Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 125: One step late

The noisy noise woke up Lin Hui and his wife who were sleeping upstairs, and they both looked at Mr. Lin and their two sons who were sitting there.

No matter what the situation is, no matter what.But the two of them began to notice the man in black standing by the door again.

Looking at his posture, it looks like he is here to collect debts, but when did their old Lin family owe debts outside?

"what happened?"


When Lin Hui asked this question, no one responded, as if he hadn't appeared here.

The moment they walked to the sofa next to Mr. Lin, they finally heard Mr. Lin's reply.

"Xue'er was tied up by Fu Xingzhou."

With a simple sentence, Lin Hui instantly understood the reason of the matter.

"What's going on! Did Xue'er provoke Fu Xingzhou outside?"

Compared to He Jiayin, she already understood that Lin Huaxue would definitely not mess around outside.

"Tell me, what are the conditions."

He Jiayin, who sat on the sofa, looked like a lady, and sat there upright.

"Lin's 50.00% shares."

At first hearing, He Jiayin thought that she was a listener, but she still believed it.

"If you want Lin's 50.00% of the shares, you will not give it to me. If Lin Huaxue can't come back, then don't come back."

He Jiayin can only be angry now, what does the Lin family owe Lin Huaxue?What happened before brought her home.

"What the hell are you talking about!!"

When Mr. Lin heard what his daughter-in-law said, his whole body started to go crazy.

If you can't come back, then don't come back.Does that sound like something a mother should say?Anyway, even though she wasn't her own, she watched Xue'er grow up anyway, so how could she say such heartless words.


He Jiayin was taken aback by Mr. Lin's sudden yelling like this. What is it all about? Isn't it just a few random words, what's so annoying.

"50.00% of Lin's shares? Do you have to do this?"

They have the 50.00% shares, but it's not worth it to exchange for Lin Huaxue's return.

According to Lin Huaxue's current worth, she is not worth that much money.Not to mention why Lin Huaxue toilet.Do you have to pay them back for the wrong things?
"Grandpa, are you willing to let Xiao Xueer be tied up in that place by Fu Xingzhou now?"

"how is this possible!!"

Lin Huaxue was originally brought back by him from outside to raise her. How to put it, now the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, and he is not willing to part with her.

"Anyway, I won't give away my share. If Fu Xingzhou can't figure it out, why don't you go to Li Jinyi? The matter is caused by him anyway."

He Jiayin spoke lightly, and she didn't think about it clearly. In the end, Li Jinyi asked Fu Xingzhou to do it.

"Woman's way!"

For Fu Xingzhou, Mr. Lin felt that Li Jinyi was the one person who should not be offended.

"I don't care about that business, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

He Jiayin now owns [-]% of Lin's shares, which was a bride price when she married into the Lin family, anyway, it is her property, and no one has the right to take it away.

What's more, it was still in exchange for Lin Huaxue, how could it be possible to pay a price that was not worth paying for a rebellious person.

If it was the past, she would still be willing to give up [-]% of the shares in exchange for Lin Huaxue, but now she doesn't listen to her, so who cares what she does?
He Jiayin stepped on her high heels and left in the direction of the room on the second floor, leaving behind a bunch of men.

"Pujiang, you have 15.00% of the shares here, I have 30.00% of the shares here, and Xue'er also has [-]% of the shares. These add up to only [-]% of the five shares. Look..."

Mr. Lin deliberately said this to Lin Pujiang, but now he most wants his son and grandson to understand the meaning behind his words.

"Don't even look at me."

Lin Ye had no interest in Lin Huaxue's affairs at all, and he didn't have that need to be worthy of his concern.

After saying this, Lin Ye also walked out, not waiting for them to play this trick.

"You bastard!! My sister doesn't even care about it."

Mr. Lin became so angry that he couldn't breathe, and his whole body began to tremble.


Lin Hui looked at Mr. Lin, and now he was starting to panic. This old man has just been discharged from the hospital for a few days, is he going to collapse again now?

Mr. Lin was so angry that he had never seen such a ruthless person. The mother and son were just like a person who vented his anger from the nostrils.

"I can take out [-]% of Lin's shares." Lin Hui has not been to the company for a long time these years, and now everyone in the company only knows that he is just a shareholder in Lin Hui appears.

"Two percent of the shares?"

It turns out that in their eyes, Xueer, you are just a dispensable person.


Lin Pujiang seemed to have thought of a way. Seeing the depressed grandfather, she called to stop Mr. Lin.

"We can now go outside and acquire shares from other shareholders."

This method is the fastest method he can think of now, if he has to wait for the eldest brother to speak, then Xiao Xueer doesn't know when she will be able to come back.

Hearing what Lin Pujiang said, Mr. Lin immediately felt hopeful.

"Then you go and go, Xue'er is going to suffer more if she waits a little longer."

In a moment of excitement, Mr. Lin pretended to be Lin Hui who was sitting next to him. At this moment, Lin Hui felt the disgust of Mr. Lin who was being drenched.

But to be honest, Mr. Lin did have this idea, he stood up quickly, and signaled for Lin Pujiang to do it immediately.

After receiving the order, Lin Pujiang immediately stood up, turned around and walked out towards the gate. The moment he walked out of the gate, he saw Lin Ye standing there.

"From now on, I will have the final say on Xiao Xue'er's affairs. I will always protect her, no matter who it is, because I will not let her suffer any harm."

Lin Ye seemed to hear something different in his tone, which meant that Pujiang, including himself, would always stand by Lin Huaxue's side in the future?

Lin Ye watched Lin Pujiang walk out of the granite path step by step with complicated eyes, and walked up to his car.


It was night, Lin Pujiang came back from the outside in a daze, Mr. Lin was sitting on the sofa in the living room, waiting for him to come back.

"How did you buy how much?"

Perhaps it was because Mr. Lin was too concerned about whether the shares were bought back, he never noticed the expression on Lin Pujiang's face at this moment.


With a simple and clear sentence, Mr. Lin can already know the result very clearly.

"Impossible, Pujiang, are you lying to me?"

When Mr. Lin said this sentence, he also had no confidence in his heart.Because he knew that his grandson would never tell lies.

"I have asked them all, but none of them is willing to sell the shares to me. There are also some shareholders' shares, and the shares in their hands have been secretly bought by others."

This matter can be known without guessing, it must be Li Jinyi who did it again.

"God damn it!! God damn it!! This is simply committing crimes!"

He shouldn't have let Xue'er get to know that kid from the Li family long ago, if it wasn't because of that one time.He took Xue'er out, because he couldn't take into account the child's curiosity and the strong feeling of the seeds planted in his heart, and he simply regretted it.

Lin Pujiang walked around outside for so long, and he took his first sip of water after returning home.

The water taken from the table was poured into the stomach by Lin Pujiang gulp after gulp. I don't know whether it was impatience or anger. The whole person always felt that no matter how much he drank, his mouth was still dry.

Mr. Lin looked at Lin Pujiang, always feeling panicked in his heart.What crime did our old Lin family commit?

He used to change the time day and night, but besides, when it was less than six o'clock in the evening, Lin Huaxue was already shrouded in darkness in the basement of the Tile Hotel.

At this moment in the basement, there wasn't any flashing lights, nor was there anyone standing outside.

There was such a long corridor in the room, Lin Huaxue was sitting there alone, the air seemed to freeze suddenly at this very second.

Lin Huaxue hid in a corner wrapped in a quilt, and her whole body began to shiver.

Although there was no one in the room, she could still hear her own breathing and heartbeat clearly.

And the music being played right now...

Lin Huaxue had never heard such music that made one's hairs stand on end, as if someone was coming to kill her, or someone was playing and crying.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

She never thought that she would encounter these ordeals that she should not have suffered tonight.

But the reality often tells her that all unsatisfactory things will happen tonight.

Not only turned off all the lights, but also turned off all the power sources, and a gust of cold wind in the air entered her bed.

In front of him, one after another frightening and frightening pictures appeared.

on the wall……

In front of her...

In her heart, there have been obvious changes.At this moment, Lin Huaxue has nothing but a quilt.

And because of losing her temper tonight, she angrily pushed down the dinner that was prepared for her.

Another thing is that she didn't take a bath all day today.Staying in this ghostly place, I always felt something crawling on my body, hesitation, fear, and confusion, Lin Huaxue fell directly on the bed.

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