Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 128: Big Client?

"What if I don't agree?"

In fact, Tang Yunxi didn't fully think about it when he said this, but he was still hesitating.

She still doesn't know if she will still like a workplace like a company that puts her personal interests above everything else.

It might be more suitable for me to open a studio by myself, but now I don't seem to have any partners besides myself.

"Huh? Give me a reason."

Long before she went to university, she had already told Yunxi that Yunshang was opened for her.

But at that time, a small part of Tang Moli's whole reason was that he invested in this clothing design company because the market was just right.

"No, it's just that I haven't figured it out yet." The recent things happened quite suddenly, as if all the things were crowded together in an instant.

"Well, big brother will give you time to think about it. I just hope to keep me waiting for too long."

Tang Moli patted Tang Yunxi's head, no matter what, he would always be his favorite sister, and he rarely showed such emotion on weekdays.

Except for the family members who know that they are flesh and blood, when it comes to business outside, everyone feels that they are a cold person.

It's been a long time since Tang Yunxi has been so close to his elder brother. It's as if when he was young, whenever he did something wrong or was wronged, his elder brother would touch his head like this.

"Well, I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

After talking about this, Tang Yunxi and Tang Moli both left the study.

Tang Yunxi didn't go to find Li Jinyi immediately, but went back to his room to take a bath, and planned to stay at home tonight.

At that time, Li Jinyi became more worried. He checked the time on his watch, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening.This time was also the longest time he had ever been in Grandpa's room by himself.

"What's the matter, what are you worried about?"


Another black bet was on Li Jinyi's white side, a breakthrough was opened, and Li Jinyi's game of chess was a foregone conclusion.

"Son-in-law, you lost this game."

However, Mr. Tang was not happy about winning, because his opponent was not concentrating on playing chess with him.Therefore, this round is not counted as who wins and who loses, it can only be regarded as a forfeit.

"Well, I don't know what's going on with Yun Xi's side now."


Mr. Tang only thinks that Li Jinyi is useless now, worrying about what is there and what is not, and there is nothing wrong with him at home.

This problem is not a problem that I don't worry about, but I feel that they have gone for more than three hours.I don't know what we talked about, let alone seeing people now, and I haven't even sent a text message.

"Go back first, I'm also tired now."

Mr. Tang knew that Li Jinyi was a good boy and a good husband, he was able to play chess with him all the time and it was still that long.If it were the two grandchildren in the family, one or two would leave in the next two rounds.

One was not because he was busy with work because the other was because he was going to practice driving. In comparison, Li Jinyi was a patient person at the time, and he deserved to be a good candidate for his grandson-in-law.

"Grandpa like this first, we will play chess together next time we have a chance." Li Jinyi stood up, ready to leave here.

"Well, go, go."

Li Jinyi thought that Tang Yunxi might not be in Tang Moli's study now, because when he passed the stairs on the second floor, he smelled a familiar smell from Tang Yunxi's room.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock~"


The door of the room was opened, and Tang Yunxi walked from the room with long black and beautiful hair and opened the door a gap.

"Have you finished playing chess with grandpa?"

Tang Yunxi pretended not to see Li Jinyi's expression now, and curiously asked him such a sentence.

"Ma'am has become unbecoming."

Li Jinyi looked at Tang Yunxi wearing a red rose petal skirt, her two little feet were not wearing shoes.

As soon as he picked up Tang Yunxi, he went into the room. Although the room was covered with carpets, not all of them were covered.

"Next time, remember to put your shoes on first."

Li Jinyi was putting on Tang Yunxi's shoes, and told her again, if he doesn't want to be by her side next time, will he not pay attention to wearing shoes all the time?

"it is good."

"Just now……"

"Just now……"

The two said this sentence in unison, but it seemed...

"You speak first……" 
"You speak first……"

This time, both of them laughed, and they didn't know when they had such a tacit understanding.

"Brother just told me that he wants me to work in Yunshang."


Li Jinyi has heard of Yunshang, a fashion design company, which is a different fashion design from LY, a clothing company that focuses on ancient and retro styles.

But what he doesn't know is who the master behind Yunshang is, but now there may be some clues.

"Well, this is the clothing company my brother founded before I graduated from college, so he plans to let me work there."

But now she is still a little hesitant. Anyway, this company is actually managed by her elder brother, so how can I say that you can't live up to my elder brother's expectations.

"Well, that's a good thing."

After Li Jinyi put Tang Yunxi's shoes on, he got up like this and patted Tang Yunxi's head.

"I also think it's a good thing."

However, I still yearn for the kind of free design of clothing, such as the company's commercial ones, but I still can't completely follow my own ideas.

"But you didn't promise big brother." Otherwise, she wouldn't be so hesitant now.


"Tang Yunxi, let me tell you, if it were me, I would also let you work in Yunshang."

Putting his hands down from Tang Yunxi's head, Li Jinyi clenched Tang Yunxi's hands again.

"To open a studio, you need to find partners and resources yourself. The most important thing is these, and you still don't let me intervene."

If you go to Yunshang to work, you have all the resources, and you don't have to worry about acting according to who's eyes.

Judging from Tang Moli's behavior, he would definitely tell the insiders there that this was a member of their Tang family.Even if Tang Moli didn't tell those people, just judging from the looks of the two brothers and sisters, no matter what, once they met Tang Moli, people would definitely think that they were brother and sister.


Tang Yunxi didn't answer his words immediately, but what Li Jinyi said was true, there was absolutely no opportunity or gap for her to refute.


It was dawn again, Yunshang clothing company, in the morning shift time, suddenly received a notice.

"Have you heard? Have you heard?"

Someone rushed in from the door excitedly, the coffee cup in his hand was almost not placed on the table.


Someone helped him to take the coffee in his hand, otherwise he would really have spilled the whole table full of coffee.

"What could excite you so much?"

The coffee cup was stabilized, and the person who rushed in also stood firm.

"I heard that our company is going to have a new colleague, and I also heard that she is a beautiful woman."

"Oh, this is it!"

A coquettishly dressed woman turned the chair she was sitting on from her desk.

"What does this have to do with you?"

They have always disliked this woman in front of them. To be honest, no one in the whole company knows that he got in through connections.But no matter what, he still has some real skills, otherwise he would have been kicked out of the company by now.

"You think I like to hear, I just want to know whether the newcomer is prettier or uglier than me."

"I vomited."

I have never seen such a shameless person, no, it should be said that I have seen such a shameless person, and such a thing as shameless can only be reflected in her.

"What's the noise? I've heard you chattering here early in the morning, especially you Aiya and Tan Mingming."

"Shh~ Eldest Sister is starting to curse."

Ai Yaquan pretended not to hear, she picked up the coffee she bought in the morning and took a sip carefully, while Tan Mingming punched as if she didn't hear.

It is said that it is better to mess with a grumpy kitten than a leopard that yells at people all day long.If one is accidentally bitten, maybe it will really cool down.

Now the biggest credit to the company is the leopard in front of him, Zhang He.A person who is only willing to work for the sake of work will never see her stop for a moment in her life.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock~"

There was a knock on the door of the office, and everyone looked at Xia's door and found that it was the director of the design department knocking on the door.

"What's the matter, Director?"

It's impossible to have a task so early, my God, the order I received yesterday is not finished yet.

"Now everyone, get dressed and go inside the big meeting room."


What's the meaning?Dressed up?Aya looked at the people next to him, who is not fully dressed now?Are you going to meet a big client?

"If you don't want to ask, don't ask too much."

The costume design director took a step back after saying this, waiting for them to walk out from here. Now is not the time to be careless.

So it was rare for someone to see the director being so serious, maybe it was very likely that he was going to meet a big client.

"Hurry up, show me if my clothes are stained by coffee, and who else will give me double eyelid stickers for two days."


At this moment, he still thinks about putting on double eyelid stickers, he is a genius.

"Wait, I'll give it to you. I'll touch up the lipstick first..."

"My hair isn't messed up."

"No, it's fine."


Standing at the door outside, the director realized that it seemed that he had not conveyed the message in place.

Just as everyone tidied up their clothes and walked to the conference room that the director mentioned, everyone was stunned!

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