"By the way, your stomach feels better."

Mr. System asked with concern.

"Well, much better, thank you."

Seeing Mr. System busy there, Su Yu also felt that he might not be ashamed to play with his mobile phone aside, so he leaned over cheaply and asked:
"San'er, what's delicious tonight, do you need my help?"

"Oh~, is it?"

Looking at Su Yu next to him, Mr. System dropped the dish in his hand and said to Su Yu:
"Then you can wash the dishes."


In this way, one of the two washed vegetables, the other chopped vegetables, and made a whole table, but this time Su Yuxue was smart and didn't eat a lot, but he ate every dish over and over.

"Ah~, I'm so supportive, it really tastes delicious when I make it myself. Hiccup."

Su Yu patted his stomach contentedly, leaning on the stool and talking contentedly.

"Get lost, obviously I did it well, what about your face, hmph."

Mr. System was talking on the side.

"Hey hey, we did it together, we did it together."

Su Yu replied meanly.

"Okay, I've finished eating, well, some people should have had enough rest today, hey, I don't know what's wrong today, I suddenly feel back pain, I can't move at all, cough cough cough."

Mr. System also leaned on the stool, and pointed to the bowls and chopsticks on the table in front of him with obvious meaning.

"Hey hey, that, you take a rest first, I will clean up the little ones, thank you for your hard work, hey hey."

This Su Yu is a ghost.How could it be possible that Mr. System couldn't see what Mr. System meant, so he quickly and consciously cleaned up the dishes.

"Hey~, dear~, come on, look after you."

After speaking, Mr. System swaggered back to his room, leaving Su Yu alone in the kitchen.

"Tch, Mr. Smelly System, it's amazing to know how to cook, hehe."

Su Yu said angrily, but even though he said so, he still honestly cleaned the bowl with his hands.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, the birds outside were chirping non-stop, and it was another sunny day.

And as a teenager who played online games all night, it is of course impossible to get up so early. Yes, it is already high in the sun, and our Mr. Su Yu is still sleeping.

"Hey, hey, it's time to get up and still sleep, hurry up, there will be too many people in a while."

Mr. System knocked on the door desperately, trying to wake up the person lying on the bed in the room.

"Oh, why don't you come this early? It's just a salary check."

Su Yu rubbed his eyes in a daze and said.

"You don't even need to check what time it is now. If you don't leave now, we don't know how long we will have to wait in line."

"Okay, okay, you wait for me."

Under the urging of Mr. System, Su Yu finally got up to freshen up.

"Okay, let's go."

After Su Yu washed and dressed, he wore a very handsome dress.

"It's like a dog."

Mr. System said when he saw Su Yu and adjusted his hairstyle.

"Tch, you know what a fart, today is a working day, there must be a lot of young ladies, hehehe, can't I dress up a little more handsomely?"

Su Yu shot back.

"Fine, fine, as long as you are happy."

Mr. System looked at Su Yu helplessly, nodded, and then, the two walked towards the space-time channel.

A burst of white light flashed, which was still the familiar interstellar world of high-rise buildings and many flying vehicles.


That's right, Su Yu still made a hillbilly voice.

"No, big brother, you have been here for so long, why are you still like this, I am speechless."

Mr. System looked at Su Yu with a hopeless look and said.

"Why, I'm a country bumpkin, cut."

No, the two of them started fighting and arguing again, and walked into this very high-end building while talking.

This time, the two of them didn't ask the front desk lady, but went to the place where the salary was checked very skillfully.

As a result, he had just walked in front of the machine, and was about to operate it, when a big and thick brother behind him patted Su Yu on the shoulder, looking a little fierce.

"Hey, brother, don't you know how to line up? Go and stand behind, it's time for me."

Su Yu was startled, and when he turned around, he found a very tall and mighty man standing behind him, with some scars on his face. He didn't know which plane it was from, but he looked very big.

"Line up? Isn't this a team?"

Su Yu asked suspiciously.

"You read it wrong, the one behind is the team."

Speaking of that, the big man pointed the system gentleman and the two of them in the same direction.

And Su Yu looked in the direction that the big man pointed, then his mouth gradually opened wide, and he spit out two kind words.


Mr. System and Su Yu were shocked when they saw the long line.

That's right, the big brother pointed the two of them along the long line, and the line almost reached the door.

"Thank you, thank you."

Su Yu thanked the big brother very respectfully, then walked over in embarrassment, and lined up silently.

"I'm going, isn't it? I thought there would be a lot of people, but I didn't think there would be so many people. Did I make a mistake?"

Su Yu asked Mr. System in amazement.

"Hey, I told you a long time ago, who told you not to listen, you have to dawdle, and you have to freshen up. Let's see when this will go."

"Tch, I'm not here for the beautiful young lady, huh!"

In this way, two people lined up in this environment.

But after queuing for a long time, the team is still far away.Su Yu was really tired of waiting.

"I can't do it, San'er, I'm so hungry, should we have something to eat first?"

Su Yu said while clutching his hungry stomach.

Yes, they have been in line for three full hours, but the line is still very long.

At this time, a young lady who had been silent in front of me said:
"Are you new employees?"

Su Yu shook his head and replied:
"No, I have been working for three years, but it has always been a grassroots."

"Oh, that's it. I know there is a restaurant that is very delicious. Shall we go have something to eat together? I don't think there will be a queue for this person in a while. After dinner, there are fewer people, so I guess we can take turns." It's our time."

Seeing the enthusiastic look of the young lady in front of him, Su Yu was too embarrassed to refuse her, so he could only agree.

And this young lady didn't see the embarrassment of Su Yu and the others at all. On the contrary, she introduced them to them very enthusiastically. In this way, the three of them walked into a restaurant.

"This is the most delicious restaurant in Interstellar. If you don't believe me, try it. I also have a membership card to get a discount."

The young lady in front of her introduced it excitedly, and then skillfully led Su Yu and Mr. System to find a seat and sit down.

As a result, not long after she sat down, she directly picked up the menu, and instead of giving it to Su Yu and the others directly, she ordered by herself.

"Have a stewed scorpion in oil, let's stir-fry the magic bullfrog, and this, this,..."


Hearing the name of the dish, Su Yu suddenly lost his appetite.

"Oh, by the way, do you two want to order something? I ordered it myself, and I forgot about you two."

Then the young lady suddenly remembered that there were Su Yu and Mr. System, and hurriedly handed them the menu.

"Oh, no, no, I'll just have something to drink."

Su Yu was a little embarrassed, then took the menu and looked at the drinks on it, thinking to himself:
"I don't believe that the drink on it can be so disgusting."

Su Yu flipped through the drinks on the menu in disbelief, but he vomited.

"This, this, is this really what people eat? Is this what people here eat?"

Su Yu's face turned green when he looked at the juice of Dracantha lanceolata and the green biliary worm on it, but looked at the respectful waitress standing beside him, and said with some embarrassment:
"Uh, please give me a glass of water, thank you."

But this is nothing to say, but what Su Yu never expected was that the waiter exclaimed:
"Oh, my God, clear water, we don't have any here, sir."

"What, don't you even have clean water here?"

Su Yu was puzzled, this majestic interstellar fast travel headquarters didn't even have a glass of water.

And the girl who was eating big mouthfuls answered Su Yu while eating:
"We don't have clean water here. If you want clean water, are you from Earth?"

"Oh, yes, yes."

Su Yu replied a little embarrassed.

"Oh, that's no wonder, because there are very few employees in the fast-traveling headquarters who are from Earth. I'm afraid you have something special."

The girl was still eating and talking.

"No, no luck."

Su Yu said modestly.

"Hahahaha, you are so humble. By the way, let's add friends. Now the employee's ID card can be added as friends. We can talk about things."


Su Yu was also embarrassed to refuse the girl's request, so he agreed, but the scene was too embarrassing. In the end, the girl finally finished eating, and she wiped her mouth gracefully. After paying the money, he said to Su Yu and the others:
"It's almost time now, let's go out, there should be no one in line."

After speaking, the three people walked out of the restaurant and looked in the direction of the machine, only to find that there was really no one there.

As a gentleman, Su Yu, of course, has to give up the first position to this girl.

"You come first."

The girl didn't say anything, and checked her own information first.

Name: Yue Eucalyptus
Gender: Female

Level: Advanced Traveler

Task Status: Cleared

Salary amount: 30000
Side Quests: 100000
"This month's salary is really low!"

The girl looked at the amount on the machine and sighed.

Su Yu thought that this girl had the same poor salary as his before, so he wanted to comfort her. As a result, Su Yu accidentally glanced at the numbers on the machine from the corner of his eye...

As a result, he was stunned...

"This, this, this large string of numbers, this is not enough."

Su Yu complained in his heart.

"I'm done checking. You can check it out. Now that I've added friends, I still have something to do. Let's talk again when we have time."

After finishing speaking, the girl left the machine stepping on the sky.

Before leaving, the girl looked at Su Yu from a distance, showed a smile, and murmured:
"Looks dumbfounded, like someone who can be used."

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