has never been easy to talk about, but it varies from person to person. He also has the heart, but he just doesn't have the strength.

"Come on, maybe there will be such a day?"

Tang Yunxi's words are not deceiving, maybe Leng Yan can take him along, speaking of which Leng Yan is also in the same grade as his elder brother, maybe there are unexpected gains from him.

"Come on what?"

Didn't you just say there was no chance?Why change the term now.

"Let Leng Yan help you, maybe there will be a different harvest."


When did Leng Yan gain something, as long as it is not troublesome, then he himself has become Amitabha.

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