How to Survive in Sand Sculpture Romance

Chapter 25 Mu Huai's Little 99

Su Yu ignored the two female teachers, and left them and hurried to the principal's office.

He ran over in a hurry, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw the kind-faced headmaster sitting on the sofa, with two elegant-looking women sitting on it, they should be from those two families up.

Standing in the middle was Mu Huai. He was very quiet, neither crying nor hysterical. He just stood there quietly, like a piece of cargo.

Su Yu looked at Mu Huai who was like a puppet, his eyes were a little sour. He thought that Mu Huai would be better without that beastly stepfather.

But I didn't expect that such a kind-hearted man would be treated like this in the end. He just escaped from the mouth of a wolf and ran into the mouth of a tiger.

This is unfair, Su Yu will never allow Mu Huai to live like this, he wants to save him.

Seeing Su Yu who broke into the door and was panting, the principal in front of him was a little shocked. He looked at Su Yu and smiled kindly and said to Su Yu:
"Doctor Su, what's important, come here if you're in such a hurry, come here, drink some water."

The principal likes Su Yu, a junior in front of him. I remember that the principal investigated Su Yu's life experience when Yuanzhen first came to apply for the job. He knew Su Yu well and also knew Su Yu's experience.

The old man was always full of love for those juniors who worked hard and were not arrogant, so he didn't blame Su Yu for his impoliteness.

And the two rich wives sitting on the sofa looked a little bit mean to Su Yu,
"Hey, what's going on in your school, why are such rude people recruited as school doctors?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's really depraved, tsk tsk tsk, it's a pity that each of us donated so much money, I didn't expect to recruit such a person."

The other Mrs. Fu agreed.

Su Yu was a little angry when he heard this, and he had no choice. He had never been wronged like this since he was a child. If it was an ordinary person, he would have gone up and punched them.

But there are two women in front of him. Su Yu never hits a woman. This is his bottom line, but what these two rich wives said really made others angry.

Su Yu was about to explode with anger, but he really had nothing to do with the two women.

Fortunately, the headmaster came to stand in for him at this time.

"Two ladies, if it's a donation, how much did you two donate in total? Could you tell me something about it?"

The two rich wives stopped talking because they had never donated money at all.

The headmaster looked at the two women deflated and said:
"Furthermore, if you donate money, you can give pointers to the school, then this business is really a big loss."

"Our school selects employees through strict selection. The two ladies mean that they are questioning our school's character and investigation issues."

Looking at the principal sitting on the seat, although he was still talking with a smile on his face, the two rich wives are all well-rounded people. How can they not tell that the old gentleman is already a little angry, and the two of them are surprisingly consistent. He apologized to the old headmaster:
"How can it be, principal, you really misunderstood us."

"Yes, yes, we didn't mean that."

The attitude of the two women, the principal didn't bother to pay attention to them, so he looked at Su Yu with a smile and listened to Su Yu's words.

"Well, principal, I have nothing else to do. I just came here for classmate Mu Huai."

Mu Huai noticed it from the moment Su Yu entered the room, but he knew that he couldn't be too relaxed and overjoyed.

Ever since he met Su Yu for the first time, he knew that Su Yu was a good person, and he also knew what kind of character he was. Therefore, the best way to treat people like Su Yu is to pretend to be pitiful, and he must be very pitiful. Only in this way can Su Yu be aroused to protect him.

And these two women were really irritable and almost ruined his event. In the previous life, these two women bullied him everywhere and made things difficult for him. In the end, they also had something to do with his death, but the time has not yet come. Otherwise, none of them can escape.

Mu Huai just looked at Su Yu like this. He knew from the moment he entered the door that his plan was half successful, and now he just waited for Su Yu to say that, and he would succeed.

The principal looked at Su Yu, and said with some interest in what he said:
"Oh? You came here for classmate Mu Huai. Why? Does Doctor Su also want to adopt this child?"

Seeing that Su Yu also came to rob them, the two rich wives suddenly said a little unhappy

"School Doctor Su, what is your identity? According to me, Doctor Su has only just started working at the school, and he has nothing to do with this classmate. I have reason to doubt the purpose of Doctor Su's adoption of this classmate."

"Yes, yes, can we suspect that School Doctor Su wants to adopt this classmate because of his huge inheritance?"

The voices of the two rich wives were harsh and sharp, and also very annoying. The two of them didn't regard Mu Huai as a person. From the beginning to the end, he was really like a tool, a commodity.

Su Yu got angry, and he didn't know why. He had a strong empathy ability since he was a child. Once a kitten was dying in front of him. Su Yu felt that he could personally experience all the kitten's feelings.

He looked at the cat, which was covered in blood. It looked like it was only a few months old. Because it was a stray cat, it was very thin, and its body was covered with dirt and some stones.

The kitten was just lying on the ground dying, with some flies circling around, it seemed powerless to recover.

There were also some children hitting it with stones. They tied his feet with ropes, and the small stones kept hitting him. When Su Yu saw it, the kitten was already dead.

After he pushed away the children, he took the kitten away. The kitten was still spitting blood in its mouth, and it just lay obediently in his arms.

Because he was too young, Su Yu didn't have the money to treat him. In this way, Su Yu saw with his own eyes that the kitten's body was gradually losing its breath, and its body gradually became stiff.

There were still tears at the corners of his eyes, and every inch of the wound on his body seemed to be a complaint against the world. When the kitten died, Su Yu seemed to feel the same pain on his body.

He cried for a long time. He heard that at the last moment when the cat left, they would find a big tree and die in the arms of the big tree. The animals thought it was the safest.

Finally Su Yu found a big tree and buried the kitten's body under the tree.

And the Mu Huai in front of him at this time was too much like the kitten back then, it was the same, so quiet, so powerless, and like being slaughtered by others.

Su Yu couldn't save the kitten back then, but now he has to save Mu Huai in front of him. He will never let these people have a chance to hurt him again, never!

Su Yu raised his head, and the aura around him began to change, a little murderous.

He said to the two wealthy wives who were pointing at Su Yu and Mu Huai:
"Don't think that I don't know what you guys are up to. I heard that the two noble gentlemen have some special hobbies? And some aspects are not normal."

When the two women heard this, they patted the table angrily and said to Su Yu:
"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"My son is fine, you are talking nonsense and be careful with me..."

"Nonsense, this is not the home of the two of you, don't you take me seriously!"

The headmaster in front of him sternly reprimanded the two rich wives, and the two rich wives were so frightened that they could only sit down resentfully.

Su Yu looked at Mu Huai in front of him, and then said to the principal:
"Principal, I think if the two wives really want to adopt Mu Huai, or else it's up to Mu Huai to decide. After all, it's his choice, not us."

After speaking, Su Yu stepped forward and patted Mu Huai on the shoulder and said to Mu Huai:
"It's okay, the teacher will protect you, don't worry, speak out boldly."

The principal looked at Su Yu's actions, and he liked this young man more and more. He looked at Su Yu and nodded approvingly, saying:
"Student Mu Huai, who do you want to choose?"

Mu Huai looked at Su Yu, then at the two rich wives, and said in a low voice:
"I, I choose, the Li family."

"What, what???"

Su Yu looked at Mu Huai's choice in shock, with disbelief in his eyes.

Mu Huai felt a little pain in his heart when he saw Su Yu's expression, but he still said firmly:
"I choose the Li family!"

Su Yu looked at Mu Huai, he felt his powerlessness again, he suddenly felt dizzy and almost fainted.

The two rich wives showed contempt for Mu Huai and Su Yu, but the principal didn't say anything.

The two rich wives stepped forward and sneered at Su Yu:
"Unexpectedly, doctor Su, you worked so hard to help others, but they didn't appreciate it."

"Yeah, yeah, but, it's no wonder, after all, the Su school's doctor's family is not doing well, of course it's not as good as ours."

"Shut up, or I'll tear your mouth apart."

The two rich wives shut their mouths in an instant, because they saw Su Yu's eyes, which were unusually cold and murderous. At that moment, the two rich wives felt that if they continued to say this, he would really be on the spot do it.

Then the two rich wives left with a snort.

The mission of the two of them is over, because no matter which family Mu Huai chooses, both of them will win in the end. After all, Mu Huai is just a plaything to them.

Quiet, deathly quiet all around...

Su Yu just lowered his head like this, standing quietly in the middle of the principal's office, not speaking, clenched his fists tightly, some nails had penetrated into his flesh, but Su Yu didn't let go, just clenched tightly .

The principal didn't say anything when he saw this scene, and waved to Mu Huai. Mu Huai walked out of the principal's office, but he didn't leave, and stood quietly at the door, waiting for Su Yu to come out.

There were only Su Yu and the principal in the room. The principal looked at Su Yu with a slight smile, patted him on the shoulder and said:
"Xiao Su, I know you have good intentions, and I also know that the purpose of those two women is impure. You have already done what you should do, and you have done enough."

"Don't be too sad. I know that your child is kind-hearted. Don't worry, that child is not a good person. He must have some reasons for doing this."

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