"It doesn't matter, let's talk about it when the time comes, saving people is the most important thing."

Said that Su Yu didn't care about 21, and rushed up. When the evil spirit was less than 1 meter away from the female classmate, Su Yu dodged and blocked the girl.

He took out a talisman and pasted it on. After the talisman was pasted, the evil spirit stopped moving.

Su Yu took the girl's hand and Mr. System and they found a nearby warehouse.

Because of their huge movements, they also attracted two other evil spirits.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me."

The girl looked at Su Yu gratefully and thanked him again and again, with a look of shock on her face, she must have been frightened a lot.

"It's okay, just stop talking."

The goals of the four of them are too huge, but Su Yu can't leave them alone.

"This is how to do ah."

Su Yu once again encountered a dilemma.

"What about those things you were looking for?"

Mr. System reminded me.

"Oh, yes, I suddenly remembered that I still have several magic weapons."

As they spoke, they rummaged through the schoolbags behind them. Yes, they finally found too many magical artifacts, and they couldn't hold them anymore, so they packed them with a book.

At this time, Su Yu opened the schoolbag and poured it down. The sound of falling filled the small warehouse, and then various things of unknown purpose fell out of the schoolbag.

The male protagonist Liu Yang looked at Su Yu, and stuffed them with magic weapons in their arms as if handing out Chinese cabbage. He opened his mouth wide in fright.

And the eyes of the girl next to him flashed an unknown light, none of them noticed.

"This, this, this, this is what you are looking for, and you just gave it all to us?"

Su Yu's actions frightened the hero so much that he couldn't speak a complete sentence.

"Why don't you like it? I have some other ones here, but I don't know what they are useful for. Why don't you pick and choose."

As he spoke, he took out some messy things from his pocket.

This shocked the male protagonist enough, his jaw was about to dislocate.

"No way, brother, great god, you are hiding everything, cowhide, cowhide, master, can you accept me as your little brother, I can eat, sleep and warm my bed, as long as you keep me safe That's it."

Seeing the hero Liu Yang's unscrupulous appearance, Su Yu rolled his eyes at him, and then continued to hand out things.

First, he took out five talisman papers for the two of them, and finally, based on his years of experience in watching various horror movies and novels, he took out a mahogany sword and hung it on the door of the storage room.

"The two of us go out first to find other classmates. You two must not move here, don't go out, no matter who tells you outside, don't go out."

Although Su Yu was still a little worried that the two of them were here, there was no way he could just watch other students being torn apart by other evil spirits.

After Su Yu and the others left, Liu Yang was too embarrassed to see the atmosphere, but he didn't know what to say to this girl, so the two of them just stared at each other here.

After coming out of that small warehouse, the sky outside seemed to be even darker, and there was no light around.

The chirping of insects is gone now, and the sky seems to be shrouded by an invisible black force, which looks very oppressive.

Su Yu looked at the number sent by the mysterious person on WeChat in his phone.

"Staff left: 30 people."

Except for Su Yu, Mr. System himself, and the male lead, there are at least 26 students who have not been caught.

But the original number of people in the class was 50, so they lost at least 20 classmates.

The goal of the two is too big, and Su Yu has no way to fight side by side with Mr. System, so he proposes:
"San'er, let's divide into two groups. You go to the left and I go to the right. We will meet up here after an hour."

Mr. System nodded, and the two parted ways.

After walking out of the warehouse, Su Yu saw a teaching building in front of him. This teaching building had also been empty for a long time, and he didn't usually use this building.

Su Yu felt that there was a high probability that some students would be in this building, so although the building was very dark, he still had the courage to walk into the building.

There was silence all around, only the sound of Su Yu's footsteps and heartbeat echoing in this long corridor.

Papa papa!

This corridor is too empty, and it is also very depressing. In this environment, even a slight noise can make people scream, let alone Su Yu, who is already relatively timid.

Su Yu walked to the first floor and looked around the entire classroom one by one.

This classroom is dilapidated, with many cobwebs and broken textbooks.

The surrounding may be due to the old materials, making a sizzling sound.

There was no sign of any students on the first floor. Just when Su Yu was about to go upstairs, he found a person in a strange school uniform running up the stairs at the end of the corridor.

"Could it be a classmate who survived?"

Su Yu took a look, then turned and walked to the second floor without hesitation.

Oh, I forgot to mention that this teaching building was built in the form of three floors. Because it was an early teaching building, it was not built very high. Later, the school had a good development and moved to other teaching buildings. .

This teaching building has not been used for at least ten years.

Su Yu thought for a while and found that this building was actually the classroom building where the class that happened to their class ten years ago was located.

When Su Yu walked to the second floor, it was still extremely empty, and the outside was also covered in black mist.

Su Yu didn't dare to turn on the lighting function of the mobile phone, because he was afraid of attracting those evil spirits.

Su Yu was walking forward like this, and suddenly he was attracted by something.

It was a person in the image of a student. That student was about the same age as him, very young, and he was wearing a school uniform that was a little different from the current one, but it could be seen that it was indeed the name of the school.

He stood blankly at the door of a class, lowered his head and buried it deeply in his shoulders, so that people could not see her appearance clearly.

And Su Yu's arrival didn't touch him in any way. According to the development of the plot, this person should not be a person.

But Su Yu didn't know why at this time, as if the Virgin Mary was upper body, he walked gently to the side of the student.

Patted him on the shoulder and said:
"Classmate, what's the matter, classmate?"

Su Yu's hand patted his shoulder, but what he touched was a cold body.

And the student didn't seem to mean to harm him, he pointed to the door next to him, and when Su Yu looked over, he disappeared again.

Su Yu just wanted to ask what was going on, but when he turned around, the person disappeared.

Su Yu also came to his senses, he looked up at the sign written on the flight.

Class A of the second year of high school, although covered by a lot of dust and spider webs, can be vaguely identified.

"Strange, what is his purpose in bringing me here?"

Su Yu gently pushed the door open, and the old wooden door made a creaking sound.

It was so terrifying in this empty and dark floor, which frightened Su Yu's heart, but it had already been opened, and it was impossible not to go in, in case there were clues inside.

Su Yu pushed open the door, and now this is Class A of the second year of high school ten years ago. Obviously, it seems to have become a warehouse, filled with many dilapidated desks, chairs, stools and the like.

And there are a lot of their books and other things on the ground, it looks like just an ordinary classroom.

"Since that thing brought me here, there must be a reason."

Su Yu walked into the depths of this classroom. What should I say about the classroom inside? Although it looks ordinary, it feels extremely cold. This feeling is the same as in their class.

Su Yu squatted down and carefully looked back and forth at the desk.

Careful and sharp-eyed, he found a lot of blood on the desk, and some special things that he didn't know what they were.

Su Yu found a diary among these desks.

The above diary was originally some diaries in the hearts of some girls.

It seemed normal until April 4th, when everything started to change.

The girl in this diary is a girl named Zi Tong in class A of the second year of high school.

Sunny September 4
Today is an ordinary day, and nothing special happened.

I thought that this day would be as peaceful as other times, but everything today is different at night.

First, a classmate inadvertently proposed to play a game.

Then something terrible happened in the class, and a classmate jumped directly from upstairs.

All this happened too quickly, and there was no time to stop it. I thought it was an accident, or that the classmate himself suffered from some kind of mental illness, but the strange thing was that no one around called the ambulance, the teacher They didn't look for this classmate either, as if he never existed in this world, as if no one but us could see him falling into a pulp downstairs.

Yes, although this is the third floor, but for some reason, the moment he fell, his body seemed to turn into a puddle of porridge, scattered in every corner of the school. Those classmates and teachers who were off work or after school, they stepped on his body.But no one noticed him, their feet were stained with his blood and flesh.

We tried to tell the teacher about it, but couldn't speak, and the teacher seemed different.

That thing warned us not to tell anyone, or we'll get killed too.

We gave in.

October 4, overcast

In the morning, I thought that the scene last night was like a dream, but it was just a nightmare because I didn't sleep well.

But when I walked into the class from the morning, I found that all this was true. Everyone became silent, waiting for the trial of the man in black.

And today we are also waiting for the task released by him. Today's task is to let us play a game with him.

Unlike yesterday's simple game, today's game asks us to go to an abandoned playground near here.

This abandoned playground has been abandoned for about 20 years.

It is said that we are here to complete the various facilities in this playground in turn, but how could it be so simple?

But today, even though it was the day of class, everyone in our class had gone out, but no one called us or looked for us. Our class seemed to have disappeared from the school.

We came to this playground, everything here is very old, some places are rusty and covered with moss.

The first game is to play a carousel.

Did you think it would be that simple?No, we selected a few students to sit on it, and the speed at the beginning was normal, but gradually the speed increased, and some girls couldn't catch it.It was quickly thrown out.

There are still many such things in the future. Our class was originally 60 people, but now there are only 30 people left.

After finishing all the facilities for today, we are all extremely tired, but we still quietly investigate this matter in private.

Su Yu was a little startled looking at this diary. It turned out that what was written in that post was true, and it turned out that his class was not the first person in his class to have such a thing happen.

The time for the third diary is ten days later.

Su Yu continued to watch.

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