How to Survive in Sand Sculpture Romance

Chapter 58 The strong man 1 is gone and never returned!

On this side, on the demon side, several men in black were whispering together. They gathered together as if they were discussing something after seeing Su Yu's people leaving.

"Ling Xiaofeng and his gang go away."

A person who seemed to be in a rather high position asked the person kneeling on the ground:
"Yes, boss, we have watched them leave, but four of their disciples did not follow them, but left by themselves."

"Oh~, it seems that these few people are trying to be alone, tsk tsk tsk, it's really not enough people to swallow like snakes, very good, you continue to monitor those few people."

"Yes, boss."

After speaking, the half-kneeling man was about to get up and leave, but the man in black standing on the lawn stopped him again.

"Eh? Wait, by the way, you give this map to those few people."

The man in black kneeling on the ground looked at the map with some doubts.

"Boss, isn't this map the location of our king's seal given by the elder? Why give it to these greedy people?"

Now the man in black on the lawn smiled coldly and said:
"We don't have many people coming in, so of course we can save as much as we can. Besides, we don't know what dangers there will be along the way. Let these greedy people explore the way first."

"Boss is wise~"

After speaking, the man in black kneeling on the ground disappeared on that map.

And the perspective returned to the male protagonist and the others.

"Okay, we still have a mission to come here this time. Now, let's send you the herbs we need on the list. You can pick them one by one. When I go back, I will distribute rewards to you according to your contribution."

"Yes, brother!"

Afterwards, several disciples took the list and went to pick herbs.

Although Su Yu knew that there was danger here, he didn't know the specific danger in this secret realm, so he couldn't guarantee their names, and avoided these innocent people on purpose.

But when Long Aotian is here, it is extraordinary.

As we all know, where the protagonist is, there must be artifacts, or treasures of heaven and earth.

And now, Long Aotian appears here, which means it is not easy here.

Although Su Yu deliberately avoided the road on the map and chose a small grass that looked relatively quiet, he never imagined that the pinion of fate turned again, and he couldn't stop it.

On Long Aotian's side, after listening to Su Yu's words, he didn't complain or say anything, so he took the list to collect the medicine.

Who knows, Long Aotian was picking here, and suddenly saw some bright light that dazzled his eyes, Long Aotian walked over curiously without knowing what it was.

We know that we should not have curiosity in such situations, because curiosity killed the cat, but who made Long Aotian the protagonist.

Long Aotian was attracted by that bright light to an unknown place.

Because everyone was gathering herbs, no one noticed Long Aotian's disappearance. It wasn't until the counting of the number of people that one person was missing.

"Where is Long Aotian, have you seen it?"

Su Yu found something was wrong when counting the number of people, and quickly asked the people underground seriously.


The disciples shook their heads.

Su Yu looked around for a week, but found no trace of Long Aotian, and couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

"You guys just stay where you are, Linglong, you and I will go find it, remember, you must not separate, and no one who appears here should leave this barrier, you know!"

With that said, Su Yu took out something similar to a magic weapon and threw it on the ground, and surrounded these disciples, a golden light rose around them. Of course, only they can see this light. less than theirs.

Facing such a powerful auxiliary magic weapon, several disciples recognized it.

"Hidden Faerie? I'll go, this, this, if I'm not mistaken, this is a superior magic weapon."

"This, this magic weapon was used by the master to save the life of the elder brother."

"It seems to be eh, just give it to us?"

All the people waiting in the magic weapon looked at Su Yu with emotion and admiration.

Although it has been said so, Su Yu is still worried.

"You must remember, no matter who is outside, you must not come out, you must wait for me to relieve you, and you must remember when you come out again."

In the end, Su Yu glanced at them worriedly, and took Linglong to find Long Aotian.

As for Long Aotian, he pursued the bright light until he came to a cave that he didn't know where.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary people to do this. After all, it would be dangerous to enter an unknown cave. Of course, Long Aotian is not a fool.

However, the strange thing is that Long Aotian himself can't remember when he came here, and what route he took to get in.

"Still dead, where is this place?"

Long Aotian saw that there was no one around, and there was no exit, so he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Hey, where the hell is this place? It must be the bright light just now. There may be deceptive spells in that light."

Long Aotian was still not reconciled, he turned around, the cave just now turned into a wall, but there were still no exits or organs around, there were stone walls everywhere, and in front, there was a gap at the door at the end of the passage What a golden light.

Right in front of Long Aotian, there is a lighting installation made of a kind of luminous spirit stone on the stone walls on both sides, and if you go further, there is a gate.

But, is it really that simple here? Long Aotian doesn't believe it.

Because he noticed that there was not even a bug in it, and what supported them faintly under those spirit stones turned out to be human beings, or bones of monks.

"This is how to do ah."

Long Aotian couldn't figure it out after thinking about it. Finally, he suddenly thought of Su Yu in the space.

When he was about to take out the bracelet, a voice sounded, and he was so frightened that he quickly put away the bracelet and hid behind a stone pillar to listen to their conversation.

"Brother, do you think he will be here?"

It was Linglong, Long Aotian heard Linglong's voice.

"Probably, this place is strange. We didn't know when we entered this space. I guess there must be magic circles around."


The two were walking like this. Suddenly, Linglong seemed to have stepped on some mechanism, and her body suddenly fell down.


Su Yu didn't react for a while and held her. When Su Yu wanted to jump down together, the mechanism disappeared out of thin air.

"This, what's going on, how is it possible?"

Su Yu was a little flustered, he was afraid, he was afraid that Linglong would die because of his own reasons.

At this time, the system sound sounded.

"Don't worry, that girl was lucky and arrived at that place early, and the two of you need to pass the test together."

"That place? You mean the place where they received their power?"


"I'm relieved of that."

As soon as Su Yu heard that Linglong was fine, he let go of his heart, was very calm, and walked forward like a normal person.

As for Long Aotian, because the distance was too far, Long Aotian didn't see what happened, but saw Linglong fall suddenly, and Su Yu's hand was just stretched out, he thought it was Su Yu who pushed it down.

He thought he was presbyopic at first, but when he saw Su Yu as if nothing had happened, without any sad feelings, he became suspicious.

And when he saw Su Yu coming, he stood up and saluted Su Yu as if he hadn't seen anything.


"Hey, I'll go."

Su Yu was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Long Aotian, but as a senior disciple of the sect, how could he show a flustered expression, so Su Yu soon returned to normal.

Su Yu looked at Long Aotian, and also remembered that he should be a bitter and mean elder brother. He fake coughed and asked:
"Long Aotian, it turns out that you are here. Didn't I tell you not to run around? I've said it all. Why don't you listen? Do you know how dangerous it is? Moreover, you know that it may be because of your dereliction of duty. , may ruin the lives of others!"

Su Yu said, and then looked at Long Aotian with burning eyes.

Long Aotian was silent, he was thinking about how to answer.

But Su Yu just said it for a while, and then found that this place turned into a stone wall.

"What's going on, what's the place here?"

"Senior brother, I don't know where this place is, I may have been lured in here."


Said, Su Yu looked around and touched the surrounding stone walls, Long Aotian looked at Su Yu's movements and said:
"Brother, I have checked the surrounding area, and there is no mechanism, but there is a stone gate in front."


Su Yu looked at Shimen, just about to pass, and then he found an imperceptible smile on the corner of Long Aotian's mouth.

"This bad boy wants to bully me, wants me to go to explore the way? Tsk tsk tsk, what a dog."

Su Yu thought to himself, lamenting Long Aotian's insidiousness, and then suddenly thought of something when he rolled his eyes.

"He can see that no matter where the male and female protagonists are, what dangers occur, or what mechanism is triggered, there will be a place with treasure in the end, and there will be no danger."

Su Yu stepped out a foot tentatively, and after discovering the slightly raised corner of Long Aotian's mouth, he stretched his foot back and said:
"You, go over and see if there is any mechanism that can be opened."

As for Long Aotian, he originally wanted Su Yu to go over and have a look. He had already seen him stepping out, and he was about to succeed, but this guy actually let him come over.

This is the legend of picking up a rock and shooting yourself in the foot?

Long Aotian is still too tender for playing tricks with an old fritter like Su Yu.

Long Aotian swallowed, a little nervous, he smiled at Su Yu, and then asked without giving up:
"Senior brother, really let me go there,"


Su Yu's expression was very serious, but he was about to laugh like crazy in his heart.

"Hahahahahaha, the male lead's expression is too funny. This is the legendary self-indulgence. Hahahahaha, let you cheat me, and you don't even look at who the labor and capital are, but dare to use me, hehe."

Long Aotian looked at Su Yu, and Su Yu also looked at him. In the end, Long Aotian reluctantly walked over, but he kept wondering whether Su Yu was going to kill him. After all, he saw When it arrived, Su Yu just pushed Linglong down.

"Could it be that my Long Aotian is about to die here, father, mother, I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to avenge you guys?"

In this way, Long Aotian embarked on this road with a tragic mood.

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