How to Survive in Sand Sculpture Romance

Chapter 140 Complete the task, Zhang Family~

And until today, after a long time, they gathered again, in front of his tombstone, looking at these familiar figures, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that they were doing well, he was happy.

At this time, the long-lost spicy chicken system finally appeared

"Congratulations on completing the task, the task is being settled, the task is being settled..."

"Transmitting the headquarters...."

Su Yu was standing in front of his tombstone and crying. As a result, he was startled when he heard this electronic sound suddenly. When he heard this system that he hadn't heard for a long time, he really wanted to yell.

"Hey, what are you doing? I've been calling you all these years. Why don't you show up? What's the matter with you? Is it a machine failure, or is it passive sabotage? Believe it or not, I asked them to complain about you. What are you doing? Don't let me stay there for the rest of my life, you still want me to come back, you."

Su Yu couldn't help complaining about the system, but the system just replied after hearing Su Yu's words.

"Don't the host want to return to your original world? In fact, I can apply to the headquarters to let you stay here, but it is in the state of a soul."

I have to say that the system's trick is very insidious. He let Su Yu stay here as a soul, but as a soul, Su Yu can't do anything. He can only look at others, and he can only be a soul floating around.

As soon as Su Yu heard this, he immediately froze, quickly covered his mouth, and then flattered the system with a smile:
"No, no, how could it be, you heard it wrong, you heard it wrong, well, go back quickly, I still have to settle the settlement, and it won't delay your work, hehe."

I have to say that Su Yu's dog-leg problem still hasn't gotten better after going through so many things until today.

Although he had spent several years in the mission, in fact, in the real world, he had only lived for about a month.

The system sent him back to an unmonitored corner near his own home.

Su Yu wore his own clothes, saw everything familiar, looked at the familiar scenes around him, and finally, he came back again.

He still passed by the owner of the restaurant downstairs as usual, but, unlike usual, the noodle restaurant was not open today, but a lot of sundries were piled up outside. Su Yu was a little surprised, what happened?
The owner of the noodle shop was busy moving things out of the house, and kept throwing things on the cart in front of him. Su Yu stepped forward and asked:
"Uncle, what are you doing? Why do you keep throwing things out? Where are you going to throw them? Do you need help?"

The owner of the noodle shop saw Su Yu, stopped what he was doing, wiped the sweat off his head with his hands, and said to Su Yu:
"Ah, it turned out to be Xiaoyu, isn't it because my son went out and found a job abroad, and then he didn't plan to go back to China, so then our old couple also went abroad together, mainly because he ate abroad He is not used to eating, so we can take care of him, so this noodle shop will not open."

The owner of the noodle shop said with a smile, with a feeling of happiness on his face.

Yes, I remember that when Su Yu was still in the orphanage, this noodle shop had been open all the time. The owner of the noodle shop had taken good care of him since he was a child. Until now, this noodle shop has been open for a long time in his memory.

As for the boss and the proprietress in the noodle shop, they have worked hard for half their lives, and they can be regarded as a son who has a successful career, and it is time for them to enjoy the blessings.

Although Su Yu was a little bit reluctant, he knew that there is always a banquet in the world, not to mention that people are going to enjoy blessings, and he can't stop it, so even if he is reluctant, he can only bless.

"That's right, uncle, then congratulations, alas, but it's a pity that I will never be able to eat your cooked noodles again."

Su Yu said, the uncle smiled and didn't know what to say. After all, the uncle also watched Su Yu grow up, and he felt a little reluctant for a while.

"Hey, you are really a child, so how about this, um, I'll give you this shop, it just happens to be passed down, after all, our old Yang's noodle shop can't just be inherited like this Already."

Su Yu originally just wanted to sigh that he would never be able to eat this noodle again, but he didn't expect the uncle to say such words, which surprised Su Yu a little. The proprietress behind him came out and heard what the uncle said , patted the uncle and said:
"You old guy, what's going on, look at Xiaoyu, his salary is more than half a year's wages in this noodle shop of yours, and he will take you to this noodle shop."

"Hey, by the way, Xiaoyu, I think you seem to have lost weight recently, have you not eaten? By the way, there is still some noodles we just made here, auntie, why don't you come and taste it."

With that said, the aunt led Su Yu into the house. The things in the house had already been moved in sevens and eighties, leaving only some stoves, some cooking places, and a small table for convenience. After eating, Su Yu looked at everything in the room with emotion.

"Auntie, to be honest, if you agree, I can take down this store. After all, this can be regarded as one of my memories. Of course, it is as much as it should be, and you don't have to take advantage of me. What."

Su Yu ate the noodles in the bowl and spoke to the person in front of him.

The aunt of the noodle shop also felt a little emotional when she heard Su Yu's words. She has always been very kind to Su Yu. In fact, she gave Su Yu some clothes that her children didn't wear, and Su Yu came to help when he was free. What, it can be regarded as his half son.

And I am leaving now, I am afraid I will never come back again, and there will be no one to take care of this child.She still feels distressed.

"Oh, you child, really."

The aunt sighed, touched Su Yu's head, not knowing what to think, then discussed with the uncle, and finally, the two old couple entrusted the shop to Su Yu.

Su Yu spent a little money to buy this store. The proprietress and the others handed over the secret recipe of this store to Su Yu before leaving, and left some tools and so on.

"Xiaoyu, since you want to sell this store, I won't throw away these things, but keep them for you. Anyway, we don't need them abroad, and we can't post them abroad. In fact, , I still have a little selfishness, if you want to go back on your word, you can rent out this shop, after all, you also have your job. "

The two old men said this to Su Yu, and Su Yu saw their hunched appearance, tears filled his eyes.

Unknowingly, everyone around him left him one by one, and he became a lonely person again. Su Yu held the key of this house in his hand, looking at the empty everything, and the one who had been killed by his son. Looking at the two old men who led them away, he shed tears silently as he watched their backs.

Su Yu carried his luggage and returned home. As soon as he opened the room, the house was very clean, and it was surprisingly clean.

There is no such thing, it has been more than a month, and it is full of dust. Su Yu is still a little strange, but he is already a little tired after experiencing the sad emotions just now.

He walked to Mr. System's room, and lay down quietly on it. There was only the smell of sunlight on it, which made him feel very warm. He lay down like this, and fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up again, it was already dark. Su Yu got up, but found that he was covered with a quilt. Su Yu was a little strange.

Did you just cover yourself with a quilt?Didn't he just lie on the bed and fell asleep? Did he remember wrongly, or did he have hallucinations?Su Yu was a little puzzled.

But he was indeed the only one in the room, so Su Yu could only think that he might have forgotten because he was too tired.

He didn't notice some strange places in this room.

And not long after he woke up, the doorbell rang. Su Yu thought for a while, he probably didn't order takeaway or had a delivery, it was so late, who knocked on his door?
Unexpectedly, as soon as Su Yu opened the door, there was only a delivery guy wearing a delivery uniform standing there outside the door. The delivery guy couldn't see his face clearly, he was dressed in blue, and appeared at the door with a packed meal.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Su? This is your takeaway, please take it away. I wish you a pleasant meal!"

Before Su Yu could ask, the takeaway brother threw the takeaway directly into Su Yu's hands, and then went downstairs.

Su Yu scratched his head again with the takeaway in his hand, did he have hallucinations?He didn't order takeaway, so what's going on?
Su Yu didn't know if he was crazy or what, he checked his order with his mobile phone, and found that there was really a record of ordering takeaway on his mobile phone.

But Su Yu remembered that he fell asleep as soon as he got home. Why did he order a takeaway again? What's going on?

Su Yu dragged the takeaway into the house in a daze, sat on the table, and opened the lunch box. As soon as the lunch box was opened, the scent that came to his face filled the tip of Su Yu's nose, making Su Yu drooling.

Inside the lunch box is a rice bowl, which is Su Yu's favorite braised pork and eggplant rice bowl. Su Yu carefully picked up a few mouthfuls of braised pork, put it in his mouth, and chewed it twice.

This braised pork melts in the mouth, and it is fat but not greasy. It is simply the best food, but for some reason, Su Yu feels that this dish has a familiar taste. While thinking, he tasted a few more mouthfuls, and the more The more he ate it, the more he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he just couldn't remember it.

Even if he thought about it carefully, he couldn't figure out where he ate this dish, but since it was such a delicious takeaway, he simply didn't think about it so much. After eating the takeaway, he threw the cold garbage at the door, and Su Yu sat down Swipe your phone on the couch.

There is no special news recently, and everything in the world is fine, so Su Yu can only find these recent TV series to watch. In order to set off the atmosphere and save electricity, Su Yu turned off the lights in the house. Leave enough brightness on the TV for lighting.

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