So today Su Yu exploded in all the groups of ordinary players and professional players.

The loss of Autumn Wind and Leaves spread to their professional player group.
In that top 20 group, all of them knew that Autumn Wind Fallen Leaf, who was ranked No. 20 on the list, lost to a trumpet with more than [-] levels and a female player. They all laughed loudly .

"Hey, I said Luoye, what's going on with you, I haven't played the game yet, other members of our family have been discussing your heroic deeds, why did you lose to a female player who played trumpet? Ah, how powerful this woman is, she actually defeated our conservative fifth."

One of the old captains in the group said.

"Fuck off, roll on, try again. Believe it or not, I'll hit you. You really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. You have the guts to compare yourself to her. If you can beat her, I'll wash it for you for a month." smelly socks."

Autumn Wind and Fallen Leaves retorted.

And other members of the group also asked questions one after another, because they had never seen the duel after all, and they didn't know Su Yu's ability. Gave it to this female player.

All the groups are bustling with excitement, including ordinary people in this Internet cafe. They are also observing the situation of the battle in front of the computer. When they heard that the player named Xiaoling directly won the game, he went offline. Operation, everyone showed their enthusiasm, and shouted in the game hall one after another:
"Fuck, what's going on, did you catch anyone?"

"Why is it offline? This person continues to fight. We haven't seen enough yet."

"That's right, that's right, why don't you continue to fight? It's best to kill all the top five people, why are you offline?"

Su Yu has gone offline. He doesn't know how much trouble he has caused in the game. He just knows that if he doesn't go offline again, his life may die, because the system prompt has sounded, today's sports Haven't done it yet.

Yes, his current body is too weak. If he doesn't exercise on time every day, his life may be lost, so Su Yu can't play games for too long every day.

Although he really wanted to play another round, but the system's warning was like a warning sign, he had to put down the keyboard in his hand, get up and move around, and when he asked Xiaoling if there was a park nearby, And so began his journey.

Xiaoling was still swimming in the ocean of this game. Although she heard a little bit of wind, she didn't associate it with the number she gave to Su Yu at all.

After all, the opponent is a professional player. Although Su Yu is better, in Xiaoling's impression, Su Yu is only a little bit better than ordinary players.

In her heart, Su Yu hadn't reached the point where she could challenge professional players, so when Su Yu asked her where the park was, she didn't doubt it at all. Such a good work and rest habit, and then continued to invest in her fashion.

Don't you think that no one knows Su Yu's identity?No, because the computer Su Yu just made was in the front row, so he didn't care that all his actions just now were seen by one person.

And who is this person? This person is the person who met Su Yu for the first time and was very familiar with Li Li. His name is Chen Ran.

Su Yu went running alone. Although it was difficult for him to persevere alone, after all, if he didn't run, he would die immediately. Who would like that, so he could only be forced to surround him panting Running throughout the park, when the system's countdown finally expired, Su Yu returned to the Internet cafe as tired as a dog.

In fact, this Chen Ran is not an ordinary person. Like Li Li, he is also a retired professional player. He only played this game later. As for Lin Zihan and the others, they found a student who has the potential to participate in this world competition them.

Because they are at their best age, at this age, whether it is brain calculation ability or hand speed, they are at their peak state, if they can be allowed to participate in the competition, it will fulfill the wish of the two of them.

Therefore, Lin Zihan respected Li Li and Chen Ran very much. After the two of them felt that Cheng Xuan was behind them, Lin Zihan quickly took off the earphones, stood up, bowed respectfully to Chen Ran, and asked:
"What's the matter, teacher, what's the matter?"

Chen Ran still asked about Su Yu's whereabouts.

"Where's the man sitting next to you just now? Did you see it? Did you see his face clearly? Do you know who he is? Do you know him?"

Chen Ran asked Lin Zihan one after another questions. Lin Zihan was a little confused. He had been practicing just now, and he didn't care who was sitting next to him, so he didn't know. Seeing Lin Zixuan shaking his head, Chen Ran sighed. After all, he still didn't catch this game genius. He didn't know if he would have a chance to meet again next time.

What?You ask me why Chen Ran didn't know that that person was Su Yu, because when Su Yu saw him for the first time, his clothes were dirty, his hair was messed up, and he looked sluggish. How can I connect with this handsome guy who is shining like gold and exuding the aura of being a school grass?
Therefore, Chen Ran didn't know at all that the genius he was looking for was actually by his side or in front of him all the time. Cheng Xuan sighed, picked up his phone and called Li Li.

"Hi, old Mo."

On the opposite side, Li Li still replied with his enchanting voice:
"What's the matter, Lao Chen, what's the matter? Why, you want to ask me to drink with you again. You spend all day in my Internet cafe, and I haven't asked you to pay the Internet fee yet."

Mo Li also answered, but now Chen Ran, he didn't casually ask Mo Li to go out for a drink as usual, but this time he talked to Li Li very soberly.

"Hey, you kid, I don't care about your broken Internet cafe. If it wasn't for your team, I wouldn't even want to stay here."

Chen Ran replied, Mo Li on the opposite side smiled, and finally, Cheng Xuan continued:
"To be honest, today I met a genius in your Internet cafe. Let me go, his level is only level 22. As a result, the operation, he flew up to six, and he rushed directly from the bottom of the leaderboard to Now it is fifth on the list of Gods and Demons duel."

Chen Ran said word by word. At first, Mo Li, who was facing him, didn't take it seriously and continued to be busy with his work, but when he heard what Chen Ran said, he immediately put down his work and endured it. Can't help exclaiming:
"What!! What did you say! You said that he rushed from the bottom of the leaderboard to the top and fifth place!!!"

Hearing the surprise from Mo Li on the other side, Chen Ran on the side was also a little complacent. He saw that Mo Li, who had always been calm, showed such an expression, so he couldn't help laughing and said:
"Old Mo, you also have such a groggy expression today. By the way, let me tell you, this person is really extraordinary. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he will solve the battle within 2 minutes. I heard that , I also heard that this person even defeated the fifth-ranked professional player, and this professional player did not escape his 2-minute spell after all."

Chen Ran, who was on the opposite side, obviously didn't believe what Cheng Xuan said, because it was too unbelievable. According to Cheng Xuan, this person was a novice, but in a very short time, he averaged 2 In one minute, he successfully reached the top and fifth in the list.

This is unprecedented, even for a talented player like him, it is impossible to be very sure, everyone can solve it in 2 minutes.

"You don't want to play me anymore. This joke is not funny. If there is nothing else, I will be busy with my own business."

Mo Li thought that Chen Ran was playing tricks on him, because Chen Ran was very bad and would often lie to him, but this time, Chen Ran obviously didn't lie to him. When Chen Ran heard that Mo Li was about to hang up the phone, he quickly stopped him.

"Hey hey hey hey, wait, wait, Lao Mo, you have to believe me this time, this thing is true, if you don't believe it, you can check the post bar, there are videos."

Hearing what Chen Ran said, Mo Li finally put down his work, picked up his mobile phone and logged into the post bar. After a careful look, he found that the entire post bar had been taken down, and they were all talking about the genius in his fifties this afternoon. After the winning streak, the video of that player and his duel was circulated everywhere.

"I remember that Autumn Wind and Fallen Leaves is from the first group. How could he lose to a newcomer? Could this newcomer be their newcomer? Did he come to build momentum for him?"

Chen Ran didn't click on the video, but just watched this post and replied.

"It shouldn't be, haven't you watched that video? Obviously, Qiufeng Luoye didn't like Xiaoling at first, but what he didn't expect was that she crushed Qiufeng Luoye in every aspect, and this player also It's very interesting, her predictions can predict the moves that professional players will use next, when you watch the video, you will know whether I'm right or not."

Chen Ran still explained to Li Li, but Mo Li still had a feeling of disbelief, because this matter was really too unbelievable.

The phone's network was spinning quickly on the screen, and a video in front of him opened, showing an elemental mage in a pink loli skirt and a mechanic opposite.

The start was quite normal, neither of them moved, and then, Li Li saw that the autumn leaf on the opposite side moved first, and Li Li thought, the autumn leaf on the opposite side made this move.

Obviously, according to Li Li's feeling, this elemental mage can't dodge, but the next action surprised him a bit, the elemental mage just moved to the side, and successfully dodged this move , this amazing operation really has some details.

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