Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 100: Abandoning soldiers to save the commander

in the police station

Because Qin Shanshan was Qi Baizhi's assistant, and they were both involved, the police brought her here as well.

And Xiao Chenyuan also followed Li Nianci to the police station, but he didn't follow Li Nianci all the time, but went to another room in the police station.

"Let's make a confession first."

A young police officer looked at Qin Shanshan who was sitting in front of him, swearing at the words and Xiao Luo and the other three women.He took out a pen and notebook from under the table and sat in the middle of the three of them.

"Ms. Tan, do you have any explanation for what Ms. Ci said?"

"I don't have anything to explain, but you don't know how annoying Ci Shiyi is."

Qin Shanshan was tossing and tossing non-stop, and she didn't think about the occasion, all that came out of her mouth was resentment.

The male police officer had nothing to say, he just felt that the woman in the eyes might not be saved.

But Qi Baizhi who was standing behind Qin Shanshan didn't think that way anymore, at this moment, she was the least of them.

"Officer, Shanshan didn't do this on purpose. I think she must have some unavoidable reason for things like stealing in partnership."

After Qi Baizhi mentioned this point, Qiu He laughed instantly. "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect that such heartless words could be heard from your mouth, Qi Baizhi."

This is probably the biggest joke she has heard this year, people like Qi Baizhi are not a good thing.

Just looking at Qin Shanshan, you can tell what kind of people to use what kind of subordinates.The fleeting time is unlucky, this kind of thing unexpectedly let them run into it.

"Qiu He."

Li Nianci stretched out her hand to hold Qiu He's hand. She didn't want to cause any more trouble at this time, wasting time and energy, and now she was about to starve to death.

"Xiao Niannian, you just take things too simple. Like the two of them, they have a bad stomach, and it's not like they will have some sons in the future."

Qiu He's defensive performance made Qi Baizhi think, "Qiu He, I know I'm sorry for Shiyi, I didn't take good care of Shanshan, if I knew that something like today would happen, I would definitely not Let Shanshan appear on the set."

"Shanshan, please apologize to Shiyi and Qiu He."

Qi Baizhi looked at Qin Shanshan who was sitting on the chair, felt that there was still a chance to make amends, so she tugged at her sleeve with her hand.

"Sister Bai Zhi, I will not apologize to that bell."

Qin Shanshan thought of the fact that she "steal chickens but lose money", and only felt that she was a "victim" now.

Originally, she was still thinking that the set of jewelry and the phoenix crown were real, and then she would do something about it.Thinking of making Ci Shiyi embarrass herself in the place she borrowed from others.Regardless of whether she borrowed personal things or not, as long as she lost her poetic face, she felt happy in her heart.

For this reason, she can still use this opportunity to make friends with Qi Baizhi, maybe she can get some benefits.

But she never thought that things would turn out to be like this today.All of this can only be blamed on Ci Shiyi's being too shrewd, and she didn't find out about her.

But it seems that the ultimate reason for the revelation of the matter is that he chose a pig-like teammate, Ronaldinho.

"Qin Shanshan, why are you still losing your temper now? If you do something wrong, you must be brave enough to take responsibility, and you can't shirk your responsibility."

"Where am I shirking responsibility? I just want to see them upset. Sister Baizhi, I know it's because of you."



This scene happened in front of my eyes, which made the police officer who took notes and statements feel helpless. Who are these people?What kind of place is it in the police station?Chat club?
"Quiet!" When the police officer's voice came out, Qin Shanshan was so frightened that everything she was about to say was frightened back by his voice.

"Why are you so fierce!"

Qin Shanshan didn't know what happened today, she was not in the mood all the time, and everything she did was extreme.

"...that...that...I...I'll go to the...toilet first, is that okay?"

Xiao Luo, who was silent here with them, was very frightened, and his voice was illogical and stammering.

"go with!"

The male police officer also saw clearly, "You guys continue to chat, and let me know when you're done talking, or you can talk until the captain comes back."

He said this to Qin Shanshan and Qi Baizhi, he knew Qi Baizhi, that female artist who was not very popular anymore.

There is also that Ci Shiyi, he also knows this person, and now that these two get together, maybe they can watch a good show today.



On the contrary, when Li Nianci and Qiu He heard this, they just felt... um... how should I put it... illogical.

At the same time, in the deputy chief's office of the police station, an older middle-aged man was receiving Xiao Chenyuan at this place.

"Fifth Young Master, you rarely come here."

The middle-aged man poured Xiao Chenyuan a cup of hot tea, then sat opposite him.

Xiao Chenyuan was not very happy when he heard this, he rarely came here?

"What do you mean by that, you want me to be a regular here?"

It never occurred to him today that the director of the bureau was not here, and only this deputy director was on duty here.

Xiao Chenyuan knew more or less about the situation in the police station.This deputy chief belongs to someone else, and generally speaking, he is not a very reliable person.

"Where is it, I dare not say this. It is the fifth young master who made a mistake."

The appearance of a middle-aged man with a big belly made Xiao Chen far from being able to continue with these words.

"The women who came in just now saw it."

The most important thing now is to get rid of Li Nianci's affairs, and Qin Shanshan, it's not up to her to come in and get out easily.

"I see, I see. What instructions does Fifth Young Master have?"

It is said that in Beicheng, the people who cannot be offended are the young people nowadays, especially the five young men of Beicheng.

"I dare not say the instructions, as long as it is done according to the normal situation." But the normal situation mentioned here is not the normal normal situation.

"What kind of situation does Wu Shao mean?"

There are many kinds of normal situations for him, but they are abnormal normal situations, or normal and abnormal situations, but he doesn't know which kind of situation the five young masters are talking about.

"What do you think?"

"I think... I think... this situation is hard to say."

The middle-aged man was suddenly stunned. He felt that today's matter was not that simple, as if it was aimed at him.

"Which situation do you think I would like?" Xiao Chenyuan continued to play charades without giving him accurate information.

"Fifth Young Master! Please do me a favor, please forgive me, I... really don't know what is normal for what you want!"

The middle-aged man panicked in an instant, and he never offended Xiao Chenyuan. In the past, he only saw Xiao Chenyuan once or twice when the Fourth Young Master was drunk and drove to the bureau. on contact.

"It seems that there are many normal situations here in the deputy bureau!"

When doing things in the police station, the so-called normal conditions should not all be the same. He wants to have other normal conditions.

"Fifth Young Master... I don't understand what you mean."

"If you don't understand, that's fine. I'll let someone who can understand you talk to you."

He heard that Xiao Chenyuan's plan meant that something was wrong, but he just couldn't understand the last sentence.What does it mean to raise yourself to speak that you can listen to?

Just when he was distracted, a person suddenly entered from outside the office door.

"Old Li!"


what is this...

"Fifth Young Master? Director!"

"I'm here to talk to someone who is normal, how is it? Are you happy?"

The word "normal situation" is a signal for connection, Xiao Chenyu came here only after receiving a call from Chief Chu, in fact...

Director Chu has always been there, but now is a suitable opportunity to eliminate some people who should not exist in the bureau.

"You talk, I'll go first."

This is not the purpose of Xiao Chen's coming here, but it can also be said to be this.

"Well, Xiao Qin, follow Fifth Young Master, and come back after finishing the business over there."

After getting the order, Xiao Qin, who was following Bureau Chu, stood at attention and saluted, then turned around and looked at Xiao Chenyuan, "Fifth Young Master, prepare to invite you."

Xiao Chenyuan walked in front familiarly, few people knew that Xiao Chenyuan had come here to "fight" before, even those few brothers didn't know.


"Shanshan! I've decided that from now on, you're no longer my assistant, and I can't control you!" I don't want to, because the use of value ends here.

"...Sister Baizhi, what do you mean?" What does it mean that she will no longer be Qi Baizhi's assistant in the future?

"Heh~ heh heh~ heh heh~"

Qiu He said softly "hehehe", she now sees the situation clearly, Qin Shanshan is simply an abandoned flag, and now it's time for Qi Baizhi to abandon her army to protect her commander.

"Qiu He, if you are sick, go and treat it, don't be stupid in front of me, you will feel sick just looking at it."

Qin Shanshan has confessed to everything she did today, but... she also thinks that she has a backer to rely on, so she dares to say these ignorant words here.

"Then you old man, you should just respond, and I won't consider your feelings, so don't think about it."

Who is she, Qiu He, how could she fall into trouble when this kind of person "failed"!
"Stop talking."

He obviously came to record their statements, but he ended up hearing such nonsense.

Now there is only one thought in his mind, women are so troublesome!Three women in one drama, but the point is that these three are all from the circle.The word "actress" is really vividly played!
Qi Baizhi is not an easy master to serve, and Qin Shanshan is a careful woman who takes advantage of power and bullies others.In contrast, the man named Qiu He is also a master who can defend his shortcomings, and Ci Shiyi doesn't talk much.

That Ronaldinho sitting just the cannon fodder for this "scene"!

When I go back tonight, I should be able to talk to my girlfriend, don’t chase after any stars if you have nothing to do, it’s those who will do those shameful things.


"Of course someone will come to protect you from going out. If not, you will be in the police station today."

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