Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 110: Surveillance screen

After Mr. Lin's education, Lin Huaxue was much quieter today, staying in the room and not coming out.

It's just... things are often not as simple as imagined.

In Lin Huaxue's room, a computer and a monitor were placed on the table by her.

And she herself was sitting in front of the table, holding an earphone in one hand, and knocking on the keyboard of the sliding computer with "da~" and "da da" with the other hand.

At this moment, the screen displayed on the computer... was in the villa in Jiang Scenic Area.

"Jin Yi...I feel sick to my stomach."

Tang Yunxi had just come out of the bathroom after taking a shower. She was lying on the bed enduring the pain, feeling that she was not well.

Li Jinyi who rushed over after hearing the sound was just about to go in to take a bath, but unexpectedly heard Tang Yunxi's weak voice.

"Is that one coming, huh?"

He put his hands on Tang Yunxi's stomach, and felt a slight heat coming from his stomach.


Tang Yunxi never thought that today's menstruation would come early, otherwise she would not be careless in diet and keeping warm these few days.

"Are you up? Huh?"

Li Jinyi leaned close to Tang Yunxi, and asked her with some distress.

Tang Yunxi didn't answer his question, because she didn't even have a chance to speak now, so she just shook her head and responded to him.

"Well, my wife, wait a minute, I'll be back when I go."

Li Jinyi didn't go to fetch sanitary napkins for Tang Yunxi, but went downstairs and into the kitchen.

After a month, he once again had to pick up the brown sugar, ginger and red dates in the kitchen cabinet.

Lin Huaxue only had Li Jinyi in her eyes, and she followed the monitor to Li Jinyi.

She never thought that she would see with her own eyes that her brother Yi could cook that woman's kitchen, and what's more, he still boiled brown sugar water.

Li Jinyi skillfully added brown sugar to the pot, and after a while, he added chopped ginger and red dates.He waited until they were all soaked, and then he turned off the heat and simmered for a while.

Li Jinyi took a spoonful out of the brown sugar water and blew lightly, only then did Li Jinyi take a bite.

After confirming that there was no problem, Li Jinyi turned off the fire, took them out of the pot, and placed them on a plate carefully, lest they would disperse.

Tang Yunxi in the bedroom endured the discomfort in the few minutes when Li Jinyi left, and leaned on the wall to go to the bathroom to change the sanitary napkin.

The moment Li Jinyi opened the door and walked in, happened to be the moment when she walked out of the bathroom while holding onto the wall.

"Yun Xi, why are you so disobedient?"

Li Jinyi watched Tang Yunxi sneak into the bathroom in pain again, and he couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Li Jinyi quickly put the ginger and brown sugar water on the table beside the bed, then walked up to Tang Yunxi, and hugged her up.

"Don't force yourself next time, you know. Huh?"

"Well, let's talk about it next time..."

Feeling Li Jinyi's concern, I just feel that it is not so uncomfortable now.

However, if it's like this next time, then she herself can't stay on the bed like last time, recalling the bed sheets that time, it was simply horrible.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have gone into the bathroom to change into sanitary napkins when Li Jinyi was not around.

"Want to have another time?"

Li Jinyi looked at Tang Yunxi, really not knowing what to say about her.

"Then the sheets will be stained and smell."

Tang Yunxi told Li Jinyi what she was worried about, because she didn't want to make the room dirty.

"Well, I'll change it for you next time."

Hearing Li Jinyi's serious words, Tang Yunxi had already been carried onto the bed by him.

The moment he let her go, Tang Yunxi only felt another pain in his body.His brows were furrowed into a Sichuan character.

"I'm sorry wife, I didn't notice, I was careless just now."

Li Jinyi could tell that the person in his arms had never been comfortable for a moment.


Anyway, she's used to it. From the moment she fell into a snow pit while skiing at the age of 16, this happened two days later when she had her menstrual period.

Although there have been internal adjustments, but from the first day of the menstrual period, there has never been a "safe period".

"Come on, drink this obediently."

Li Jinyi put Tang Yunxi on the bed and brought the bowl of brown sugar and ginger water on the table.

"Can you drink less?"

Tang Yunxi looked at the bowl of ginger and brown sugar water that Li Jinyi prepared for herself, and suddenly felt panicked inside.

Ginger is so spicy, and it doesn't like the taste of brown sugar. Drinking this ginger and brown sugar water is like drinking medicine.

"No, be obedient, wife~"

Li Jinyi tried his best to persuade Tang Yunxi. In fact, he himself didn't like to drink such a strong taste of ginger and brown sugar water, which was not much worse than traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Jinyi gently blew on the brown sugar water, hoping that it would cool down quickly so that Tang Yunxi could drink it.

Tang Yunxi also cooperated with Li Jinyi's every movement, just like this, two people who don't like drinking ginger and brown sugar water, one cooperated with feeding and the other cooperated with drinking.

Sitting in front of the computer and seeing this scene, Lin Huaxue clenched her hands into fists.

With a punch, he hit a doll with a wow face in his arms.

The next scene was Li Jinyi hugging Tang Yunxi falling asleep, Lin Huaxue thought it was Li Jinyi going to the bathroom to take a shower.But she never thought that Li Jinyi, who always loves cleanliness, would sleep in bed with that woman without taking a bath and changing clothes!
"It's okay, I can wait. can wait."

Waiting for brother Yi to go in to take a bath, then she can see the body that she hasn't seen all these years.

But no matter what, Lin Huaxue waited and waited until her eyes could no longer support her current desire.

Because at this moment, two evenly breathing voices told Lin Huaxue that Li Jinyi had fallen asleep with Tang Yunxi.

"why why……"

Lin Huaxue, who was still muttering, couldn't bear it anymore, and fell asleep with her head leaning against the table.

The night is always very long, but there are always people who have not slept yet.

Lin Pujiang saw that the light in Lin Huaxue's room had not been turned off, so he came to her room and knocked on the door, but no matter how he knocked, no one in the room responded to him, and he never heard a sound.

Lin Pujiang, who was afraid that something would happen to Lin Huaxue, took out from his room the key to Lin Huaxue's room that had been kept in his drawer before.

After getting it, Lin Pujiang entered Lin Huaxue's room in this quiet villa, but he never thought that the person he was thinking of was sitting in front of the computer and fell asleep...

"Little Xueer? Little Xueer?"

Lin Pujiang called Lin Huaxue as quietly as possible, but he didn't wake him up.

Just when he was thinking of hugging Lin Huaxue to the bed, he glanced at the screen on the computer...


It was hard to imagine that the person he liked dared to do such peeping things.

But Lin Pujiang didn't see any picture, except for a ceiling with a faint light on, there was nothing else, but he could also see that it was a surveillance picture.

in case……

If I didn't guess wrong, this place should be Li Jinyi's house, which was monitored by Lin Huaxue.

With a trembling of Lin Pujiang's hand, he accidentally pressed a drop-down button on Lin Huaxue's computer button, and the screen was changed to another place in an instant.

For some reason, Lin Pujiang felt like he didn't know how to make a choice.

Maybe he really wanted Xiao Xue'er to grow up on her own, if she didn't suffer a little bit from Li Jinyi, how could she make her forget Li Jinyi?
The computer was placed there without moving, and Lin Pujiang did not hug Lin Huaxue to the bed. Seeing everything in front of him, he had no choice but to exit Lin Huaxue's room.

Lin Pujiang walked out of the door of this room gently, but he never thought that he would be bumped into by Lin Ye at the door.

"Pu Jiang, come with me to the study."

After being called out by Lin Ye, Lin Pujiang had no choice but to follow him.

After walking for a few minutes, Lin Pujiang followed Lin Ye to Lin Ye's study on the third floor above.

"Brother, what's the matter you asked me to come here, just tell me."

Lin Pujiang naturally knew that Lin Ye had brought him here to talk about Lin Huaxue. If it was about other things, he could go to his bedroom and talk about it.

"You should know about Xue'er."

Walking to the desk, with his back to Lin Pujiang, Lin Ye said something without opening his mouth.

"what do you know?"

When Lin Ye said this, Lin Pujiang didn't know what he wanted to express.

"You know that Xue'er is not our Lin family's own flesh and blood. If she does something that harms the Lin family, do you think you will definitely keep Xue'er?"

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Lin Pujiang was confused by him, and he didn't know what he was talking about.Whether it was before or now, what Xiao Xueer did just now.

"Today, someone from Li Jinyi called me again, telling me to take care of our Miss Lin."

Recalling that he heard Lu Zhinian's call in the office today, he felt uncomfortable.Why can Li Jinyi be so arrogant, and his people are also so arrogant.

What did you say to be optimistic about your Lin family's eldest lady, don't let it out to cause trouble, Wansheng doesn't welcome it, and the Li family doesn't want to see it.

"What? Li Jinyi is talking about Xiao Xue'er again?"

Looking at Lin Pujiang's appearance, Lin Ye simply hated that iron could not be made into steel. He had never seen such an ineffective person.

"Lin Pujiang!" Lin Ye knocked on his desk heavily, and called out to Lin Pujiang angrily.

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