It was the house he rented before, and everything felt familiar.

"Am I coming back from a mission?"

Su Yu looked at the familiar things around him, and for a moment he couldn't tell the difference between dream and reality, because it was so real.

He was just about to pounce on his favorite sofa when the door suddenly opened.

Then, a boy with the same face as him walked in.

However, in this scene, the boy seems to be many years younger than him.

The face looks like a high school student or a college student, with a somewhat immature face.

That boy walked into Su Yu's house, no, it should be said that Su Yu walked into his own house, threw himself into the sofa, and buried his body deeply in the soft sofa.

"Distributing leaflets is really tiring. I'm almost exhausted. I wish I had a cup of milk tea now."

As soon as the boy finished speaking, a hand handed over a cup of cold milk tea.

"Come on, hurry up and drink, look at how tired you are, obviously we have already earned a lot, why do we have to distribute leaflets, we are tired and have not earned much."

A cold but gentle voice sounded in Su Yu's ear.

Su Yu stood in this space, and neither of them seemed to be aware of his existence. When he looked up, he saw a boy in casual clothes coming out of the bedroom. The boy was very handsome and had short brown hair. .

"It's San'er?"

Su Yu exclaimed, yes, the person in front of him who handed him milk tea is Mr. System who has been by his side and accompanied him all the time.

And now, Mr. System's face is exactly the face of the man's body that he had captured at the annual meeting at the headquarters.

"What the hell is going on, why don't I have any memory?"

Su Yu continued to look, only to see himself on the sofa, saying vaguely:
"Then I can't stay at home like this all the time. Although I earn a lot, I still have to experience the worldly ways. Moreover, I haven't explained to others until now, what kind of job do I do to be able to earn so much money every month?" Too much money, what should I do if someone reports that I am doing some illegal work? I don’t want to go to the police station for tea.”

And the system gentleman said:
"You, you know it's useless to worry about those things all day long. We've done a good job this time. We should have a relatively good salary. Do you want to go and get it together?"

And Su Yu, who was already exhausted into a puddle of flesh, didn't even want to move his fingers at this time. How should I put it, he didn't even want to open his eyes.

"Oh, didn't you say that you don't need to pick it up by yourself? Wouldn't he call it to the account when the time came? It's very tiring, and you still have to wait in line."

"Alright alright."

Mr. System looked at himself on the sofa helplessly.

Su Yu looked at this scene and didn't know what it was like. The two people in front of him were familiar faces, but why didn't he have this memory?

While Mr. System turned on the phone, Su Yu stepped forward to take a look at the date.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Su Yu realizes that this is six years ago.

Six years ago, I just graduated from school. In his memory, he bought this small apartment by doing odd jobs and part-time jobs everywhere. But why in this dream, he was actually a man with a huge sum of money? What about people?

My memory shouldn't be wrong, what exactly is going on here, moreover, I should have met Mr. System three years later, why, why we met six years ago.

Su Yu was a little puzzled, he didn't know what happened.

And the dream suddenly changed.

Following a burst of earth-shaking changes, there was a voice in my ear that kept saying that the voice was very eager and familiar:
"Su Yu, Su Yu, wake up, wake up, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you?"

This cold and familiar voice rang in Su Yu's ears.

Then, before Su Yu was ready, a huge suction force sucked him out of this dream world.


With a rapid breathing sound, Su Yu opened his eyes suddenly, sat up, and breathed heavily.

There was also a lot of sweat on his face, and Mr. System next to him was looking at him with worried eyes.

"What's wrong with you, did you just dream about something? What happened?"

Before Su Yu could react, Mr. System's words hit him like cannonballs.

"I, I don't know, I seem to see another self and you in my dream."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know too well, but I can't remember clearly, I just remember these."

I don’t know why, I clearly remembered the plot just now, but now, after coming out of the dream, I can’t remember clearly, Su Yu doesn’t know what happened, in his dream, it seems that there are two people alike Warm daily life?

Although Mr. System was a little strange, he didn't take it to heart. He thought it was just Su Yu's nightmare or hallucination due to excessive mental stress. He wiped the sweat from Su Yu's forehead and said:
"It's fine, it's fine, I saw you in pain in your sleep just now, as if you were caught in a nightmare, that's why I woke you up, since there's nothing wrong, then it's fine, you go first Take it easy, school will be over soon."

And the thin young man in the distance looked at Su Yu and Mr. System and smiled slightly. He didn't know what the meaning of that smile was, and that smile was self-evident.

Su Yu shook his turbid head, trying to wake himself up, and looked at the students around him in a loose manner. Although they were still fighting, they were not as vibrant as they used to be. They probably experienced life and death this time. The confrontation between the two also gave birth to a kind of casual attitude towards life.

After all, they don't know how many days they can live, so it's better to enjoy life early.

Su Yu sighed, he walked to the podium, and said to the students below:
"It's probably over here today. Everyone, go home and have a good rest. Don't put too much pressure on me. As long as you listen to me, I will take good care of you. Don't worry!"

But everyone under the podium didn't seem to take his words to heart. After all, no one can tell what will happen next, but it can be regarded as giving them a little sustenance. After all, Su Yu is so powerful that they I still keep it in mind.

After they left, the entire Class A of the second year of high school was peaceful again.

As the sun set, it added a twilight color to the classroom, which looked a bit sad, but the classroom was still full of a gloomy atmosphere.

"Are you about to remember? Su Yu, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I don't know if you can escape this game again this time. I really look forward to your choice this time."

A black figure stood on the podium, his face could not be seen clearly, and he was muttering.

After returning home, Su Yu was still looking up the school's information, but because the age was too long and the Internet was not very developed at that time, the information he found was also incomplete.

Facing the computer screen, Su Yu suddenly had a headache. This helpless scene was really irritating.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. We should still have time. Have you been a little grumpy recently?"

Just as Su Yu collapsed, Mr. System's voice rang in his ears.

"Is there, I don't seem to feel anything."

Su Yu pinched his brows and said.

"You may be a little too anxious. So far, all the situations shown in this plane are too incredible and seem a little abnormal. I suspect that the girl gave you this mission for a purpose. This mission is not just like the superficial one. It’s so simple, it probably has some deep meaning.”

Mr. System's words seem to be more reasonable, he talked about this situation in a rational way.

"Then what should I do now, I can't let them go."

Abandoning those innocent classmates who are helpless, Su Yu will never allow it, and he can't do it.

"However, so far, you have to protect yourself before you can protect them. I suspect that your current situation is related to this plane. Think about it, since when did you become like this?"

Mr. System's words are still inseparable from Su Yu's physical condition. In his eyes, other people are just like ants, but in his eyes, Su Yu is unshakable by everyone, and no one can hurt him.

"Okay, I will control my temper, you go back, I don't want to discuss this matter anymore."

Su Yu's voice was indifferent and irritable, and he urged Mr. System to leave.

And Mr. System also knew that he didn't want to listen to these words anymore, he sighed, and then walked out of Su Yu's room. Before leaving, he still couldn't help telling Su Yu:
"Have a good rest. I'm going down. There's sugar water I made in the microwave. If you're hungry, go drink some."

Then he closed the door silently, and the sound of closing the door rang in Su Yu's ear, and Su Yu murmured in his heart:

I'm sorry, I don't know if I said it to Mr. System, or to himself.

Of course he knew that Mr. System's words were out of his concern for himself, but he still couldn't let these innocent people go. After all, he was once an ordinary person.

As night fell, the moonlight shone into Su Yu's window and shone on his bedside. The stars in the sky looked like a good weather, but the people on the bed didn't seem to be sleeping particularly peacefully.

"Am I here again?"

Su Yu stood again in the long, dark corridor with no end in sight.

Su Yu knew that he had returned to the previous place. He didn't hesitate this time. He kept running forward. Finally, he saw the exit and opened the door again, but what was ushered in was not The home he is familiar with is another space.

"Hello, staff number 107."

A girl's electronic voice rang in Su Yu's ear.

Su Yu raised his head in doubt, and found himself standing in a white and high-tech place, his body was still transparent, and standing next to him was another self.

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