How to Survive in Sand Sculpture Romance

Chapter 115 Doraemon's Pocket

Sure enough, it was marked that this carousel is only suitable for children under the age of [-].

"Ah, why can't this carousel be suitable for children at 360 months, we are also small children."

Seeing the sign next to it, Su Yu couldn't help talking to Dong Yuchen behind him. The two finally retreated under the eyes of all the children, and walked to Lin Rou's side with some distress. Sitting like a big abandoned dog.

Lin Rou saw the two of them coming back downcast, of course she knew what happened, but she still wanted to tease them.

"Why, two big friends, why don't you go to play the carousel, does it mean that people think you two are too big and won't let you play?"

The faces of the two big men blushed when Lin Rou said it, but Su Yu still answered.

"But I really want to play. I've never played a carousel before. I've only seen it on TV."

Seeing Su Yu's pitiful look, Lin Rou on the side silently kept this sentence in her heart. From then on, a high-speed carousel specially designed for adults was born from here.

Ah, you guys ask me why it’s not that kind of fantasy carousel, of course, it’s impossible, with Lin Rou’s identity and character, how could it be possible to set up that kind of game played by little girls, how can this be worthy of her character that loves exciting games .

After the carousel was born, it soon became a more popular game than the roller coaster, because it rotated very fast. After a long time, this facility became a project for all challengers. Stay on the top for a few laps so that you don't come down, and your legs are not soft.

And this idea, now only in Lin Rou's imagination, Mr. has a germination, but it has not yet been realized.

They've been playing like this for so long, and it's almost afternoon. During the play, Su Yu and Dong Yuchen basically vomited out everything they had eaten, and their faces are now as pale as two sheets of paper , the body also seems to be very delicate, like a younger sister Lin, the kind who will fall down when the wind blows.

Lin Rou looked at the two of them, as if she was really hungry. In the end, she could only give up another project in her hand, bungee jumping, with a little dejection.

That's right, it's bungee jumping. Bungee jumping is also a popular item in this playground. They built a very tall building in this playground. The upstairs is a restaurant and the like. However, the height of this building is very suitable for bungee jumping. Such projects, so the merchants turned it into a place for dancing disco. I have to say that they are very good at making money, and this project is also very famous.

Lin Rou has played here countless times. During the play, she also raised a lot of opinions. She is considered an old player. Although she has played many times, she still can't play enough.

And when Lin Rou wanted to express that she wanted to play this project, Nan Gongyu and the others had no special opinion, and they all agreed, because they didn't care, but it was Dong Yuchen and Su Yu who were listening. Arriving at this project, the faces of the two of them became even paler.

Now the face is more like a wall, it seems that if someone touches them, the two of them will be wiped out, almost petrified.

"Lin, Lin Rou, otherwise, go and play by yourself, the two of us go upstairs to eat something, so we won't spoil your interest, hahahahaha."

Su Yu coaxed Lin Rou with a gentle tone, looking like a big brother who is considerate, but Lin Rou, who is so smart, often crosses the line with a little fox like Mu Huai, how could he listen? Can't tell what Su Yu's intention is?

"No, it would be so boring if I play alone. It's fun only if everyone plays together. How about this? Let's accompany you to eat something. I'm hungry too. After we have something to eat and digest, Let's go bungee jumping, okay, bungee jumping is good for digestion."

In fact, Lin Rou said that the reason why she digested and went to play after eating was that she was afraid of Su Yu and Dong Yu. The two of them spit out what they just ate during the bungee jumping process. But it was a disaster.

So, thinking of this method, when Su Yu heard it, it seemed that he couldn't escape the bungee jumping event after all. The two looked at each other, and in each other's eyes, both of them saw the four words of death as home.

In the end, they were eating in the restaurant on the D building, while admiring the scenery outside, some people would jump from the top from time to time.

While eating, Lin Rou looked at the group of people who kept jumping down with glowing eyes.

As for the two of them, Su Yu and Dong Yuchen, eating this meal felt inexplicably like eating a meal with a severed head.

"Hey, why don't you two eat it? Is the food here not to your liking?"

Bei Mingshuo on the side said, staring at Su Yu who couldn't eat in front of him and asked:
"Oh, it's all right, it tastes pretty good."

Su Yu raised his weak face and turned back to Bei Mingshuo.

And Ximen Yao, who was next to him, looked at the two of them and smiled, and said in this ruffian tone:
"I see the two of them, they are eating a meal of decapitation, of course it tastes the same!"

Bei Mingshuo on the side looked at Su Yu as if he couldn't eat, and couldn't help but said to Lin Rou who was eager to try:
"Lin Rou, why not leave it like this today, let's go here first, I think the two of them really have no energy, if you want to play, I will come and play with you next time."

Bei Mingshuo was still worried that Su Yu would not be able to eat, and Lin Rou on the side also noticed Su Yu's current situation, so she nodded resignedly. Although she was a little unhappy, the main purpose of coming this time was to relieve Su Yu. Yu's emotional problems, not just to play.

"Okay, okay, then I won't play today, and Miss Ben won't bother you two today."

When Su Yu heard that he was no longer playing, the corners of his mouth lifted up, but later he realized that it was because of his own reasons, so they stopped playing. He really felt that he might be spoiling their fun, He pursed his lips and said:
"It's okay, Lin Rou, if you want to play, you can play today. I can, but maybe I played too hard today. I'm full from drinking wind. Don't worry, I'm better than a cow. Strong, the body can hold it."

Su Yu smiled softly. Lin Rou next to him looked at Su Yun at this time, and sighed again, who can refuse such Su Yu, but unfortunately, Su Yu always regards them as friends in his eyes.

To be precise, Su Yu regards everyone as his friends, but no one can stay by his side forever. Lin Rou knows this, but she still wants to insist on such endless feelings. .

"Forget it, it's okay, just play later if you don't play today, anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future, and I'm afraid that if you are like this, when the time comes to bungee jumping, the wind will blow you away."

Everyone laughed, and Su Yu laughed too, and everyone's atmosphere instantly became very happy. After that, they finished their meal and went to watch the latest movie.

After watching the movie, it was already 9:00 in the evening, and these people drove their luxury cars back to the front of the five-star hotel.

The luxury cars of these people attracted the attention of everyone in front of the door. They couldn't help stretching their necks to see who the owners of the luxury cars in front of them were. As a result, they all wore ordinary sportswear and covered themselves tightly. To be honest, I didn't see clearly.

Su Yu felt a little uncomfortable receiving so much attention, and Lin Rou next to him comforted him:
"It's okay, it's okay, look, do you have the feeling of being a big star now, it's all the attention!"

Fortunately, someone talking next to him made Su Yu not feel so particularly embarrassed.

But Su Yu still couldn't help asking strangely.

"By the way, if you come out now, won't the company be very busy? If you want to deal with things, you can go back. You don't have to stay here with me. There is Lin Rou here, so don't worry."

Bei Mingshuo on the side heard Su Yu's words, smiled and said:
"We just came here, and you are going to drive us away. I haven't rested for a long time. This time, it's time to exercise their ability to deal with things. I can't work forever, no Rest, don't you?"

Everyone else had the same idea. Just like that, these people walked into their rooms talking and laughing, and put on comfortable clothes. Su Yu just wanted to pack up and go to sleep, but the door was locked. Lin Rou rang.

"Hey, brother, do you want to play an exciting game of Ludo?"

Listening to Lin Rou's words, Su Yu couldn't help but smile, and he replied:
"Are you throwing the ultimate bachelorette party?"

In the end, Lin Rou went to the rooms of several other people, and then called them all to her own room, and gathered them here one by one. Lin Rou took out various cards or games from her backpack.

"Poker, mahjong, flying chess, Werewolf Killing, Three Kingdoms Killing, what do you want to play, I have everything here, you can play anything you want to play."

Lin Rou was like a Doraemon, constantly taking out these weird things from her suitcase. Everyone couldn't help opening their mouths and asking a question in unison.

"How many things did you bring?"

Lin Rou was a little surprised by this, she blinked suspiciously and said:
"What's the matter, it's strange that I pack games in this box, and I don't think there are many of these things. I still have a lot at home and I didn't bring them. It's a pity."

Lin Rou looked very innocent, but everyone saw that there seemed to be a game facility higher than her behind her, so they couldn't help swallowing, shook their heads and said:
"Not too much, not too much."

"That's it, come on, what are you talking about playing, or play werewolf killing, we lose and drink."


Su Yu agreed, he really wanted to play this kind of game, because this kind of game has become popular recently, and he really wanted to test whether he had the talent for acting.

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