How to Survive in Sand Sculpture Romance

Chapter 96 Repeater PK Brainwashing Divine Comedy

Afterwards, there seemed to be a lot of voices around Su Yu bewitching him to go to the door. Su Yu was really annoyed by them, and he was going crazy. Their voices were played in a 3D stereoscopic loop, surrounding him all the time. around.

"Oh, are you annoying? Really, are you repeaters? You are so annoying."

Su Yu tightly covered his ears, and sang the most dazzling national style of Little Apple and the song of throwing green onions loudly.

The voice that was bewitching him was defeated in front of the famous brainwashing Divine Comedy Little Apple and the most dazzling clan style.

Afterwards, Su Yu felt that his ears were indeed much cleaner, and then, after a whirl, Su Yu found himself squatting under a table.

"Oh, let me go, this is recovered, oh, I knew, I was the chosen one, I survived so many grinding noises, thank God, thank the class teacher, huh, just rely on your pyramid scheme Quality, you dare to brainwash me, just kidding, overreaching, I’m sorry.”

Su Yu was complaining frantically under the table at this time, and then agitated, bang, his head hit the table straight, and the table was still very strong.

Su Yu's head was hit by this table until his eyes stared like gold stars, and he lay on the floor in a daze.

And when Mr. System walked in, he saw Zhang Rui was still chained to the bed, comatose, and Su Yu lay unconscious on the ground.

The system gentleman thought that something accident happened to him here, so he rushed to the front. Who would have thought that he would think he was out of breath when he only saw the person lying on the floor. Of course, the system gentleman thought so.

Mr. System came back from the outside. As soon as he entered the house, he saw the tragedy that happened in the house. He seemed a little unbelievable. His eyes turned red instantly, and he walked up to Su Yu with hesitation. He stretched out his hands tremblingly, gently Helped Su Yu up, and then cried loudly.

Su Yu was in a coma, and suddenly heard someone crying in his ear, he was a little strange, who is it, crying so sad in his ear, and the young master is not dead, what is this for? ?

Su Yu finally couldn't help it, and opened his eyes with the severe pain, and found that the one who was crying with snot and tears in front of him was the system gentleman. He was holding himself and crying. It was painful, sad, if it ends now If it rains, it will be more suitable for the occasion. This is simply the scene of Su Mary.

"My God, brother, why are you crying, I'm not dead yet. Why are you crying so early?"

Mr. System's cry was too loud, and it was still in Su Yu's ear. Su Yu was crying by him, and he wanted to pass out again, he couldn't help complaining.

When Mr. System heard Su Yu's voice, he thought he was hallucinating, and cried loudly again.

Su Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and he slapped Mr. System on the back of the head, and then Mr. System held back all of a sudden.

"Cry again, and your legs will be broken if you cry again."

Mr. System was stunned, and he didn't move or speak. Su Yu thought that his hand strength was too strong, and he made the child stupid, so he couldn't help but rubbed his head, and shook it in front of Mr. System .

"Hey, hey, what's the matter, what's the matter, can't I be stupid, I didn't use much effort, did I accidentally light up the powerful gold finger, besides, aren't you a machine, how could you Are you being fooled by me?"

Su Yu poked left and right on Mr. System's face, and found that the man hadn't responded yet.

And Mr. System's point of view is that the person who just thought he was dead suddenly came back to life, and he was so alive in front of him. Tears flowed from the corner of his eyes again, but it was not as intense as before. He was excited. Tears, he held Su Yu tightly in his arms and said:
"I thought I was going to lose you."

This sudden hug made Su Yu a little confused, and Mr. System's hands were a little strong, which made Su Yule almost out of breath, but Su Yu also knew that Mr. System was really scared, so he also Just let him go, Su Yu couldn't help but patted his back with his hand, and said softly in his ear:
"Don't be afraid, I'm always here, and I won't leave you."

Then, the two laughed heartily.

"Oh, I didn't see it, our extremely handsome Comrade System Jun will also cry, ouch, this guy is crying, I must have seen it."

Su Yu looked like a villain, and spoke in front of Mr. System.

"Tch, I didn't cry, I just, just, because you stink too much, you haven't bathed for a long time, and you're so smoked that you're crying."

Mr. System is still talking hard, he refuses to admit that he cried so sad just now, hmph, this bad guy.

The atmosphere returned to a happy state again. After joking with each other, the two stood up to check on Zhang Rui's situation.

Zhang Rui on the bed seems to have become very quiet after Mr. System came back, his body no longer had that very purple color, his breathing has also become stable, and this house seems to have no such uncomfortable feeling .

"It should be over, I think it should be almost the same."

Su Yu stepped forward to observe Zhang Rui's situation and said.

"There shouldn't be any major problems. I've already smashed that thing, and now I'm waiting for Zhang Rui to wake up."

After Mr. System said this, the two of them continued to wait upstairs.

However, after waiting for another two hours, the person on the bed still did not wake up. At this time, the sky outside had become dark, and it was already 6:00 pm.

In order to complete this task, they actually wasted a whole day. Su Yu in the room really couldn't wait that long, so he discussed with the system gentleman and said:
"Otherwise, let's go back first. It's not good to bother people like this. After all, we've been in trouble for a day. Otherwise, we'll ask again tomorrow. Anyway, it's not a day or two away."

Mr. System thought for a while, and felt that he should not stay at his house anymore. After all, the two of them couldn't tell exactly when Zhang Rui would wake up, so the two of them finally chose to go downstairs.

The people downstairs had been waiting for them for a long time. Zhang Rui's mother sat nervously on the sofa, holding her hands tightly. When she saw Su Yu and the others coming down, she immediately stepped forward with some worry and asked:
"My son, my son, what's the matter, he has nothing to do, master, do you need me to do anything now, as long as you say something, I will do it."

No one can compare a mother's concern for her son.

Seeing Zhang Rui's mother so excited, Su Yu's eyes were slightly sore. He had never felt this kind of feeling of being cared for since he was a child. Suddenly at this moment, he envied Zhang Rui for having such a mother.

He put his hand on the lady's hand and held her tightly, then smiled and said to him:
"Ma'am, don't worry, we've settled the matter. Now he's just in a coma. There shouldn't be any serious problems. Go up and have a look. He'll probably wake up in a while, but I'll let you know when it's time." It's still a little unclear."

After saying these words, Su Yu and the others stopped disturbing the time between mother and son, and walked out of the house one by one.

But at the moment when Su Yu just stepped out of the door, he suddenly felt the same feeling as before appeared behind him again, but it was only fleeting. On the balcony, Zhang Rui stood up and looked at them.

Su Yu thought it was because he was dazzled, but when he turned his head again, he found that there was no one on the opposite side.

Su Yu's pause caught Mr. System's attention. He thought Su Yu was a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't help asking with concern:
"What's wrong?"

Su Yu shook his head when asked by Mr. System, and then he didn't care, smiled and said:
"Oh, it's okay, maybe it's just my eyesight, let's go."

In this way, a group of people returned home without doing almost anything during the day.

About three hours after they went home, around nine or ten o'clock, Su Yu received a call from Zhang Rui.

"Brother, thank you for helping me. I'm awake now and I'm fine."

Zhang Rui's voice on the other side was a little weak, but he still tried his best to wake up. The first moment he woke up, he couldn't wait to call Su Yu.

"How is your body? It's not a serious problem. Do you feel anything special?"

Hearing that it was Zhang Rui's voice, and knowing the news of him waking up, Su Yu let go of the heart that was still hanging just now. He had long forgotten the incident that he had just walked out of the room at that time.

"Well, it's all right, don't worry."

The voice of Zhang Rui on the opposite side was gentle, and he looked like the kind of child with a particularly good temper.

"Okay, then you can rest first, wait for specific things, and I will go to your house tomorrow to discuss in detail."

Hearing that Zhang Rui called him as soon as he woke up, Su Yu was still a little moved, but when he thought about it, as a person who had just been possessed, he didn't take a good rest the moment he woke up, but gave him On the phone call, Su Yu still didn't ask too much information, but just let him have a good rest. After all, they are still going to his house tomorrow.

"Okay, then, good night, Brother Su Yu."

Hearing Su Yu's voice on the other end of the phone, he still smiled back, and then hung up the phone.

But at the last moment of hanging up, Su Yu seemed to hear a sobbing sound from the phone, as if a person had his mouth covered.

However, Zhang Rui's phone hung up too quickly, and Su Yu didn't have time to listen to it, because he always had fantasies recently, so he thought it might be an illusion just now, and he didn't care too much, after all, if he called back again, it would affect him. The patient's sleep, so he didn't call again, and everything will be resolved until tomorrow.

Mr. System, who was having supper in the room, heard Su Yu's voice on the phone, and asked:
"Who is calling you at this late hour?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's Zhang Rui who woke up, so he came to call me to make sure I'm safe, but it sounds a little strange to me."

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