"San'er, San'er, what are you doing?"

"Huh? You're going on a business trip tomorrow, so come back early."

"I told you not to go, why don't you believe me?"

"San'er, live on, okay..."

There are still some trivial pictures, or blurred faces, and the system gentleman can't see clearly no matter how he looks.

He tried hard to recall, but still had a splitting headache.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it, just sleep peacefully."

The figure put his hand on Mr. System's head and said.

Then, Mr. System slowly passed out, but he didn't frown anymore.

That figure glanced at Mr. System, then muttered to himself:
"That's right, at the beginning, you voluntarily forgot everything and abandoned your skin, but unexpectedly, you got it again by accident."

"Oh, why do you bother, why do you want to remember, why do you want to find out everything."

The next day

Su Yu woke up from the bed, and it was already high in the sun outside. Su Yu looked at the clock and found that it was already 10 o'clock.

I actually fell asleep so deeply, it's already this time.

He quickly got up, touched his hungry stomach, put on a piece of clothing casually, and went out.

He walked downstairs, then scratched his messy hair and said something to the owner of the restaurant downstairs.

"Uncle Wang, here are two bowls, eat one here and take the other away."

The boss responded enthusiastically.

"Yo, Xiao Su, I ate such spicy food early in the morning. I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been up to lately?"

While talking, while tearing his face.

"Don't mention it. Recently, I went on a business trip, and I was exhausted. This time, I will be greedy for your noodles, hahahaha."

"Okay boy, let me give you some more noodles."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Wang, hehe."

After eating a bowl of noodles downstairs, Su Yu took another bag of noodles and put it in the bowl for Mr. System, and knocked on Mr. System's door.

"Hey, brother, are you awake yet? Hurry up, the sun is rising and the sun is drying your ass."

Su Yu knocked on the door for a long time, but Mr. System didn't respond. Then, Su Yu was at the door, smiled like a thief, and then yelled at Mr. System's door with his throat closed.

"Open the door, open the door, you have the ability to snatch a man but you don't have the ability to open the door, open the door, open the door."

Then, Su Yu got his wish and asked Mr. System to open the door.

Just halfway through the knock, Mr. System looked at Su Yu angrily with his messy hair on his face.

"You're out of your mind, it's early in the morning, what's the name of the ghost?"

Su Yu said something when he saw Mr. System came out.

"What are you doing, young master, I kindly brought you a bowl of noodles. You are so sorry for being so sorry. Who would have thought that I would be treated as a donkey's liver and lungs for my kindness, tsk tsk tsk, it's really going downhill , people's hearts are not old."

After finishing speaking, Su Yu pretended to leave with his hands behind his back.

In fact, Su Yu was just afraid that Mr. System would beat him up.

Mr. System looked at the face on the ground, smiled, and then went in to eat.

In the afternoon, Su Yu suddenly yelled.

The sound shouted away the birds on the branches outside.

Then Su Yu took his broken mobile phone with more than 1000 yuan and ran to Mr. System's room and said:
"Ahhhhhhhhh, Mr. System, Mr. System."

Mr. System, who was interrupted while playing the game, looked at Su Yu with a black line on his face.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, what's wrong, there's a fire somewhere. You still won 500 million."

Su Yu was still screaming, and then he went along, pointing to the text message sent to him by the bank on his mobile phone and said to Mr. System.

"I'll wipe it. I'll wipe it. Look at it. It's not like the headquarters gave me an extra zero. I've never seen so much money in my life."

Su Yu took the phone and showed it to Mr. System excitedly.

Mr. System turned out to be counting on his cell phone.

"Ten million, one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand????"

The system gentleman finally came to his senses, he wiped his eyes and carefully looked at the numbers on the phone, and finally exclaimed.

No wonder, the salary of these two poor ghosts did not exceed 3000, and they could only barely get by every time.

Seeing so much money for the first time, it's no wonder they yelled like country bumpkins.

The last two people were excited for a long time, and Su Yu finally pretended to say to Mr. System:
"Ahem, cough, err, let's not get too excited, if the finances are wrong, then it will be a joke, let's go to the headquarters first and ask."

Afterwards, the two dressed up and went to the headquarters through the transmission channel.


Every time he sees the headquarters of Tongtian, Su Yu will be amazed, even after seeing it so many times, he will still be amazed.


Walking into the building, Su Yu walked towards the beautiful receptionist, asked where the salary was checked, and left.

Coming to a machine, Su Yu entered information on the machine as required, and then listed Su Yu's information.

Employee number: 25041
Seniority: 2 years

Level: Low (Special)

Salary: 10

Su Yu looked at this information and found that a special word was added to his level.

Then I didn't care, just clicked on the salary statement
Basic salary: 3000
Side Quests: 9700
Su Yu looked at the number on it several times, and counted it several times, and found that there was no mistake.

The system gentleman next to him looked at Su Yu without moving for a long time, and Bian also leaned over and said:
"Hey, what are you doing, you are right or wrong, just make a sound..."

The system gentleman also stopped halfway through, he looked at the schedule and said:
"Damn it, why is there so much money for this side mission?"

"Yes, yes, I can't believe it, I have never seen so many bonuses for side missions in my life."

"I, I haven't seen it, this number, only the protagonist department can have this number."

Then the two of them pinched each other's flesh tacitly.

After twisting it hard, both of them groaned in pain, and then laughed together.

"Ah, ah, ah, we have money, we have money."

Excited, the two screamed like groundhogs before they suddenly realized there were other people around.

When I looked up, I found that everyone in the hall was looking at them. After that, the two coughed pretendingly, and then bounced away.

Back in the house, the two of them smiled tacitly, and then screamed loudly in the room.

Tired of shouting, the two of them were planning the bonus this time on the sofa.

"Damn it, the bonus this time is too much. I guess it's because the world is a broken world this time."

"After all, the two of us were almost trapped there, and we deserved it. If we come here a few more times, then I will get rich."

Su Yu fantasized about his life as a local tyrant in the future, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

Then Mr. System ruthlessly shattered his wish.

"Don't even think about it, how can it be so easy to find such a broken world."

"Cut, forget it, hey, pack up quickly, let's go out and do some shopping."

"I'm rich now, so I should change my broken phone this time. Also, I need to change my clothes too. I've been wearing them for five years."

Just like that, the two of them packed up and went to the shopping mall together for an afternoon of shopping.

Passing by a high-end clothing store in the middle, Su Yufei wanted to go there to see it, but the system gentleman couldn't bear it, so he accompanied him there.

"Wrap this, this, and that."

As soon as he walked in the door, he saw a woman in that store. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, she could tell that she was a rich owner.

She casually pointed to some clothes, and the manager followed her voice and held the clothes she pointed to.

At last the woman said:
"Nothing I just said, just hug the rest."

"Alright, Miss Lin, this way please."

The sales manager spoke affectionately to this woman from behind.

Afterwards, after paying the money, the woman and the manager left the store together, and the employees behind followed the woman with large and small bags.

Su Yu passed her by, Su Yu glanced at her, and the woman also glanced at Su Yu, just glanced at her, and walked away on her heels.

Su Yu stared at the faces of this and that woman, and was stunned for a long time. Mr. System watched him standing still at the door of her house and urged him to say:
"Hey, hey, what are you thinking? Can you get in? What are you doing standing at the door of someone's house? Why are you so dazed? Are you dumbfounded by the beauty?"

"I just saw..."

The waiter in the store was still looking at them, and Mr. System said something

"What do you see, you, go in quickly."

Su Yu hadn't had time to tell Mr. System, and then he was arrested.

Su Yu who entered the store was not very interested, he looked absent-minded, but Mr. System, fumbling around in the store with a bloody look.

Su Yu was still thinking about the woman just now, when he heard the employee talking.

"Hey, that shot just now was really generous, who is it?"

another old employee said
"You don't know that, the one just now is the founder of the Lin Group, but I also wonder why she came to our store."

"Wow, such a young founder, this is too strong, and she is also very good-looking."

This is what a younger employee said.

"Of course, she's my idol."

Then there was some gossip between the two small employees, and a talk about beauty makeup.

Su Yu still wanted to get closer and listen, so he didn't notice what area he walked to.

"Sir, sir, what do you need?"

A saleswoman woke up Su Yu, and Su Yu responded casually:
"Um, I want this one, and this one"

Su Yu randomly took a few and stuffed them into the salesperson's arms and said.

The salesperson was dumbfounded at what Su Yu was holding, and then said a little stutteringly:
"First, sir, are you sure, do you want these?"

"I, indeed..."

As soon as Su Yu turned his head, he didn't say what was on his lips, and he choked up.

Because, he found out that the two pieces he just took were for women, ahem, underwear, hahahahaha.

No wonder the salesperson looked at Su Yu and stuttered.

Su Yu blushed instantly like a monkey's butt, so red that it was about to smoke.

The salesperson looked at Su Yu's shy look and continued to ask:
"Well, sir, are you sure you want these?"

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