How to Survive in Sand Sculpture Romance

Chapter 80 Consecration or Survival

The 20th classmate went crazy, he yelled, he was scared, he ran around, but for some reason, there was a circle of people like that standing around him.

They all laughed wildly at him, he kept running, kept running until he was exhausted, and he didn't know where he ran, but those people still followed him, with a chuckle in his ear, and a Screaming, ……….

It's all pretty weird, isn't it?But from Su Yu's perspective, the 21st person did not appear.

After they reported their numbers, they originally wanted to move forward, but this classmate suddenly started screaming, yelling words like "help me".

Then they started running around. Yes, Su Yu and the others didn't see any scary pictures, they just saw him running around, his mood was extremely unstable. Su Yu and the others wanted to hold him, but they were forced by him broke free, and then disappeared.

But after a while, there was a scream from a distance, and Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go on!"

Su Yu knew that that classmate must have encountered misfortune, but he had no way to save him.

After this incident, everyone's mood became even more depressed, and all the students began to tremble, because they didn't know whether they would be the next one.

Several girls broke down and cried, but they didn't dare to cry loudly, they could only sob softly. In this dark and long corridor, their cries seemed a little scary.

A few boys couldn't stand it anymore and scolded them loudly:
"Can you stop crying, if you cry again, I will leave you behind."

The male's vicious tone scared the girls so much that they dared not cry any more, and Su Yu didn't stop anything. In such a dangerous situation, he didn't care too much about such things.

Just ten minutes ago, a boy died in front of his eyes.

He didn't know how long he could protect them, this haunted house was really weird, he finally understood what that person meant by paying attention to your surroundings, because you never know where that thing will be, come to your around.

Su Yu continued to walk in front, and as they walked, they came to a gate. Beside the gate, there were two things like reservoirs. There was a small river ditch next to each reservoir. It was filled with something dark red, and that thing was connected to the gate.

When they came here, an explanation board rose up in front of them.

"If you want to pass through this gate, you can sacrifice the lives of two people before you can pass through."

This line of words was written on the slate naked, which meant that if they wanted to pass, they had to sacrifice two lives.

The students behind all saw this line of words and fell silent.

The surrounding area was extremely quiet, no one spoke, time passed by, no one said anything, it was all silent, probably because they stood still for too long, and a mysterious person came from the phone news.

"Oh, my dear classmates, are you faced with choices and unable to make a choice? Let me help you, please keep an eye on your back at all times, and wait for them to choose for you."

The mysterious man suddenly made a statement that made others puzzled, and Su Yu and the others were puzzled, who were they, why did they help them choose, and what choice could they give them?

A deep roar came from the passage, and everyone turned around, looking back at the black passage they had already walked through. The passage was a little different from the silence just now, and now there seemed to be some different sounds coming from it.

Su Yu felt a little uneasy, and he said loudly:
"Everyone beware, please pay attention to your surroundings, something is coming soon."

Afterwards, the students all hid behind Su Yu, each holding the weapons that Su Yu gave them before in their hands.

Panting heavily, they stared closely at the dark place at the end of the corridor. Soon, there was a heavy breathing sound and footsteps in the dark place. As the sound gradually entered, they gradually saw the person clearly. Outline.

It was a rotting body, a corpse in a nurse's uniform.

The corpse was in a blue-gray state, and the original face could no longer be seen on the face, only the old nurse's uniform and the syringe in the hand, that thing looked extremely stiff when walking, and every step it took, the limbs would make a rattling sound However, her walking speed is not slow, on the contrary, it is much faster than normal humans.

In just one minute, she had already walked in front of Su Yu.

She grabbed the needle in her hand and was about to stab Su Yu's body. Su Yu dodged deftly, but she didn't give up, and the next move started again.

She stabbed at Su Yu frantically, but Su Yu could dodge her attack every time, and kicked her other parts. Su Yu's fist touched her body, and her bones creaked She moved, but it didn't affect her movements behind her.

Maybe seeing that Su Yu's force value was too strong, that thing shifted its target and walked towards the ordinary students on the other side.

Because she was very fast, Su Yu had no way to stop her, and watched as she ran into the crowd.

The classmates dodged around when they saw that thing coming towards them, and everyone dispersed, but there were still two classmates blocked by her in the corner, a boy and a girl.

The girl broke down and yelled, and the boy backed away tremblingly. The thing came towards them step by step. Maybe the boy felt that if he didn't do anything else, he might die. He didn't want to die. shouted desperately:
"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you."

As he said that, the boy picked up the girl next to him and threw it at the person in the nurse's uniform.

The girl jumped in front of the monster, the monster grabbed the girl's hair, took the syringe and began to stab the girl crazily, until the girl died in a pool of blood, her eyes looked at the boy unwillingly and unbelievably s position,

Maybe people always have some selfish psychology when they encounter death threats. After all, not everyone is a saint, and they can sacrifice themselves to protect others. When people die, they have nothing.

Although the boy's actions were understandable in this environment, everyone looked at him with indifferent eyes after the boy was saved.

but.Just one death is not enough, another one is needed to open the door.

The girl's blood flowed into that pond, and that pond was a bit strange. When the girl's blood flowed there, it looked like a greedy bloodthirsty monster. He kept sucking the girl's blood until the girl's body turned into a corpse. The mummy only filled half of the pool.

In fact, the girl's death did not delay the boy, because the speed of the thing was extremely fast, so when the boy was about to escape, the monster had already appeared behind him.

Less than 1 meter away from the boy's position, the remaining students were squatting in that corner, and Su Yu was still not far away, so there was no way to run over immediately.

I don’t know if it’s Su Yu’s illusion. His body feels extra heavy in this space, as if he has been weakened by half. His speed is no longer as fast as before, so the monster’s speed is so fast, he doesn’t have it. Way to stop her from doing anything.

The boy ran desperately, muttering:
"It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, don't kill me, kill them, kill them, I want to live, I want to live, don't follow me, kill them!!!"

However, no matter what he said, the monster's body had already appeared behind him.

But at this time the boy seemed to be a little unaware, he thought he had escaped, looking at the classmates who were close at hand, he thought he could hold another person.

His smile gradually widened. Looking at the female classmate who was close at hand, he just wanted to reach out, but he was grabbed by his shoulder.

The heavy breathing and the smell of blood on the tip of his nose reminded him that he couldn't escape, the boy's smile froze on the corner of his mouth, and then he was greeted with a random stabbing from behind.

He fell into a pool of blood, and he never thought that he would not escape this catastrophe.

And after killing the boy, the monster also disappeared.

The boy's blood also slowly flowed into the reservoir. Like the girl, the boy's body gradually turned into a mummy.

The blood of the two of them filled the entire cistern, and the blood in the cistern flowed into the door along with the small ditch, and the door gradually opened.

Su Yu collapsed in the corner exhausted, his body was extremely weak, and he didn't know why.

The terrified students were still shivering in that corner.They watched their classmate die in front of them again, and it was such a cruel way of death.

When Mr. System saw Su Yu falling weakly, he hurriedly greeted him worriedly.

Just now Mr. System wanted to stop that thing, but his body couldn't move at that time. I don't know why, as if he was bound by something.

He could move his body only after the door opened, and when he saw Su Yu was about to faint, he ran up to catch Su Yu.

Su Yu felt that his body was slowly descending, thinking that he would fall on the cold stone steps, but instead of experiencing the pain he imagined, he was caught by a warm palm, and Mr. System came to his ear. Worried inquiries:
"Are you okay, what's the matter, how did you become like this?"

Mr. System's words rang in his ears, which made Su Yu feel more at ease.

"I don't know, since I entered this place, my physical strength and various body functions have begun to decline."

"Or let's give up, this is just a task, there is no need for you to do this."

"No, look at them, can you bear it?"

Su Yu spoke in Mr. System's ear in a weak tone, and the students gradually stabilized their mentality while hiding in the corner.Seeing that Su Yu was about to faint, he surrounded him worriedly.

"Are you okay, student Su?"

The boys and girls all spoke in Su Yu's ear very worriedly, only another very inappropriate sentence rang in his ear.

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