This kind of fiery love caught Su Yu a little off guard. He stared at Lin Rou, but didn't dare to look at it.

"I, I'm actually not interested in the relationship between men and women. You don't need to waste this kind of relationship on me. There are many good people in this world. You don't need to waste it on me, a useless person. I'm just an ordinary person. , you see, I have no responsibility, I am not very good, I am not worthy of you at all."

In fact, Su Yu himself has a very low self-esteem. Yes, he has always had low self-esteem. He used his own funny comparisons to hide his own low self-esteem before.

It is unavoidable because of Su Yu's original environment. Although he grew up and left that environment, although he looks happy, this kind of inferiority complex has always affected him, and has always been in their hearts. There is no cure deep in the heart, people always have to spend their whole life to heal for some things in childhood.

"You are not, you are better than everyone I know, why do you say that about yourself?"

Lin Rou couldn't help but want to cheer up Su Yu, but Su Yu didn't seem to want to get up.

"Okay, don't say any more, you can tell them for me, you don't need to come here to make me happy, I don't think I'm suitable for this kind of life now, I'd better go back to my little house. "

"That's it. Thank you for being with me for so many days, and I have worked hard for you. Goodbye. If you want to do this, if you have time to get together, I am still willing, but you don't have to do this."

After speaking, Su Yu got up and left, leaving Lin Rou sitting where he was.

Lin Rou didn't know what she was thinking in her heart. She kept looking at the direction Su Yu was leaving until Su Yu's figure was no longer visible, but she still didn't leave.

Su Yu returned to the hotel, packed his luggage, and left without staying too long. After all, this is not a place for him to stay. He is still willing to go back to his small house, at least there will be people familiar with him. Instead of facing this strange room every day when I open my eyes.

After Su Yu packed his luggage, he passed by everyone's door, but didn't knock on any door. He just looked at everyone and left.

When Lin Rouhou came back, a group of people surrounded Lin Rou and asked her.

"Lin Rou, what did you do so early in the morning?"

"Yes, yes, I knocked on the door this early in the morning and you didn't open it. Why did you come back now?"

"What about Su Yu? He's not in the room either. I knocked on the door for a long time and he didn't open it."

Everyone asked in a hurry, only Lin Rou's expression didn't look very happy. Finally, she opened her mouth silently and said:
"Su Yu, Su Yu, he left."

Ximen Yao on the side couldn't help shouting when he heard this sentence.

"What! Why did he leave, why, didn't he stay here very well, why did he leave, did we do something wrong?"

Everyone looked puzzled, obviously they got along well during this period of time, why did Su Yu leave just like that.

"He said, he said let us live the life we ​​want, don't care about him, he doesn't want to involve everyone."

"But we didn't think about it that way at all."

Nangong Yu said.

"I don't know. His decision this time is so decisive that I can't say anything else. I think we should go back to our own business first and come to him after a while."

Everyone was silent, all of them knew how terrible Su Yu's temper was, they had already felt it in that world before, as long as Su Yu made a decision, no one could change it.

If they want to hit the muzzle of the gun unbelievingly, what is waiting for them may be that Su Yu will never see them again. This kind of situation is something that no one wants to see, so now, no one can see it .

They are okay, they have already seen Su Yu, but Mu Jinran and Qi Ye who are on the way are a bit miserable.

The two of them didn't even see the person, but the person left, and it was useless to let the two of them deal with the company's affairs day and night.

In this way, Su Yu dragged his luggage, took a taxi in front of the hotel, and returned to his cabin again.

When passing by downstairs, the owner of the downstairs restaurant greeted him.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, you came back very early this time. Where did you come back with your luggage? It seems that you have lost weight recently. Didn't you eat well? By the way, I have been with you before What about the young man next to him, why didn't you see him?"

The owner of the big noodle restaurant is still as enthusiastic as ever. While talking to Su Yu, he kept pulling the noodles in his hand.

Hearing what the boss said, Su Yu didn't know what to say to him, so he could only say to the boss:
"Oh, he, he has gone home, he hasn't been back for a long time, he went back to his hometown to see relatives."

"Then he won't come back yet. That young man is quite nice. In fact, you two seem to be very old. Otherwise, Uncle, I'll introduce someone to you two."

"Hahahaha, uncle, you are so funny. I'm just poor and white. Don't delay the little girl. Let's forget it."

Su Yu chatted with the owner of the noodle shop downstairs for a while, and finally, he waved goodbye to the owner of the noodle shop, and then returned to his hut. The person who was still smiling just now, the moment he turned his head, his expression suddenly changed. Changed, became expressionless.

It seemed that the cheerful him just now was just a mask.

Su Yu returned to the hut he was familiar with again. Everything in the hut remained the same, but it became his own.

Su Yu lay decadent on his own bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what he was thinking, and gradually, he fell into a dream.

And in another space-time fast travel headquarters building, in a laboratory, in a jar containing a large bottle of nutrient solution, there is a man's body. The man's body is full of tubes, and there are many researches around The personnel wandered around him, pointed at him, and then kept writing on the paper, as if they were recording something.

"Number 003, all body functions are normal, the cells and nerves have recovered, and 30% of consciousness has recovered, and it is still under observation."

The experimenter kept recording the information of the man in the vat in front of him in his notebook, and after finishing recording, he chatted with the staff next to him.

"You said that No. 003 is really tenacious. It has been destroyed in such an environment, and it has survived. It's so strange. I really want to take him down and study it."

"Don't talk nonsense, this is our secret, but I am also curious, what method did he use to avoid the important attack of that thing, the power of that punch is not small, even the one we developed Even the most powerful weapon of defense might not be able to block it, which is unbelievable, in the end, it was as if something blocked him at the last moment."

"I don't know, but I heard that this No. 003 is a bit different. He seems to have developed a little human emotion. Even in our era, similar things have never happened before."

"Yes, yes, it's also the first time I've heard that machines can produce feelings and memories. This will be a major development. Unfortunately, the boss won't let me move."

"Yeah, what a pity."

The two staff members were chatting here, and then, when they saw the management staff coming here, they immediately shut their mouths and stepped aside.

The person who came was the boss of Kuaichuan headquarters, Cheng Xuan.

For Cheng Xuan's sudden arrival here, everyone was caught off guard, because everyone was very surprised. As a boss who had never seen anyone before, he came to this laboratory. Everyone was a little surprised. What happened? Let Cheng Xuan come here.

Cheng Xuan didn't ask too much when he came here, and pointed directly at the person in the tube and said:
"What's the current status of No. 003?"

Cheng Xuan looked at No. 003 in front of him, and said to the staff next to him:
"No. 003, everything is normal now, and the bodily functions are recovering, but the memory recovery is still a bit slow, and it has recovered 20% now, but I believe it will be fully recovered soon."

The staff next to him answered very respectfully.

"Okay, that's good, keep an eye on everything about No. 003, and don't let him make any mistakes."


The two lab personnel nodded in unison, and finally, Cheng Xuan left the lab.

However, No. 003, who was soaked in the nutrient solution, was replaying the memory of a period in his brain like a revolving lantern.

His brain was extremely active, and everyone knew that he was dreaming, or recalling his previous memories, but no one knew what he was recalling.

And Su Yu, who was far away on the other side, lay on the bed and after falling asleep, he came to a black space. This was the first time he came here again since he came back from that world.

It was still the same, the surroundings were pitch black, he was stepping on water, and two figures stood in the distance.

Su Yu was a little strange, there was always one figure before, why there were two standing this time.

Besides one is yourself, who is the other?Su Yu couldn't help being attracted by these two figures.

The two figures turned their backs to him, and when they heard footsteps behind them, they said to him:
"You're here."

The other Su Yu looked back at him.

"You, didn't you disappear?"

Su Yu was a little puzzled, because at the time he clearly said that he was about to disappear, but now he came here again.

"I just came here to talk to you."

Su Yu in front of him was still talking softly, and then the person standing next to him also turned his head, and that face was clearly the face of Mr. System.

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