Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 102: Only Sue Qin Shanshan

"Sister Shanshan... this... I don't have any money, if I..."

The last money she has now is the last 5 yuan that Tan Shanshan gave him, and she still doesn't know if she can get it out.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't have money to treat her grandma, she wouldn't have done such a shameful thing, and she was caught by others later on. What kind of talk is this...

"No money, what kind of excuse is this, I don't have any money either! And didn't I give you 5 yuan today? Isn't that money?"

Tan Shanshan was furious. If she hadn't found such a pig teammate, what happened today would not have happened.

"Okay...Okay, I'll give it back to you right now, Sister Shanshan."

Xiao Luo took out the card from her pocket, and handed it to Tan Shanshan's upper hand with trembling shoulders.

"Sister Shanshan...I...I...I...returned it to you...Then...that matter...this matter has nothing to do with doesn't matter..."

"You think it's beautiful, you! If it weren't for your lack of flexibility in your hands and feet, you wouldn't have caused such a big problem with those jewelry." Otherwise, you wouldn't have been stopped to sit here for so long.

The two were taken off track while they were talking. Qin Shanshan didn't seem to feel this incident, and the other party never said that it was Ronaldinho's responsibility.


Two men walked over from the door, and it was someone from the bureau who came with a well-dressed male character.

"Please come in!"

Team Qin recognized that the person who came was Lawyer Deng, who was newly promoted to the top ten lawyers this year.

"Qin team."

"Lawyer Deng."

The man named Lawyer Deng first greeted Team Qin, and then saw Xie Ling and others standing aside.

"Thank you brother."

"Lawyer Deng, we are busy with our affairs first, and have another drink when we have the chance."

The lawyer was hired by Xie Ling. He knew quite a few people in this area, and only Lawyer Deng was extremely capable.

"Of course."

Lawyer Deng took out a document from his briefcase and looked at everyone present.He recognized Qin Shanshan, the mastermind of this whole incident.

"Ms. Qin, this is for you."

"Give it to me? What?"

Qin Shanshan, I'll get on the plane.She received that document in her hand, and she didn't know it until she opened it. He was the only defendant for all these things.

It means that if compensation is required, all the responsibilities will be borne by her alone! !

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with this thing?" Tan Shanshan couldn't believe what she saw.

Lawyer Deng did not answer his question directly, but Fan Fan asked her, "Are you doubting my work?"


Qin Shanshan didn't know where she felt the chill. She didn't know where Lawyer Deng was so hostile to her.

"There is no mistake in the above. The plaintiff wrote that you are the only defendant, so Ms. Qin, you should know that you are responsible for what you say now." Because he can sue her for defamation.

In their profession of lawyers, he is the only one with such a bad temper.I just want to be respected by others and don't want to be said by those people what I don't want to hear.

"That...Mr. Deng...don't mind if I'm a little quicker in speaking out."

Facing the stern and selfless person, Qin Shanshan was also very scared in her heart, she didn't want to offend others here.

"Qin Shanshan, I hope to see your compensation today. Stop thinking about those bad thoughts, or it will be more than just compensation."

Qiu He has already felt Qi Baizhi's disregard for Qin Shanshan, since entering this room, he has not seen any words of excuse from Qi Baizhi to Qin Shanshan.

"Sister Baizhi...I..."

With no other choice, Qin Shanshan had no choice but to pin her last hope on Qi Baizhi.

"Ding ding ding ~ ding ding ding~"

"Dengdengdeng~beep beep~"

Qi Baizhi fumbled for the mobile phone in the bag repeatedly, and it took a long time to find it out.

Qin Shanshan was so happy to hear what he wanted to say just now, she just hoped that she could help Qi Baizhi after she finished answering the call.

"Mom, what can you do with me?"

Qi Baizhi just called in from her mother, and she answered the call right here.

"Um... what? Mom, wait for me first."

Qi Baizhi covered the phone, and smiled politely at the people in the room.

"Well, I'll go out and listen to a call first."


Qin Dui responded to Qi Baizhi, he felt that it was useless for Qi Baizhi to stand there.It will not affect the conclusion of the case, because from the analysis of his previous cases, Qi Baizhi probably doesn't want to care about this matter.


Qiu He couldn't understand what Qi Baizhi's listening to the phone had to do with them, and Qi Baizhi was only a theatergoer.

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Qi Baizhi didn't lose her etiquette, she was polite, with a smile on her face, and walked out of the room lightly.

"Mom, you can talk to me now."

"Huh? I'm in the police station now because I..."

Qi Baizhi's voice was getting further and further away, but no matter what, Tan Shanshan did not give up her eyes following her out.

"Xiao Luo, now you can contact your family to pick you up."

"Wait! No, she did such a shady thing in a sneaky way. People can't be released so easily. I suggest that she must be locked up for three days."

Otherwise, how can we manage well in this North City? This kind of petty thief must appear in the beginning to manage it.

Lawyer Deng is not used to this kind of messy hands and feet. Today, when the tie arrives, he must teach him a lesson.

"Then do what Lawyer Deng said." Captain Qin himself had this idea, but he was not sure yet.

"Then...I can accept this...being detained for three days, but...but can you let me go home with that phone call."

She didn't want her grandma, who was sick at home, to find out about Fan Li and enter the police station.

"Of course it can, but it will take a while."

"Okay...ok...then...wait for a while, as long as you can call home...that's good, that's good..."

Xiao Luo now feels that she is no longer alone, at least there is someone worth caring about.

"Ms. Qin Shanshan, have you made up your mind?" Attorney Deng looked at Qin Shanshan who was sitting there pretending to be nonchalant, and really didn't know if she was simple-minded.

"What are you thinking about?"

What she is most nervous about now is when will Qi Baizhi come back?If he doesn't come back, he will be finished here.

I really don't know what to do with a person I can't get away from and can't see.Maybe she shouldn't have offended Ci Shiyi by being impulsive.

"You still want to wait for Qi Baizhi to come back?"

Qiu He didn't know whether to call her stupid or really stupid.According to the current situation, after Qi Baizhi walked out from this group, there would be no turning back.

So now, Qin Shanshan, you can only be an abandoned pawn, but this seems to be a bit out of Qi Baizhi's style.

"No, Sister Bai Zhi will definitely come back."

"She will definitely come back to save me..."

Qin Shanshan didn't have the confidence to say this, because Qi Baizhi had already sent her a message...


The phone's interface displayed [Sister Bai Zhi] and below was a text message he sent.

There is an urgent matter in my house that I need to go back to deal with, so I won't be able to estimate you here.Regarding whether you will still be my assistant in the future, I want my agent to discuss this matter.

When Qin Shanshan saw this text message, she felt that her face had turned pale at this moment.It never occurred to her that Qi Baizhi really wanted to leave her here, and whether she would be her assistant in the future, all these things he just thought were Qi Baizhi's angry words.

"How about it, do you feel like you can't be saved?"

Seeing Qin Shanshan's expression, Qiu He already half guessed that people like Qi Baizhi only do things for their own benefit and value.


She is indeed hopeless, Qi Baizhi seems to have lost the enthusiasm she used to have for her since she started doing this thing.

Now that she recalled what Qi Baizhi said to herself, she felt that there was a problem there.

Once when Qi Baizhi and her went to the production set, they were already late. They did not expect that after going to the dressing room of the production set, the cosmetics for base makeup on the table disappeared. The staff said that they took them away up.

"Poetry, she and Qiu He took the cosmetics we were going to use today and used them urgently. Let's put on makeup later. I'm not in a hurry."

"No, it's not like they don't have such things as cosmetics, so why lend them for urgent use?"

"It's okay Shanshan, let's wait a while, I'll check my lines first."

There is another annoyed thing, that is, when Qi Baizhi Ci Shiyi was acting opposite, Ci Shiyi accidentally missed, and then the sword in her hand scratched Qi Baizhi's clothes.It just so happened that she was wearing a white costume at that time, and when she struck down with the sword... Qi Baizhi's sleeves were stained with bright red blood.

But at that time, she became anxious, and she never thought that Ci Shiyi would dare to make a move.In order to show that her assistant cared about the artist's image, she almost made a move on Ci Shiyi herself, but she was pulled down in the end.

At that time, she didn't know at all that Qi Baizhi's actions were all to arouse Xiao Chenyuan's concern, because she found that no matter what problems Ci Shiyi had during filming, Xiao Chenyuan would also care about herself.

But I didn't expect that no one would be able to do so...

To this day, she still can't figure out what she is doing now?Is it to make more people notice me or is it really for Qi Baizhi...

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