Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 178: For whom

"Leave it alone."


Tang Yunxi turned and left after saying this, leaving only the middle-aged man standing there.

"Harm, wasted, wasted."

It's just that when he turned his head and thought about it, he knew that if he couldn't guarantee the authenticity and quality, he would be playing Yunshang's brand in the face. It's just a pity that everyone knows this.

"Forget it."

The reputation of Yunshang is more important. It seems that these clothes can only stay in the waste bins in the warehouse.

It's just that when he decided to put his clothes in a box, Tang Yunxi's phone call came in.

"Director Liu, how much of that batch of cloth is left?"


Suddenly being asked by Tang Yunxi like this, Director Liu couldn't catch his breath for a while, could it be saved?
"There are still five pieces of cloth, and these five pieces of cloth are the last ones that can be intact."

Thinking of those thirty bolts of fabric, it is a pity that only these five bolts are usable now.

"Okay, let's tidy them up first, and prepare the damaged clothes. I'll go back and get them later."

"Okay, I will as soon as possible."

Hearing what Tang Yunxi said, he always felt that there was a new solution to the matter. If it really worked this time, it would be a good case for solving similar situations in the future.

Tang Yunxi came back in less than 10 minutes, but she didn't drive in from outside the gate of the warehouse, but came from somewhere else.

"Mr. Tang, you are..." Why are you sweating all over? Is this a robbery?

If Director Liu hadn't told her, maybe she didn't even know that the back of her clothes was half wet now.

"Sorry, I forgot just now."

"It's okay." What's the matter with this kind of thing? Everyone sweats, let alone sweating because of labor.

"These are all of which kind of fabric."

"Yes." Tang Yunxi had other plans for taking back the fabrics.

One is that it is really useful. She went to investigate it just now, and the environment here is indeed a little different.

The temperature and humidity of walking out of the warehouse and outside are different, perhaps because of the temperature difference and damp.

The second is to think of the lesson from the previous time, this time she will take everything away, just in case someone will mess with her later.And this time, the possibility of man-made has not been ruled out, so we still have to choose a conservative method.

"Mr. Tang, what do you plan to do next?" Are you going to return them to the manufacturer over there?

"Take it for a pH test."

"PH test value, does this have anything to do with clothes?" Is it possible to test its color?It hasn't changed much either.

"A lot." This thing is hard to say now, as long as it is useful.

"Okay, Mr. Tang, I'll help you move them to your car."

Director Liu is very optimistic about Tang Yunxi, and he thinks she is the most trustworthy person now.

Tang Yunxi returned to the company with the clothes that Director Liu had moved to her car.

"Sister Yunxi, what did you ask us to come down and move?"

"What is it? Is it heavy?"

The male colleague standing next to Aiya was also very curious about what Tang Yunxi wanted them to move.

Ai Ya and two other male colleagues received a call after Tang Yunxi returned to the company, saying that they were asked to come down to move things, but they didn't say what to move.

"In the car." It's just that Tang Yunxi didn't answer their questions directly.

The trunk was opened by Tang Yunxi. He only saw three boxes of things and a bag of things, but he didn't know what it was.

"So much?"

Although Aiya doesn't know what it is, but I always feel that these boxes look expensive, and even the packed cartons have their logos.

"This isn't..." Isn't this a special pre-sale bag earning box at the warehouse?How did you get here now?
"Let's go up to the company and talk about it first."

It's not that Tang Yunxi doesn't want to tell them, it's just that this occasion is still inappropriate.

"Okay, sister Yunxi, let's go up and talk."

After a while, the four of them took the president's special elevator to Tang Yunxi's office.It's just that Aiya didn't know that he came here now, at first they all thought that Tang Yunxi would let them go to the studio.

And today was the first time for them to sit in the elevator dedicated to the president. Since Tang Yunxi came to the company, the elevator dedicated to the president has now become a frequent place for the two of them to come and go.

On the contrary, Yang Yan has never been in this elevator, and I don't know if she minds that the president, Wilber Wen, is a man, so Yang Yan won't take the elevator with the president.

In Tang Yunxi's office, Aiya first sent out the small box of things that she had been carrying in her bosom, and then couldn't wait to find out.

"Sister Yunxi, what is this box? It's so mysterious."

"Open it and take a look, maybe you can find out."

Tang Yunxi handed to Aiya the knife that was placed next to the desk where she was working to open the express box.

"That's it."

Aiya happily took the knife over, looking at the box that was about to be opened, Aya began to have some expectations in his heart.


So, what the hell is going on here?

"Sister Yunxi, why do all the clothes we used to process become like this now?"

Although it cannot be all of them, but this one is the most expensive material, so it is still very important.

Although they don't know how much this piece of fabric is worth, anyway, it looks very expensive.

"There are some problems in the warehouse, so all the clothes of this kind of fabric look like the one in front of you."

Tang Yunxi was just telling the truth, and it was nothing worth hiding, but the workload of all of them was about to increase.

"Ah? Isn't it? Why is it so good, it has become what it is now just overnight."

Aiya really doesn't know, but what should I do now, they cut it so hard and then sent it over there for processing, and now I didn't expect to be sent back the same way because I didn't have anything to do.

"Don't worry, the manufacturer has already arranged for someone to come over. If there is no problem found, they will compensate the company according to the contract losses."

Also, on the way back to the company just now, he had prepared a sample to test the PH value. No matter what you say about this matter, it seems that it was caused by external factors to become what it is today.

Now it can't be separated from the man-made reason. Before that, he didn't notice that there was a strange smell on the top of the clothes.It is because of this reason that Yuexi returned to the clothes and turned into the unfeasible appearance now.

"Mr. Tang, what's going on? Did someone tamper with the clothes?"

One of the male colleagues seems to have seen the meaning of Tang Yunxi's expression, but anything can happen at work.

But the most unbelievable thing now is that people like this have begun to appear in Yunshang.

"Shh~ You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing now."

Another male colleague looked at the man who said the words without thinking and grabbed his shoulders.

"It's okay, it's okay to say such things in the office now, but don't talk outside the door of this office."

Tang Yunxi is also doing protection work for this matter, only no one else knows that this matter is still safe now.


Aiya also agrees with this sentence, as long as it is not overheard by outsiders, she can still say it, but she is very curious about who is against them.

At this juncture, there is still such a problem over there, God is simply "too good" to them today.

The conversation seemed to be stopped at this moment, and at this moment, someone came in and knocked on the door, ready to come in.


The people outside the door looked at the few people standing inside. Although they were sure that one was Tang Yunxi, they still couldn't help asking.After all, except in the company, no one seemed to know what Tang Yunxi looked like.

In the previous news about her, every time Tang Yunxi appeared, she would be covered with something that couldn't see her face clearly, and she didn't know what was going on.

"Tang Yunxi, Mr. Tang?"

"It's me, please come in."

Looking at the two men in casual clothes, although there is nothing special on the surface, no one can think that these two men are the research and development team of this piece of fabric.

"Trouble the two of you."

Tang Yunxi reached out to shake hands with the two men who had just walked in, and did not forget to say hello.

"It's not hard, these are what we should do." For the fabric they developed, it was the first time they encountered problems.

The next thing was left to the two of them, while Tang Yunxi and the others stood aside in a wait-and-see attitude.

The two men carefully examined and pondered, and compared all the fabrics in different states on the scene.

From the shape, color, shrinkage state, and smell and so on.

No, this smell...

"I don't see anything now, but what is certain now is that someone sprayed something on it."

One of the men seemed to have discovered the problem and stood up directly, but they were also curious as to who did it.

Regarding the corrosiveness and softening of this kind of cloth, every aspect is carefully handled.


Although Tang Yunxi had guessed it, he still couldn't believe that someone would actually do such a thing. Who was it aimed at?

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