Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 204: Enthusiasm is hard to persuade

Listening to the order, the butler brought two boxes of things in two exquisite wooden boxes from the side of the LCD TV cabinet.

Li Nianci knew at a glance that it was old red nanmu, and the things inside must be not simple.

Xiao's mother signaled the housekeeper to put the things closer to them, so that she could share the good things with their daughter-in-law.

"Read the speech, this is our old Xiao family's ancestral heritage, and it is all passed down to the daughter-in-law."

Mother Xiao became more and more excited, as if she finally married her son.

Picking up Li Nianci's hand, he put the bracelet in the box on Li Nianci.

And being led by Mother Xiao, she had no choice but to let her wear that bracelet on herself.

Xiao Chenyuan stood over there and watched the interaction between these two people, and he was also very happy in his heart. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not a problem at all here.

But it looks like sisters, what he said is true, although Xiao Chenyuan's mother is in her 40s, she also looks like she is in her twenties.

Father Xiao looked at the scene in front of him and felt that it was a bit beyond his imagination. They had agreed to give Li Nianci some topics before, but they didn't expect it to become what it is now.


Only half an hour had passed, Xiao Chenyuan saw that Li Nianci was a bit too much, so he took Li Nianci back to his room.

"so tired!"

Just when he walked into the room, Li Nianci fell on Xiao Chenyuan's bed regardless of his image.

Holding the warm quilt, Li Nianci couldn't think of getting up.

"Can you still eat it?"

Xiao Chenyuan touched Li Nianci's head worriedly. It seems that it is not the time to say that he is going to retire at this time, but as long as there is one person, Li Nianci, everything can exist.

"It's okay, but now I think my parents are too enthusiastic."

So much so that she didn't even know how to meet their wishes.

"Do you want me to go and talk to my parents now?"

Xiao Chenyuan was happy and joyful when he heard Li Nianci calling his parents.

"It's better not to."

How can such a thing be said like this?No matter how Xiao Chenyuan's parents were doing it for his own good, there was no doubt about it.

"Then when I have dinner, I will sit next to my parents, and then you will sit next to me."

Xiao Chenyuan knew that it might be a "hard battle" after a while. Judging from the current fighting ability of your parents, you will probably not let go of Li Nianci until tonight when you are resting.

"Is this really good?"

In fact, Li Nianci also thought it was unnecessary, if he really did it like this, wouldn't it make him look a little weaker.

"There's nothing wrong with it, as long as it depends on what you mean."

Xiao Chenyuan is now the only one in this family who will stand by her side, although he can't be regarded as the type who goes to the battlefield.

But generally speaking, the current situation is not so good. Before, my parents have always said that they want to bring a girlfriend home, but now he brings home his daughter-in-law.

No matter which aspect it looks at, Li Nianci should not be able to escape, unless they use another method to solve it.

"Then let's think of a better way to postpone the meal tonight."

Li Nianci was thinking about all kinds of small calculations in his heart, and his head was constantly wandering.

And Xiao Chenyuan just looked at her steadily like this, he also thought it was a good way.But if you want to postpone the meal tonight, there are only two ways now.

"Have you considered?"

Xiao Chenyuan wanted to know what Li Nianci was thinking, so that he could express his thoughts.

"Not yet, but I don't think it's realistic."

Li Nianci thought about pretending to be asleep to escape this evening's meal, but it seems that they may wait for dinner after they wake up in the future.

Judging from the state just now, the probability of this possibility seems to be 60.00%.

"Hey, that's right, otherwise I'll find out by looking it up on the Internet."

Li Nianci turned his head and suddenly thought of a better way.

Immediately afterwards, she took out her mobile phone again, ignoring what Xiao Chenyuan was thinking.

However, Xiao Chenyuan supported Li Nianci in all of this. He only saw Li Nianci input a question on her mobile phone.

When I go to meet my parents at my boyfriend's house, what can I do to avoid dinner that day?
After entering this question, a series of answers appeared below.

However, these questions are all previous questions, and the answer time is also a few months ago.

"What now?"

Li Nianci saw that none of the above answers seemed to be usable now, so she turned her head back to look at Xiao Chenyuan.

"Ask a question directly online, and you'll get an answer after a while."

In fact, Xiao Chenyuan also felt that Li Nianci's not going to dinner tonight was the last thing, so he had no intention of hindering Li Nianci.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chenyuan saw Li Nianci directly input the question just now on the mobile phone online question and answer page.

Moreover, I chose the cash reward question and answer method to ask this question.

In less than a minute, various answers came out from below. At this moment, Li Nianci turned around and faced Xiao Chenyuan.

"Aren't you going to show it to me too? Xiao Chenyuan didn't know what Li Nianci's answer was just now, so he turned the phone in his direction all of a sudden.

"Don't! You'd better not read it, I will watch it myself."

At that moment, Li Nianci saw a shy answer.The answer is that sleeping alone is called rest, and sleeping with two is called sleeping, so let the two of them sleep.

When two people sleep together, it means, which one does it mean.Although she is not a human being, Li Nianci is not a fool.

As the saying goes, she has never seen a pig running or eaten pork, and she decided not to let Xiao Chenyuan see this kind of problem.

"Then don't you want me as a staff officer?"

Xiao Chenyuan asked Li Nianci curiously, if those people's answers could save Li Nianci from suffering tonight, then it would be fine.

The main reason is that one method can work, and another point is that both of them can accept it.

"Okay then, let's watch together."

Li Nianci generously took out the phone, and now they are grasshoppers on the same rope.Although the words are a bit ugly, it seems that there is no difference.

"It is said that the menstrual period is coming, and then the pain is unbearable, so this can solve the problem of eating."

"No, there is always a way that won't work. When I came in just now, my face was rosy. How could it be possible that I am on my menstrual period now?"

Moreover, her menstrual period has been clean a few days ago, no matter how you say it, she can't be so bright and deceiving.

It would be a disaster if I did it myself and then sold my menstrual period next time.

"Then next."

Xiao Chenyuan also helped to look at these answers, Su Yan looked more funny than the other.But there are still really usable ones, just like the one below.

"Take sleeping pills and fall asleep?"

Li Nianci saw that this answer was indeed feasible, but it seemed that she had never taken sleeping pills before.

"Do you have any sleeping pills in your room?"

"Yes, I'll look for it for you now."

But when she heard it like this, it didn't seem too good, "Xiao Chenyuan, you are promising, do you actually dare to take sleeping pills?"

Sleeping pills may not be a good medicine, unless it is a person with real insomnia, but Li Nianci hoped that Xiao Chenyuan would have insomnia at all.

Just at this moment, Xiao Chenyuan found the bottle of sleeping pills from the drawer.

But at first glance, the guarantee for sleeping pills had expired two months ago.

"It seems to have expired..."

At this moment, Xiao Chenyuan didn't know whether he should be lucky or unlucky.After being told by Li Nianci that this sleeping pill has now expired again, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

"Well, now I forgive you."

Li Nianci always looked at Xiao Chenyuan as a healthy person, she never thought that he would have problems with insomnia.

"Then let's move on to the next question."

Xiao Chenyuan looked at the time as if it was running out, and there was only an hour and a half left before arriving at their house for dinner.

"it is good."

Li Nianci slid the phone's page to the new answer below, a very eye-catching answer made Li Nianci's eyes shine.

"He said that there are very serious and serious things at home that need to be dealt with by himself."

At this moment, Li Nianci thought of the bad boy that was left at his brother's house, and whether bad bad will make his appearance at this time.

"what do you think?"

Li Nianci felt that Xiao Chenyuan would go out with him, and this was also a kind of test between lovers.

"Where do you want to make a fuss about bad?"

"Good, that's what I thought."

Li Nianci just wanted to make a fuss about what was bad, and it happened that she also knew that her brother and sister-in-law were back, so it should be okay to call and ask now.

Immediately afterwards, Li Nianci scrolled to the page of phone contacts, but the number of the first person she preferred was Tang Yunxi's.

"Beep beep..."

"Beep beep..."

"No one answered?"

Li Nianci was curious why no one answered the phone after it rang for four or five seconds.

"Let me fight."

Xiao Chenyuan saw that there was no movement on Li Nianci's phone call, so he planned to call Li Jinyi.

Li Nianci also expressed that she was helpless, so she could only wait for Xiao Chenyuan to call there.

"Beep beep..."

"Beep beep..."

Still no one answered the phone, Li Nianci had no choice.

"Call the landline at home, Aunt Xue and the others should be there."

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